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"Madame," I said — "what lovely globes you have — real Maps of the World!.. Very few girls have anything like your bottom, — so hard and so elastic!"

"What a comical name, Map of the World! Why?"

"Because there are there the two half-globes of the world. Do let me see them. Let me take off your corset! Oh! what a troublesome corset! Ah! now it is off! Oh! what lovely breasts! so nice and firm, as firm as your bottom!"

" Hush! you mustn't talk like that!"

"You are simply charming — delicious. I am charmed to make your acquaintance! No woman has ever inflamed me with desires to such an extent."

I seized her hand and placed it on the unmistakable proof of the desires with which she had inspired me! She called me "polisson," which in the mouth of a woman is an encouragement to go still further, — and declared that I had not improved, I whom she had considered sentimental! I confessed to her that I was no longer so — that sentiment between men and women only tended to waste time and delay the pleasures of love.

"You then no longer are sentimental?" I asked.

"As you find me here you can see for yourself. Anyhow, all women sentimental or not, who talk about it, manage to finish in the same way, either sooner or later."

You are making nice distinctions. You make me think you are a little student in love matters."

"Well, as to that, I fancy I shall be still more so as soon as I escape out of your arms. You have a way of effecting this: I shall emerge from this truly accomplished."

This phrase spoken with a delicious smile, with that look that a woman knows how to use when she wishes to undress a man with her eyes and say to him, "Now come, let me see your,"- this passage of words transported me with desire in indicating to me a horizon of endless pleasures with my lively cousin. I clasped her lovingly in my arms, exchanging, tongue-kisses with her, — then prayed her to undress herself.

I assisted her, seizing every opportunity for deliciously touching her bare flesh, intoxicated by the sweet fragrance emanating from her undergarments which she had carefully selected — for every woman knows that the charms of her person are a treasure to be placed in a suitable frame to fairly show its beauty to the eyes privileged to view it.

Very soon she only had on her chemise! — in a jiffy I was in a similar costume: then after the necessary toilet we laid ourselves on the bed, closely clasped in each others arms, and abandoned ourselves to the sweet preliminaries to bliss.

"You will be discreet, eh?" said my cousin as she surrendered herself to me. To be so was of course as much to my interest as to hers.

Very soon she allowed herself to be invaded by symptoms of pleasure. Her lovely breasts began rapidly to heave, — her eyes half closed languorously. Was it real, or was she only pretending as part of her assumed role of a woman of pleasure? As she afterwards admitted that she had perfectly recognised me at the first and had allowed me to be introduced to her fully knowing the reason of my presence, it is quite possible that my handling and fingering of her naked body had the same rapid and sweet effect on her as when we indulged in our youthful escapades. As a matter of fact, it is the restless women who feel most sensitively the hand that caresses them. Gilberte, I recollect, used to go off at once, like a thoroughbred to the least pressure of the bit, — and now she had become a woman, she evidently had preserved this precious quality. Anyhow, on my part, I was soon burning with the hottest lust. The girl I held in my arms inspired me at one and the same time with a craving for orgies such as one would indulge in with ladies of professed easy virtue, and the rage for such forbidden fruit gained additional piquancy from the fact that she was my cousin.

At my request she took off her chemise and displayed herself to me, naked, her lovely body relieved by the thicket of silky hairs that formed a triangular shadowing at the extremity of her rounded stomach, her nakedness being emphasized by her shoes and stockings which she had kept on, by her garters which she adjusted above her knees when pulling her stockings tight. The little coquette knew well how a naked girl can heighten the effect of her nudity! Then I felt and handled her all over, — I kissed and sucked her breasts. I thrust my nose under her arm-pits, diving amid the tufts of hair. There is nothing that imparts to one's desires so alluring a frenzy as the breathing of the "odor di femina" of the sweet body that has surrendered itself to you. My fingers nevertheless employed themselves in curling and twisting and playing with the mossy covering of her plump cunt, one of them caressing the delicious slit into which it soon forced its way, for the first time since our adventure in the barn. At that time, this cunny and slit were virgin! but my pleasure lost but little through this detail — for then her breasts were not so sweet a handful, her thighs were not so fat and round, her hips were not so full and plump, while the little hand that I had taught to play with my prick (oh! so timidly) was not so clever and soft. Her mouth then was not so skilled in the art of kissing, — while her chaste little ears would have closed themselves if I had whispered to them all that I was now softly murmuring to them while I gently agitated my finger over her clitoris.

"And what about this little pussy, this sweet little pussy? Does it love catching and eating mice? I will gladly give it mine!"

"It is a very big mouse, this one!"

"Girls like large pricks in their cunts! They are also charmed when a male tongue is applied. I want to apply mine to your cunt, — I want to dominette to you! You know what that is?"

She answered me simply with a smile. Promptly I placed my mouth on her closely clustering hairs (Gilberte was a lovely brunette). I nibbled them with my lips, inhaling delightedly their fragrant perfume tempered with rice-powder and Eau de Lubin. Even as a young girl, this was her favorite scent, but then she did not apply it to this part of herself, no doubt in ignorance of the arts of provoking and spicing the audacious kisses that make the coldest girls faint with pleasure. But cold she never was, — and when my mouth settled itself on her cunt, when my tongue insinuated itself gently between its lips in search of the little spot in which a woman's sexual pleasure is concentrated, unmistakable symptoms indicating the most exquisite delight gave me to understand that she knew well how to taste this caress. One of her legs was thrown across my back and held me firmly to her, and I could feel the little heel of her dainty shoe dig into my ribs like a spur: the other foot she extended right down my front and against my prick and I could feel the soft leather that was rubbing against it.

Oh! what ecstasies! I could hear the broken breathings of my voluptuous companion, — I could feel her body quivering under the thrusts of my tongue, and the cheeks of her bottom wriggle in my hands as they gripped them. I felt her frenziedly press down my head between her thighs so as to let her taste every tongue-thrust. And I, twenty times was I on the point of flooding my cousin's shoe with the torrent of my discharge, — but I preferred to dispose of it otherwise. So at length, I released myself from her sweet clasp and placed myself again alongside of her on the sofa.

"Was it good? — did I do it properly?" I whispered to her.

"Very sweet indeed, you naughty man! It is very evident that you were not doing it for the first time!"

"And you? — is it the first time that you?…"

"You are horrid!"

"Ha! ha! Then you like having it done to you, eh!"

"All women do! But what do you think of one of my friends who declares she commits no infidelity towards her husband when she lets a man do her in this way?"