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“Now,” he said, “keep time with the music and take it off, take it all off!”

Obediently, her courage coming from the belief that this was either a just punishment or a test, Rona slowly, in time to the music, undid her negligee, stepped out of it, and draped it on one of the other sofas. Then she removed her nightgown revealing she had nothing at all on underneath.

Al had to admit she had one stunning body. Her legs were a little thin, but the rest of her was gorgeous. She had nice, full breasts which, in spite of her age, had not yet started to sag. The tan nipples and tan areola were centered perfectly, both of them dancing with Rona’s body movements as if suspended by invisible wires. Her pubic hair was bountiful, but trimmed very neatly. Al wasn’t the least bit ashamed to ogle her and enjoy the sight of her.

“Now,” he said, “to make you understand that in the eyes of the Creator, anyway, you’re no better than the lowest whore, I want you to keep time with that music and start swinging your body as you walk around the room.”

“What do you mean?” Rona asked.

“I mean, make like a whore. Pretend you’re trying to sell that body to me,” he smiled, his hand reaching down, the fingers lightly tapping the top of a telephone receiver.

“I can’t do anything like that,” Rona said, aghast at his suggestion.

“You sure as hell can,” Al nodded. “Come on, do it, honey. You have a lovely body. Pretend you’re a slave at an auction and you want me to buy you. Come on, you can do it!”

Rona felt her face reddening with shame. This man was truly demeaning her in every way possible. He wasn’t trying to spare her any kind of humiliation. As far as she was concerned, this man had to have a sick mind to make her do such horrible things. For all she knew he might be completely insane. Unfortunately, there was nothing she was able to do about it. To complain to the parole board might well land her right back in prison.

She felt repulsed, though she did have a strong stomach and so felt no nausea. She knew she would have to see this horrible thing through, right to the end, and then she had to hope he wouldn’t renege and give her away, anyway. If she did give him the name of her connection in Mexico, and the man was put out of business, then Al Bombannente would no longer have any kind of hold over her. Then she would get back some of her own.

Lifting her lovely head, desperately trying her best to compose herself, the lovely brunette squared her shoulders, her heart continuing to helplessly triphammer in her breast, and she began slowly walking around the room, keeping some sort of rhythmic time to the music hoping she would at least please the man enough so that he would simply get on with all this.

“Is-is this what you want?” she asked.

“Come on, Miss Everson, you’re supposed to be a slave girl who is enticing me to buy her. Right now you’re walking around as if you’re covered with plaster. Swing those hips, honey, get me all heated up so I’ll have the urge to buy you.”

Chewing on her lower lip to hold back a continually mounting tide of hatred burning inside her, Rona slowly began swinging her hips from side to side as she walked around the room. She shut her eyes, trying to shut out the degradation she felt.

“That’s much better,” Al told her. “Now face me, come close, and use your hands to press your breasts tightly together. Yeah, that’s the way, so there’s almost no space at all between the nipples.”

Rona was beginning to feel the rhythm of the music, and she swayed her body from side to side before starting to walk around the room again, her hands pressing against the sides of her full, rounded breasts, squeezing them firmly as she ran her tiny pink tongue over her lips.

“That’s not bad, not bad at all,” Al told her. “You know, if you work at it long enough and hard enough, you might fit very nicely into some man’s harem.” He was taunting her, she knew, reveling in the power he had over her.

Al sat back on one of the sofas and took another puff from his cigar before letting it rest in the ashtray. He didn’t have to stroke his penis. It stood straight up in the air, a mighty, white tower of power with a purple-pink head that was already leaking the colorless fluid that was lubricating it. He smiled, noting how easy it was for any woman, even a prude like this one, to imitate a whore. Yes, she was going to be a good one, all right.

Inwardly his mind swelled as he felt another triumph. This woman hated him at the moment, he knew that. But before they left here, she would learn to love him as all the other female parolees had learned. For a thin woman she was voluptuous, and in spite of her age she was still innocent. Al always rationalized that when he fucked a woman like this, he rid her of an innocence she ought not to have had in the first place. In reality, he was doing her a favor.

Another reason for making her go down on him was, quite simply, that the sight of her did over arouse him. He knew if he tried fucking her, he would climax too quickly, and all she would have from the experience was pain. If he made her blow him first, and then he grew another erection and fucked her, by the time he was finished with her, she would be so overjoyed with what he did to her, she would do anything and everything he told her to do, and she would do it all willingly.

“All right, all right, now stand still right in front of me,” he ordered. “I’m going to do something not even the doctor who helped bring you into the world ever did, I’m going to take a good, long look at that lovely pussy of yours.”

“That’s disgusting!” Rona gasped.

“You know, I’ll bet you’ve never even gone to a gynecologist because you hate the idea of a man looking at you down there,” Al said to her.

“I go to a female gynecologist,” Rona said defensively.

“Yeah, well who would know more about a cunt than a female. Okay, honey, let’s see that cunt of yours.”

Obediently, the unhappy brunette stopped before the handsome parole officer who was sitting forward on the sofa, his throbbing penis angled out and down now, almost out of her sight. Rona was surprised to realize she was almost anxious to look at the masculine appendage.

“Push that body of yours forward, Miss Everson, and spread those lovely legs of yours.”

Rona sighed and did as the man instructed her to do, letting him lean forward and peer into her vaginal slit. He breathed deeply, then looked up at her face and said, “For a virgin who knows nothing about sex, at least you know how to keep a clean pussy.”

The humiliated woman said nothing, swallowing hard, hating him for doing this to her, yet she didn’t fight him when he took her hands and placed them between her thighs, using her fingers to pull back her pussy lips. She understood what he wanted, and when he let go, she continued keeping her labia pulled apart.

Rona didn’t know why, but underneath the shame she felt something else, something stronger. Deep down, she was as proud of her body as any woman, but her upbringing had always been so strong that she had never consciously admitted it before. True, she did occasionally pose naked in front of a mirror when she was alone, admiring the fact that for a woman of her age she was still well built. But this was the first time she was actually exposing her inner vaginal self to anyone, male or female. Not even her female gynecologist was looking at her cunt with the interest this man was showing, and though she knew she hated him, she also knew she was indeed enjoying all this.

“That is one beautiful vagina,” Al said, sitting back again. “You know, it’s a shame it’s gone to waste all these years.”

“What do you mean?” Rona asked.

“I mean, vaginas were meant to contain penises. When a penis doesn’t continually make use of vaginas, it withers after awhile. When a vagina isn’t used by at least one cock with a certain regularity, it, too, internally shrinks. However, you may be one of the lucky ones. You may still be saved. I’ll eventually have to plumb your feminine depths and find out for myself.”