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“What kind of rehabilitation do you call this?” she asked, turning her back to him and looking at one of the walls.

“It’s my own brand of therapy,” he replied. “The thing is, it works. So it’s up to you to decide whether you’re going to call your servants or do things my way.”

“Why must it be this way?” she asked. “Surely you didn’t expect this when I was first paroled and sent to you.”

“When you were initially paroled, I looked on you the way I looked at all my other female parolees. The majority of them finish their parole and go back out into the world without my touching them or even looking at them. However, every now and again one comes along who either thinks she knows it all, or wants to prove that she’s above the law, or simply feels a vengeful attitude toward me, personally. Mind now, I’m not talking about those women who are simply incurable. Those I send back to prison. I don’t think of you as one of those. I do think you have to be straightened out, and I seem to have to be the one to do it. The first thing you have to learn is, when your parole officer gives an order, you obey unquestioningly, no matter how degrading you think it is.”

Rona turned to face him, took a deep breath, approached him, stopped, then exhaled, and finally said, “Very well, what do you want?”

“I told you, Miss Everson. For starters, I want you to suck my cock. I do not want you to merely use your mouth on my penile appendage. I want you to suck my cock…!”


“Because it’s something you would normally never do in your lifetime. Even if you were to get married, you would insist your husband not force you to indulge in oral sex. Well to prove to me that you’re going to do everything I tell you to do from now on, you’re going to do the one thing you would never do with any man, namely, the sucking of my cock, the eating of my peter, the slurping of my prick.”

“You’re disgusting!” said in a low voice, her body trembling all over with humiliation. “This isn’t therapy. This is just your way of humiliating me. You want me to lower myself, not learn any kind of lesson.”

“That, as you will eventually learn, is not the case. I want you to have humility without being humiliated. But with your supercilious attitude you’ll always think of yourself as being above the masses. That what you do you do because you’re higher than everyone else, indeed as if you’re some kind of Goddess. You aren’t a Goddess. You’re a human being, and no one human being has the right to try and decide the fate of any multitude of beings.”

“Well listen to you,” Rona sneered. “Isn’t that precisely what your job entails?”

“I don’t make judgments in my job,” Al replied. “My job is to help without thinking of myself as some angel from heaven. Most of the women I help, go out into the world and make their own way, afterward. You happen to be lucky in that you have a lot of money. But that doesn’t give you the right to manipulate other people’s lives. The time has come for you to understand that not only can you suffer big things, like going to prison for a length of time and thereby having a portion of your life taken from you, but like all the little people you can suffer little things, as well. You’re one of us, Rona, one of the little people, no matter how much money you have. I’m going to make you understand that.”

The lovely brunette closed her eyes tightly as a tremor of total shame charged through her slender shape. This had to be some kind of nightmare. Here she was, trapped by this horrible man, being offered the frying pan or the fire. Either she did as he suggested—she was unable to bring herself to even think the words he had used —or he would send her back to prison.

“No other man in your position would do this thing to me,” she sobbed, the tears falling from her cheeks onto her robe.

“By now, any other parole officer would have had you canned and locked away. I’m the only one in the world who thinks you can still straighten out, and I’m giving you this opportunity to prove it to me. Sucking my cock, while pleasurable for me, will, I think, prove excellent therapy for you.”

Rona was sobbing now. She was a romantic at heart, and she had always pictured herself as single-handedly curing the ills of the world. She, chaste, pure, virginal, would go through life aiding and abetting the downfallen, and at the same time making life safe and secure for the menial middle class, as well. Unfortunately the state had taken a dim view of her activities, and they had imprisoned her, making her think of herself as a martyr. But one can only sacrifice oneself just so much. Rona knew she would never be able to stand another prison term. Things were obviously not going to go as she had initially expected, but if she was to do same good yet in this world, for the moment she would have to sacrifice herself to this cretin, this heathen Yahoo!

“Now!” Al continued as if nothing had happened, smiling, lighting a cigar as if intent on being very casual himself about everything, “I think we should enjoy ourselves while all this is happening. To begin with, it might be a nice idea if you take off all your clothing, you know, the negligee, the nightgown, and let me see what no mortal man since the doctor who assisted at your birth has seen, your naked body.”


His latest words were absorbed silently by Rona, who was almost numb at the thought of doing what this man wanted her to do. She watched him puffing on his cigar, and she supposed he expected her to suck on his… she wasn’t able to bring herself to say the word… in the same way as he was smoking his cigar. Her eyes stared at him with emptiness, a trace of inner bitterness crossing the fullness of her rich, red, thin lips. He wanted her to disrobe. Well what the hell did it matter now? He had her totally in his power —totally and completely. Unless this was one of the tests God had sent. No one ever had a smooth road, and yes, it made sense for her to think that this might indeed by a holy test, and in performing what this man asked, she might eventually prove her worthiness to again continue the good work she believed she had been doing prior to her arrest. All prophets and worthwhile people had stumbling blocks. Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, Ghandi, Martin Luther King —all of them.

Or perhaps this was a punishment being visited on her by the Almighty for being indiscreet in the way she had gone about her work. Had not God punished Moses for smiting the rock when he was supposed to have merely spoken to it to have it bring forth water? All right, she would accept it, whether it was a test or punishment, and she would prove how well she would undertake this punishment.

“All right,” she said aloud, her voice sounding properly dull. “I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”

“Excellent!” Al nodded. “I see this is more than just a TV room. I notice you’ve some fine stereo equipment here, as well,” he smiled, shocking her by suddenly starting to remove his clothing then and there.

“Yes!” she nodded.

With Rona in front of him, Al nakedly padded over to the stereo console, looking at all the expensive equipment. There had to be between ten and twenty-thousand dollars worth of stereo playback equipment there. He ran his hands through the racks of records that popped out when the right button was pressed on the console, and he found what he was looking for.

“This,” he told Rona. “Put it on the turntable,” he said, pointing to an old Rek-o-Kut turntable, which had to have been the finest turntable ever made. The company was no longer in business, which made the turntable a collector’s item.

She put the record on. It was an album of striptease music, and the sound came through the huge Stentorian speakers, filling the theater-like room.

Al walked back to the sofa, but stood near it, putting his cigar in a nearby ashtray, keeping his body between Rona and the locked door of the room.