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" I think I know her. Is she not a tall fair girl called Angela?"

"Yes. So you know her?"

"She comes here!"

"But how do you know that she is the one I mean?"

"Well! it is the same name, and she won't let a man do anything else to her but this."

"And have you then done it to her?"

"Yes! — I must admit it! — and it was well worth my while! But did she not also tell you that she confines her ministrations to her husband to this same one way?"

"Which way?"

I placed my finger softly on her mouth. Gilberte broke into laughter and asked if I had let Angela do me in the same way.

"Of course! — and what's more, I begged her to do it as she did not do any other way."

"Oh you men! — you dreadful men! Monsieur Henri!" (my Christian name). "I would not have believed you to be so… so…"

"So naughty? But in love many things that are naughty are also nice. But tell me — has no one ever asked you nicely to do it?"

"If I could say that no one had ever made such a request of me, I would not be able to say so for long — for I can read your intention in those eyes that are sparkling with lust!"

Ah! — so I have missed also the virginity of your mouth! And so you have already committed this sweet sin! Was it in this house? Tell me all about it?"

"I don't remember!"

"Oh yes you do! — now do tell me, — whisper in my ear as if you were with your confessor!"

"You're a fine confessor."

"At all events not a cruel one! Listen:

Ma fille pour penitence,

Et ron, ron, ron, petit patapon,

Ma fille, pour penitence,

Nous recommencerons.

"Come, I'll give you a start! — you've done it once, twice, thrice, the first time out of curiosity, the second…"

"Oh! once will do!.. I think I was mad that day!.. A girl friend had invited me to supper with her and her lover, — and after dessert we all were a trifle squiffy! They told me all sorts of naughty stories, and they didn't mind what they did before me! In short, I watched them do all sorts of things till I was completely upset and excited beyond my self-control!.. till unable to stand their teasing and challenges I let myself go in rivalry of my friend's libertinage and let her see me do with her lover all that she herself had just done with him!"

"And your friend was not jealous? And this is how you learnt this sweet little vice?"

"Alas! yes, — I must admit it!"

It is a well established fact that it is by their own sex and not by men that women are initiated into the most ingenious refinements of lust: and Casanova correctly recognised the fact when he maintained that a gallant who could manage to bring to one and the same rendezvous two girls hitherto enjoyed by him separately, would realise with the two together the most erotic of debauches. But as far as I was concerned, I was going to take advantage of what I had so happily found out, — and so continued to play my part as Gilberte's Father Confessor.

"Very good, my daughter!" I said to her. "And since then, how often?"

"I haven't done it since, Father," she replied laughing.

"My daughter, you must be nearly a saint! But nevertheless you must do penance!"

Et pour penitence

Nous recommencerons, ron, ron

Nous recommencerons.

She resisted a little, saying that she was not worked up as on that occasion, that she didn't wish to do it again, that she had promised herself not to repeat the performance… But the example of her friend which I recalled to her soon overcame these feeble, hesitations — coming as they did from her head and not from her inclination.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, as she bent down towards the object that stood rampant and stiff, burning to receive her caress. — "I don't think Angela would have waited till she was asked twice! — she loves doing it! Say!" she added with a malicious smile, "when we were in the old barn we didn't get as far as this, eh?"

Her soft hand guided my pego towards her lips and I felt it enter into her mouth, the moist warmth of which caused a delicious quiver of pleasure from my thighs to my loins. For a beginner she acquitted herself divinely: she took my prick well into her mouth, and with the recollection of her friend's methods in her mind, she set to work to give me the most intense pleasure in her power! Oh! my exquisite bliss!.. my delirious sensations! Twenty times I was on the point of spending!.. twenty times did I make her moderate her sweet suction so as to avoid spending, to postpone for the moment the ecstatic crisis!.. twenty times did I ask myself in my rapturous transports whether I might let myself go! whether I might not expire deliciously in the mouth of the sweet girl whose fair head I could see as it rose and fell in cadence with the agitated movements of my body!

When a man is being thus blissfully ministered to by a woman who has a taste for this method — a taste that is more common than people believe, and which sometimes betrays its votaries when they are in the act of eating thick asparagus — and has reason to guess it, he can fairly let the sweet operation pursue its natural course and deposit his spermatic nectar on the pretty lips or in the dear mouth that has extracted it from him. But it is not less delicious to pour it, tripled in quantity by such a caress, into a cunt prepared by a similar caress and burning to receive it! And I shrewdly believe that while women may be willing on subsequent occasions to receive in their mouths the tribute of their lover's ardour, they are reluctant to do so on the first occasion on which they consent to effect this sweetest of ministrations!

Accordingly, placing my hand softly on her forehead, I reluctantly arrested the up and down movement of my cousin's head as she sucked my prick with a frenzy that seemed to indicate that she was fully sharing the pleasure she was giving me!

She looked at me in surprise, as if astonished at being stopped before the appearance of the unmistakable indication that her sweet duty had been accomplished! — the fact being that her friend (whose performance she had witnessed and was now following) never stopped her sucking until the "situation had been liquidated!" — as good Mine de Saint-Edme put it. And possibly on that memorable evening Gilberte also had…! Not having the skill of her Father Confessor, my interrogatories on this point had not been sufficiently direct and her confession remained incomplete!

So Gilberte, with a flushed and rosy face and moist lips, got up, and placing herself by me asked me if she had done it properly.

"Most charmingly, dearie, — quite as well as your friend!" I murmured as I kissed her on her mouth and passed my tongue over her lips all wet and humid!" Now darling, come!.. on me, eh!"

Without a moment's delay she placed herself on top astride of me, — and Quickly I shoved into her cunt my prick all moist with her kisses!

Suddenly, while lying on me thus transfixed and clasped in my arms, quivering with pleasure and jogging herself up and down in rhythm with my movements, she whispered, "But when you were… with my… friend… how… did you… do it… for she won't do… what we… are now doing…?"

"You must know!.. a pretty woman… is… all cunt!.."

"You… dreadful man!.. So… it was in her… mouth… always?…"

"Well!.. Yes!.. But you… are forcing… secrets… out of me."

"Then why… didn't you do so… with me?… I… was doing… the same thing… to… you?…"

"Are you… sorry… I didn't?…"

"No!.. I only… wanted to know!"

"Well, because… I fancied… you didn't care… only… for this… like Angela!"

"That was very kind of you!.. Well… one won't get… children… that way… that's something!.."

"So… next time… you wish me… to… spend… in your mouth… like… Angela does?"

She smiled, nodded her head slightly, — then closed her eyes voluptuously as if not to lose a single particle of the pleasure that was now thrilling through her whole person. For a moment I had an idea of resuming the sweet exercise we had just abandoned, — but the keenness of my present pleasure retained me at my delicious post beneath her! For the most exquisite of crises was approaching! Our tongues intertwined, our lips met, our movements accelerated!.. oh!.. now!.. now!" Oh!"