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"Let me dominette to you," I murmured.

"Yes, dear."

Smiling lovingly at me, M " de Valencay placed herself in position by straddling across my upturned face, arranging herself so that her cunt rested on my mouth, her face being turned towards Gilberte who had not stopped her sweet employment and who she watched at work intently. My tongue attacked her cunt eagerly, plunging deeply into it. I sucked her excited clitoris! — I licked passionately her warm and throbbing slit from end to end! Many times before this, had I enjoyed this privilege and pleasure, but always without the accompaniment of the spicy sucking that was doubling my transports and was impelling me to pass on to her the delirious fury that was agitating me!

Oh! the indescribable ecstasy! — to be sucked by one lovely woman while sucking another! Oh! the delightful postures of this doubled "soixante-neuf" which permitted my lascivious fair friends to taste the most piquant voluptuousness equally with myself! But soon I felt that the torrent of my sperm would overcome my efforts to restrain it so as to prolong my present bliss!

"Gilberte! Gilberte!" I gasped brokenly, ceasing for the moment my sweet attentions to M- de Valencay's cunt — "Gilberte!.. I'm going to… spend… in your mouth…!"

I saw her head quickly nod a sanction which after all was perhaps superfluous after our recent meeting. My mouth returned to Mme. de Valencay's cunt, my tongue resumed its voluptuous occupation with an ardour now unfettered by my efforts to retard my pleasure! Then came the ecstatic crisis! In my paroxysms of rapturous pleasure, my hands closed on my cousin's head, stopping the movements of her mouth! — I thrust my prick wildly down her throat! — my tongue madly darted deeply into Mme. de Valencay's quivering cunt! — … Oh!.. Oh!.. I spent!.. I spent!!..

My boiling 'discharge shot in jets into Gilberte's mouth, making her retire in the middle of the eruption! Mme. de Valencay, half fainting with pleasure, dropped limply on me!.. We lay motionless till our energies revived. Then Gilberte wiped her mouth with her dressing-gown.

"I believe I've swallowed some of it!" she exclaimed laughing.

Mme. de Valencay's head happened to be close to Gilberte at the moment when the latter drew back with filled mouth in the middle of my discharge, and she got the rest of it on her face, — which made her laughingly tell Gilberte that the latter had kept her promise to leave a little for her. Then she slipped off the bed and hurried off to the dressing-room, picking up her dressing-gown and holding above her waist as a woman does when she fears that her chemise may get compromising traces! Of course in this case there was no such fear, — but the result was to exhibit the most charming contours! Gilberte in turn went off also to wash off the traces of her recent occupation, for which purpose she did not require to use the bidet! I also imitated them, for my mouth, my lips, my moustache, all bore evidence of Mme. de Valencay's warm feminine essence!

While I was thus occupied, Gilberte returned and lay down carelessly on the sofa.. Mme. de Valencay went to her, and placing her hand laughingly on her pretty calves began to amuse herself by running her fingers softly up and down Gilberte's legs. But when she got above the knee, Gilberte stopped her.

"Chut!.. Not here!.. Not before everybody!"

"It isn't before everybody!"

"Please don't trouble about me!" I said.

This little gust of passionate affection concluded for the time with a kiss from Angela to her friend, which clearly meant a great deal. There was no doubt about it! — my delicious companions were worshippers at the shrine of the Lesbian Venus! This revelation did not surprise me as far as Mme. de Valencay was concerned, — to so voluptuous a woman nothing that was connected with sexual pleasures would be unknown to her, — but I never imagined that my naughty little cousin also had this fantasy! I was far from being displeased at this discovery, and I had the curiosity to ask since when had they mutually enjoyed each other. Then to my surprise, I learnt that it was Gilberte who had in the first instance seduced Angela! As girls they were great friends, — and one day, or rather night, an overflow of guests at a country house at which they were staying compelled their hostess to ask them to share the same bed. And oddly enough, it then came out that I must also have been a guest on that very occasion! Among my dancing partners was a certain Mme. B…, the fiancee of a happy mortal introduced to me as Monsieur R…, a Colonel in civil employ in the War Office. This girl had become Madame R…, and her husband having obtained rapid promotion (as well may be imagined) was now one of the pillars of the Administration! As for her, after that valse with me, she had under an assumed name executed dances of quite a different nature, — and I had often had the pleasure of being her partner without either of us recognising the other!

"So after all, there is no reason why you should be so particular to-day, Gilberte!" I said, as I played gently with her bottom and her pretty white breasts. She only laughed and hid her face in her hands. We asked what was the cause of her merriment.

"Now, I come to think of it," she replied, "it must have been the very night on which you danced with Angela that she and I did!.."

"Of course in honour of myself and of all the partners that had pleased you!"

"But my dear," exclaimed Mme. de Valencay, who continued to use this name, "you really are very indiscreet to tell Monsieur who I am! Fortunately he is your cousin instead of simply one of your lovers, and so the knowledge will not go any further. However, Monsieur, you must allow me to continue to be an entire stranger to you, should we ever happen to meet anywhere outside. Merci, I shall be delighted to continue on our old footing, and to place at your disposal myself and any talent I may have.

I promised, I swore to obey faithfully all her wishes, — and this little interlude did not divert the ardour that began to assert itself in our senses.

The thought that my cousin's friend, this lady whose naked charms I was enjoying, was really Mme. B… and now Mme. R… the wife of a man high in office, — and that she came to this asylum of elegant immorality and discreet prostitution as a habit nee, to yield herself to the most unrestrained demands of her lust, to the most erotic fantasies,

— this thought did not tend to allay my concupiscence! Every sensation is heightened by contrast. A fair valley is doubly delicious after a painful toiling burning rocks. The possession of a woman outwardly of rigid virtue seems to some preferable to having a beautiful courtesan! It is simply the idea of contrast that makes certain lovers dress their mistresses as nuns before rogering them! So with this woman, already so desirable while I thought she was simply a fast member of good Society (an opinion quite justified by her bold ways, her science in provocative arts, her freedom from prejudice as to the ways of enjoyment) what additional piquancy her favours acquired now that I knew that the lovely body she delighted to surrender to my licentious caresses was that of a well-bred and beautiful member of Society, respected in her circle, but who knew how to become debauched, naughty, almost as if she wished to make up for the time she was compelled, under the dictates of polite society, to behave as a "virtuous and godly matron!"

It was an agreeable sequel to my surprise when Gilberte, instead of manifesting by tears, refusals etc. her dislike to seeing her position as a woman of respectability compromised in the eyes of some one that knew who she was, did not hesitate to be persuaded by the calls of her flesh and blood, — and resolving to see in me only a lover, lavished on me the pleasures of her person with an ardour and abandonment I could not have dreamt of! So I renewed to both my fair friends my vows of discretion etc., adding that I swore on what I considered to be my most precious possession, viz, my prick, — which now was asserting itself boldly under the caresses of their delicate hands.