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"O, you are very disobedient!" she exclaimed, shaking her finger at me, "we must bring you to order! O look at it! how angry it is, poor thing!" — it was my raging prick that she was addressing — "come! we'll soon calm you, Sir! Lie down!" she added to me.

I released Gilberte, whose head had been imprisoned between my legs.

"You were in a funny position!" Mme. de Valencay said to her.

"You at all events cannot say that he didn't have you, dear! At all events I could see! He went into you up to your hair! O yes, you were properly had that time, my love!

"As a matter of fact, you ought to have kept him out!"

But by now, I was on my back. Mme. de Valencay, after some tender kisses, directed her mouth to where a different function was eagerly awaiting her. "After the cunt of the girl-cousin, naturally comes the turn of the male-cousin's prick!" she said, laughingly. I suggested to Gilberte that she should let me suck her, and although she had already spent plentifully with her friend, she was none the less ready to commence anew!" Gladly! gladly!" she exclaimed, as she slipped across my face and adjusted her cunt so as to rest on my mouth!

I plunged my tongue wildly into it, though I was almost swooning with ecstatic rapture as Mme. de Valencay devoted herself to my prick — kissing, sucking and tickling the gland with the tip of her warm tongue and her burning mouth, then allaying the poignant sensations thus excited by ardent and passionate suction. Then she would remain

passive, retaining my prick in her mouth and letting me work it up and down deliciously between her lips! and when I stopped, she would resume the entrancing motion! It was a taste of Paradise that I would gladly have prolonged indefinitely I Hut this was impossible! I simply couldn't contain myself any more! My tongue redoubled its activity on Gilberte's clitoris! — my hands clenched Mme. de Valencay's head! — between her delicious lips my prick worked itself faster… faster!.. with a frenzied upward heave, I shoved it into her throat! — I surrendered myself wildly to my pleasure!.. then spent… spent… spent… nearly swooning as I shot my three burning discharges into her mouth!

Without the least flinching, M " de Valencay received and retained in her mouth this unceremonious homage to her charms, and also held as a prisoner the object that had caused the deluge, till its last spasm, — while Gilberte (who had spent equally deliciously on me) fell breathless and panting on me with a gasp of pleasure, — and thus we rested for some instants in rapturous oblivion.

"What's the time?" asked Mme. de Valencay, who had slipped on her chemise again and was engaged before the mirror with a powder puff. "Six o'clock."

"Heavens! And I have to dine out to-night! I shall hardly have time to get back and dress! My husband will be cross!"

"The same with me!" exclaimed Gilberte. "My husband will scold me!"

Quickly and hurriedly, the two ladies picked out their belongings from the mass of garments lying all over the room, — and soon put on their drawers (the most useless things where love is concerned) corsets, skirts, etc., and very soon were fully attired and ready to appear in public. I called carriages.

Just then Mme. de Saint-Edme asked for a word with Gilberte and whispered something to her.

"Not this afternoon! — I've no time!" she replied.

"Only tell me if you would be willing and when."

"I would like it, — but I'll write."

Mme. de Valencay caught her arm and asked what it was all about. Gilberte whispered something. I in turn asked for information, but the two ladies went off in fits of laughter.

Later on, I learnt that what had been asked of her and what she had accepted was to be introduced to a young and pretty actress who was well-known as a high-priestess of Lesbians, and who had desired to make my cousin's acquaintance and to cultivate her in the charming intimacy necessary to the cult. I venture to say that she will not be disappointed.



"Well? And your loves? Have you brought your last conquest to a successful termination?"

The person who was thus questioning me was Madame de Liancourt, who I was about to accompany in her carriage at the close of a Charity Ball given at the Hotel C.

"What new conquest?" I asked.

"You know! The lady with whom you were seen in the Bois the other day! It was most imprudent on your part to thus compromise her! Now, was she not the wife of Maitre B., the lawyer?"

"What? Did you really see us? Do you know her? I assure you…"

"My dear man, you are defending yourself very badly! But otherwise, my compliments to you I She really is very nice I And has she been… kind? She has the air of being a trifle too unsophisticated for you, but she is in excellent hands and will soon learn… eh? Tell me, have you already educated her to humour your… caprices?"

"Dear Madame! I assure you…"

"Come, come, — you needn't tell me this, me, your old pupil! You know I won't be jealous!"

"A pupil who has graduated with honour to her teacher and now possibly exceeds him!"

"Be polite, if you please! You men are really too awful! You teach a poor innocent girl all sorts of naughty things, and then you reproach her if she should put your lessons into practice!

"I reproach you? — on the contrary! I prefer you as you now are, so knowing, — so charmingly naughty!"

"Then tell me. "-o

"Here conies your carriage! Haven't you changed your coachman?"

"Yes and no! Baptiste drives when I go out in domestic state in the company of my lord and master, my husband. But when I go by myself, I drop the family coachman and the family state and take a hired carriage. It is better in case of any… adventures, — for then I have nobody's indiscretions to fear! Baptiste, for instance, knows you."

"Without knowing my successors!"

"You rude man! Come, open the carriage door for me!"

"May I not" have the honour of accompanying you?"

"Oh, yes! I know what you mean! You don't deserve to be allowed! But you must behave properly! Tell the man to drive to Rue de Suresnes."

Since the termination of my liaison with Madame de Liancourt, a liaison which terminated without any rupture or unpleasantness, she (so she told me) had been leading a life without restraint and unfettered by any ties. She amused herself by studies in the physiology of Love, selecting her subjects for comparison how and where she pleased. Further, we had agreed to confide to each other the result of our various amatory adventures, and we did not interdict ourselves from renewing our former intimate relations if we so desired — if our electric currents should attract us to each other and if their tension should become such as to make the contact of our naked bodies bring about a "discharge" (truly, a scientific word, but one most appropriate for the occasion)!

This evening, we were in such a condition.

Speaking for myself, the act of dancing, the sight of bare shoulders and breasts emerging from their lace surroundings as if to challenge men to consider whether what was hidden was likely to correspond with what was being shewn, all this had greatly excited me; and it did not make me any the calmer to be seated beside a lovely woman of about thirty, luscious and voluptuous to the degree at which a touch of maturity adds such spice to the charm of youth!

As for tell-tale eyes (which seemed to say "Do you remember?" and "Shall we re-commence?"), the gentle friction of her knees against mine as the carriage swayed, and a thousand other signs, showed me clearly that she was quite willing to satisfy with me the warm desire, the longing for a man which a hot-blooded woman feels after inhaling the masculine odour emanating from her dancing partners and after having abandoned herself to their more or less lascivious embrace. We could not but concentrate our ardent desires one for the other, — she, with all the burning longings of an erotically excited woman; I, with all the lustful ideas which riot through the brain of a man as he looks at pretty women and mentally undressing them imagines their appearances without clothes!