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"Egoist!" they exclaimed, — "so what we have is not so precious according to your ideas!"

"What you girls have is to me the dearest of possessions and what I have to enable me to enjoy yours is to me the most precious."

"That is sweet of you! But I'm afraid that we are wasting good time! '

"And in a costume that in itself makes one wish to employ the time more sweetly!" added Gilberte.

"Just listen to her!" exclaimed Mme. de Valencay.

"Who loves me will follow me!" cried Gilberte, throwing herself on the bed.

And very shortly there raged between the three of us a storm of kisses, interspersed with exciting touchings and gropings and all the delicious preludes to a fresh bout of love! My hands wandered over two pairs of bubbies, two pairs of thighs: my mouth and my tongue played on theirs, deserting them at times in favour of two other mouths lower down and sweetly hairy — desertions which their charming owners did not seem to mind if I might judge by the sweet murmurs that came from the former as I licked and tickled the latter! Oh! if I only had two tongues so that I could gamahuche them both at the same time!

When at length I ceased and rose, I saw they both were on fire from the ardent way in which they kissed each other! Thereupon, I passed my arms round them, and drawing them close to me so that their lips and mine were touching I murmured "Oh! you two darlings! what a delicious and adorable pair of gougnottes you would make!"

A gentle cuff on my head told me that the word was not strange to my fair friends — but the smiles that their faces wore showed me that they were not displeased by my audacity.

"Won't you then do it before me?" I whispered — "do let me see you!"

"Oh! what a mad idea!.. Well, what do you say, Gilberte?"-.

"Oh! I daren't! — I really couldn't!.. see, we aren't by ourselves!"

"He won't look at you!.. Come!.. I want it!.. I'll do it to you!"

Mme. de Valencay slipped across me and gave my cousin several long clinging kisses, — then quickly placed her head between Gilberte's thighs, and soon the latter began to quiver under the action of the former's tongue! Leaning over my pretty cousin as she lay deliciously happy, I kissed her rosy lips, introducing my tongue between them as I revelled at the sight of these two naked lovely women surrendering themselves to their lesbian passions before me! Suddenly, Mme. de Valencay stopped, raised herself, then flushing with delight, turned herself round and straddling across Gilberte, she placed herself on Gilberte, reversing herself. Her lovely backside sank down and hid her friend's face, — then settling herself down with a movement or two she placed over Gilberte's mouth the cunt that sought the lingual caresses which she recommenced on Gilberte's cunt! As for me, I delightedly contemplated the curtain of flesh which masked my cousin's face, the two plump and white buttocks which already had begun to agitate themselves in sweet tremors under the caress that had commenced. My hand passed lovingly over the rounded contours, — my lips deposited a hundred kisses on them, — and my tongue passing along the valley that separated them, travelled downwards till it nearly met Gilberte's, now in full operation on Mme. de Valencay's cunt. But by this time it was not only a gentle tremor that agitated those charming globes of flesh, — it was a veritable storm of quivering heavings that indicated the approaching burst of her voluptuous discharge. I also, horribly excited, felt myself ready to spend, — but with a desperate effort I restrained, and eagerly watched my sweet pair of lesbians in the spasms of their spending! waiting impatiently for the finish of their ecstasy to beg one or the other of them to put out the fire that was blazing within me. But no! They continued in their charming posture!.. were they going to begin again?… oh! the naughty darlings!.. they started afresh! I bent down towards Mme. de Valencay, whose lips were playing on the lowest portion of the dark silky fleece on Gilberte's cunt. On seeing me she discontinued for a moment her charming employment.

"Are you going to do it again?" I asked eagerly.

"Well… yes! it's all your fault, you know I you've so excited us!"

"You naughty girls! O you're a pair of naughty, naughty girls!" I exclaimed — then kissed her luscious lips all moist and impregnated with Gilberte's spendings!

Before allowing her to resume her duties, I amused myself by playing with the hairs on my cousin's cunt. She began to do the same with one of her delicate hands!

"What lovely fur Gilberte has!" she murmured — "and pretty thighs!" she added as she passed her hands lovingly up and down over the satiny skin from the top of Gilberte's cream-coloured stockings right up to the sweet junction with her abdomen. I in turn did the same.

"Now, I begin to understand," I remarked "why one loves to get one's head between a girl's thighs even though one should be a girl!"

"Rather say because one is a girl!" she replied laughing, "for it is all that a girl can do unfortunately!"

"Now tell me," I continued seriously, "which gives a girl the intensest pleasure — to be sucked by a man or by a girl?"

My pretty companion laughed amusedly, tickled at the idea of such a conversation being carried on in the silent presence of Gilberte's cunt. But at all event, she recognised that here was a chance to test the pleasing experiment.

"Gilberte!" she called out — "we are both going to do it to you, — tell us who does it best! you go on!" she whispered, pointing to Gilberte's cunt lying temptingly ready.

Her increasing agitation as betrayed by her voice clearly indicated that the fair judge was getting impatient and had recommenced her sweet ministrations to her friend's cunt! Quickly, I thrust my tongue into the charming slit so impatiently awaiting it, my salute being received with violent and rapturous transports! After a few moments, I made way for Mme. de Valencay, who before long stopped for Gilberte's verdict. But the latter remained silent! — her tongue was too much occupied with Angela's cunt! and the fair owner, no longer able to restrain herself, stopped talking philosophy with me to give herself up to the imperative call of fast increasing pleasure. Thus the interesting experiment remained unsolved, ample opportunity being now available for some fair seeker after truth to test the efficiency of the male and the female tongue on her cunt! But I felt I could no longer remain an idle spectator of so voluptuous a combat!.. I must cut in somehow!

"Would you like all you can get now?" I whispered in Mme. de Valencay's ear.

"Yes!.. yes!.. "she answered, her tongue hard at work!

"You would? O you naughty thing!.. You would like…feuille de rose?"

"Yes!.. yes!.. yes!..? she murmured with difficulty!

Promptly my tongue commenced to wander up and down between the firm yet elastic twin globes of her bottom, traversing the depths of the mysterious valley that separated her buttocks, thrusting, tickling, and working her into erotic fury. The naked bodies of the two girls plunged and twisted to the accompaniment of broken murmurs and inarticulate ejaculations! And I? Their lascivious transports sent me into a state of lustful excitement impossible to describe! — it was veritable torture! I could stand it no longer! — I must have something, some hole — a mouth, a cunt! I rushed behind Mme. de Valencay as she lay astride across Gilberte's face, — I caught a glimpse of the cunt the latter was licking and sucking, — I slipped my rampant and furious prick between her nose, her lips and the grotto of love, — I drove her tongue away, — and rammed myself in!

O-the exquisite pleasure! — O the cunt, so soft, so deliciously warm and moist, so exquisitely lubricated by my cousin's ministrations! But I was soon forced to beat a retreat! — it was contrary to the principles of my voluptuous partner to allow her cunt to be invaded in this way, and in spite of my endeavours to the contrary and the grip of her posteriors I had effected in my desperation, she managed to dislodge me!