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“Well then, it seems Bert is going to have to go back and finish his prison sentence. He ought to know he isn’t above the law.”

“Oh no… no…” Ann gasped. “I only told you so you might find a way to stop him from doing whatever it is he’s planning. I don’t want him to go back inside. If you do put him away, he’ll know I’m the one who told you, and when he gets out again, he won’t come back to me.”

“Ann, he’s violating his parole. I’m obligated to do this,” Judy explained to the frustrated white-haired woman.

“Talk to him,” Ann pleaded. “Let him know you’re aware he’s doing something wrong, and if he continues he’ll be put away again.”

“I really shouldn’t,” Judy told her.

“Please!” Ann begged. “You finally gave me a reason to stay straight. I know he’s not much, but he’s all I have. Now that you’ve given him to me don’t take him away.”

Judy looked at the white-haired woman and realized she didn’t want to be the cause of any additional white hairs.

“All right,” she nodded. “I’ll talk to him tonight. I’ll let him know that what he’s doing is wrong.”

“Thank you,” Ann sobbed. “Oh thank you, Miss Borgen.”

It was late afternoon when Ann left Judy’s office, and the curly brown-haired woman had no more appointments for the rest of the day.

She met Al outside, and the two of them had supper at a restaurant, and she told Al what she was going to do. Al disagreed, but when she remained adamant, he let her have her way.

After supper, she left Al and went to the apartment house where Bert Karnstein now lived with Ann Mason. She was about to go in when she saw Bert down the street, walking away, and she decided to follow him.

Bert was walking at an easy pace, unaware he was being followed, though his yellow muffler and blue jacket stood out plainly in the darkening evening. He walked for almost a half hour with Judy following until he came to the waterfront area of San Francisco.

Judy often wondered why anyone wanted to do anything crooked in this particular city. It was the one city in the U.S. that was easier to bottle up than any other. There were only two roads leading out, one large airport, and one seaport. Anyone trying to get away with the police hot on their trail hadn’t a prayer of escaping.

The dock area looked deserted at this time of night. A car quietly passed Judy and Bert, made a right at the corner, and disappeared, and Bert continued his sauntering walk, totally unaware of the car’s existence.

They had crossed the last street now, and were actually walking on the dockside, Judy some fifty feet behind Bert, who hadn’t once looked back, he was so cocksure of himself. He was headed for a large warehouse, and Judy stopped in the shadow of a nearby building, watching as Bert opened a small wooden door in the side of the warehouse, went inside, and shut the door behind him.

She hurried over to the warehouse and began walking around. She found a window with a broken pane of glass. Peering inside, she saw Bert with a half-dozen unsavory individuals, and she heard Bert saying something about a bank as they all stood around a table poring over a diagram.

“Whatchoo lookin’ at, Honky lady?” a voice asked, and Judy turned to face a mean, ugly black man.


Like a razor-sharp cutlass the black man’s icy words had cut into Judy’s concentration. She hadn’t even been aware of his approach, but from the look on his face it was obvious he had intended joining the group of men inside. She backed cautiously away from the man, but in so doing moved toward the little door through which Bert Karnstein had disappeared some minutes before.

Suddenly the door opened and a multitude of faces were peering at her. Before she was able to move, the black man was shoving her through the door, into the warehouse. It was heated with infra-red heaters hanging from the rafters.

Her heart trip-hammering in her breast, Judy turned to Bert, and said, “You won’t get away with this, Bert. Give it up and leave right now, and I won’t say anything to anyone.”

“All my life I’ve been trying to score big,” Bert Karnstein snarled. “This is my big chance, and I’m not gonna let you or anyone else louse it up. One big hit, and I’ll have enough money to take off for Argentina and live the rest of my life like a king. You and that shitty Ann can both go to hell as far as I’m concerned.”

“I’m going to have to report you,” she insisted.

She tried moving toward the door to get out, but one of the men blocked her way, saying, “No you don’t, lady. You aren’t going anywhere. I vote that we cut your pretty throat and toss you into the bay. By the time they find you, we’ll have finished our business and be long gone.”

“No!” Bert shouted. “If she’s killed and I’m found missing, they’ll know I had something to do with it. I don’t want a murder rap hanging over my head, even if they can’t get to me. Who knows? They might change the extradition laws, and then I’ll be up the creek. No killing.”

“So then we have to hold onto her,” one of the other men said.

“Yeah,” Bert nodded, and he began salivating. “What’s more, since she broke in and interrupted us, I figure I can make nice use of her. We can’t break into that bank for another two hours, yet. My parole officer and I are gonna put on a nice show for you guys. I’ll bet all of you’ll love it.”

Judy tried struggling, but hands held her tightly. Bert walked up to her and his hand caressed her face.

“Don’t!” she gasped.

“But I will,” he insisted. “Boys, get her coat off.”

Two men pulled her coat off, yanking her purse from her shoulder at the same time. Bert reached out and grabbed at her shoulder. Judy tried pulling away as his finger, with a long, jagged nail, snared the thin fabric of her blue blouse. He pulled, ripping it down the middle as if it was tissue paper. The garment fell away in two tattered halves, exposing the white firmness of her twin breasts resting in the half-cups of her brassiere.

“Well will you guys look at that!” Bert gasped.

“How about alla us gettin’ in on the action,” someone yelled.

“Sure,” Bert nodded. “But you guys wait for me to go first, huh. After all, she’s my parole officer. I deserve first dibs, since she probably came down here because of me.”

“No!” Judy shouted. “You can’t do this! It’s rape!”

“Yeah!” Bert nodded, and the arms of two of the men suddenly snaked around her, and in a quick, deft move, suddenly undid the snaps of her brassiere. One of them yanked the undergarment away, tearing the shoulder straps in the process, throwing it across the warehouse floor in his frenzied excitement.

Bert’s eyes widened as he stared at the brown-haired woman’s full, ripe breasts, two bulging, pink-tipped mounds, so perfectly formed, just waiting for his lips. This time it wouldn’t be that dumpy looking Ann. This time it was going to be this luscious pussy, and she belonged to him, to Albert Karnstein.

“Get over here,” Bert ordered, his voice growling, and this time Judy knew she had no choice other than to obey. Anything else would merely invite more manhandling by the other men, first, before the inevitable happened. Bert was eagerly staring at her, tearing off his clothing. Stark naked, he revealed that his penis was at its full, stiffened length.

“Whatever happens tonight,” he told her, “I’m gonna end up with the memory of having fucked you, Miss Borgen. No matter where I go, it’ll be a pleasant memory to take with me.”

Judy tried backing away from him, but the other men were in her way and there was no chance of her escaping. She looked from side to side but suddenly found herself in the frenzied, sex-hungry clutches of the short, dark man with the Hitler mustache. He clung to her tightly, dragging her into the middle of the warehouse where the men formed a circle around them. Two of the men found an old alfalfa-stuffed mattress and dragged it into the middle of the place as Bert locked his lips hungrily on hers while his rough tongue began darting between her teeth, heatedly exploring the wet recesses of her quivering mouth.