Cobb Richard. The Police and the People, French Popular Protest 1789–1820. Oxford, 1970;
Cobban Alfred. The Social Interpretation of The French Revolution. Cambridge, 1999.
Cole Robert. A Traveller’s History of Paris. New York, 1998.
Doyle William. Origins of the French Revolution. Oxford, 1999.
Furet François. Penser la Révolution française. Paris, 1978.
Godineau D. The Women of Paris and their Revolution. Berkeley, 1998.
L’Humanité, 18 September 2002.
Lefebvre Georges. The Coming of the French Revolution. Princeton, NJ, 1971.
Lemonier Marc, Dupouy Alexandre. Histoire de Paris libertin. Paris, 2003.
Lynn Avery Hunt. Politics Culture and Class in the French Revolution. Berkeley, 1994.
Ozouf Mona. La fête révolutionnaire. Paris, 1976.
Plessix du Gray Francine. At Home with the Marquis de Sade. London, 1999.
Rey Michel. Police and Sodomy in 18th Century Paris: From Sin to Disorder / / Journal of Homosexuality. Vol. 16. Nos. 1 and 2. 1988.
Saint-Just. Sur le mode d’exécution du décret contre les ennemis de la Révolution. Речь перед Конвентом от 3 марта 1794 года.
Wikholm Andrew. Police entrap Pederasts // Gay History. 1998.
Часть пятая. Дом мечты, город мечты 1800–1850 гг.
В список важнейших источников, относящихся к рассматриваемой теме, следует включить:
Berthier P. La Vie quotidienne dans la Comédie Humaine de Balzac. Paris, 1998.
Corcoran P. Before Marx; Socialism and Commnism in France, 1830–1848. Lonodn, 1983.
Favier Jean. Paris. Paris, 1997.
Frégier H. Des classes dangereuses de la population dans les grandes villes. Baillère, 1840.
Harvey David. Paris, Capital of Modernity. Routledge, 2003.
Home Alistair. Seven Ages of Paris. London, 2002.
Horne Alistair. The Fall of Paris: the Siege and the Commune, 1870–1871. New York, 1965.
Jones Colin. Paris: Biography of a City. London, 2004; Cm. русское изд.: Джонс К. Париж: биография великого города. М.: ЭКСМО, СПб.: Мидгард, 2006.
La Modernité avant Haussmann / Ed. К. Bowie. Paris, 2001.
Lanoux Armand. Introduction to Les Mystères de Paris. Paris, 1998.
Mansell Peter. Paris Between Empires 1814–1852. London, 2003.
Prendergast C. Paris and the Nineteenth Century. Oxford, 1992.
Глава двадцать шестая. Империя
Benjamin Walter. The arcades Project. Cambridge, 1999.
Clark Roger. Threading the Maze: Nineteenth-century Guides for British Travellers to Paris / / Parisian Fields / Ed. Michael Sheringham. London, 1996.
Mansell Peter. Paris Between Empires 1814–1852. London, 2003.
Marx Karl. Letter to Ruge / / Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society. New York, 1967. Маркс К. Письмо к А. Руге // Сочинения. М., 1955. Т. 27.
Michelet Jules. Histoire de la révolution française. Paris, 1952.
Said Edward W. Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient. London, 1978.
Глава двадцать седьмая. Оккупация и реставрация
A New History of French Literature / Ed. Denis Hollier. Cambridge, 1994.
Constant Benjamin. Political Writings. Cambridge, 1988.
Mansell Peter. Paris Between Empires 1814–1852. London, 2003.
Глава двадцать восьмая.
Буржуазный мир времен Луи-Филиппа
A New History of French Literature / Ed. Denis Hollier. Cambridge, 1994.
Benjamin Walter. The Arcades Project. Cambridge, 1999.
Citron Pierre. La Poésie de Paris da la littérature française de Rousseau à Boudelaire. Paris, 1961.
Higonnet Patrice. Paris, Capital of the World. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2002.
Louandre Charles. Les Idées subversives de notre temps. Paris, 1872.
Raumer Friedrich, von, Briefe aus Paris und Frankreich in Jahre 1830. Leipzig, 1831.
Richardson Joanna, The Bohemians, La Vie de Bohème in Paris 1830–1914. London, 1969.
Глава двадцать девятая. Зеркало Бальзака
Agostini Daniela, De. Il mito dell’angelo: genesi dell’opera d’arte in Proust, Zola, Balzac. Urbino, 1990.
Bellos David. Balzac Criticism in France, 1850–1900. Oxford, 1976.
Bierman John. Napoleon III and His Carnival Empire. London, 1989.
Brooks Peter. A Monarchist Marxist Could Love / / New York Times Book Review, 23 May 1999.
Courteix René-Alexandre. Balzac et la Revolution française: aspects idéologiques et politiques. Paris, 1997.
Higonnet Patrice. Paris, Capital of the World. Cambridge, 2002.
Horne Alistair. A Savage War of Peace. London, 2002.
Mansell Peter. Paris Between Empires 1814–1852. London, 2003.
Глава тридцатая. Век презрения
Harvey David. Paris, Capital of Modernity. Routledge, 2003.
Mansell Peter. Paris Between Empires 1814–1852. London, 2003
Zeldin Theodore. France 1848–1945. Oxford 1980. Vol. 3.
Часть шестая. Королева мира 1850–1900 гг.
При работе над этой частью книги использовались следующие труды:
Chevalier Louis. Labouring classes and dangerous classes in Paris during the first half of the XIX century. New York, 1973.
Christiansen Rupert. Tales of the New Babylon, Paris 1869–1875. London, 1994.
Clark T. J. Image of the People. London, 1973.
Clark T. J. The Absolute Bourgeois. London, 1973.
Clark T. J. The Painting of Modern Life. New York, 1985.
Favier Jean. Paris. Paris, 1997.
Ferguson P. Parkhurst. Paris as Revolution: Writing the XIX Century City. Berkeley, 1994.
Haine W. Scott. The World of the Paris Café, Sociability among the French Working-Class 1789–1914. Baltimore, MD, 1996.
Halperin J. Félix Fénéon: Aesthete and anarchist. New Haven, CT, 1988.
Horne Alistair. Seven Ages of Paris. London, 2002.
Horne Alistair. The Fall of Paris: the Siege and the Commune, 1870–1871. New York, 1965.
Jones Colin. Paris: Biography of a City. London, 2004; Cm. русское изд.: Джонс К. Париж: биография великого города. М.: ЭКСМО, СПб.: Мидгард, 2006.