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The army marched east the following day, each king leading his own contingent with supplies loaded on to camels, wagons and mules following behind. The whole mass resembled an entire people on the move. Dura’s horse and foot were to the south, the legion marching behind my cataphracts and Nergal’s horse archers. All of the lords had provided their own scale armour for themselves and their mounts, so I added their number to my total of heavy cavalry. They trusted Nergal to lead their archers now — there is nothing like victory to boost confidence and morale, and I reckoned Dura’s army to be the best among the disparate elements that had rallied to Phraates. The worst, of course, was the rabble under Chosroes, but it did not matter. In the coming battle the army of Mesene would serve only to make up the numbers. Immediately north of my army was Vardan and his Babylonians. I liked Vardan and his daughter, but he was a close friend of my father so I had not asked him for his heavy horse. In the centre of the columns rode Phraates with the remnants of the army of Elymais and the troops of his own household, including Enius and Orodes. Beyond him were Chosroes and his motley band, while on the northern flank marched the army of Hatra — fifteen hundred cataphracts and nine thousand horse archers. Five thousand of the latter, the professional troops, had scale armour on their chests and helmets on their heads, for my father’s kingdom was the richest in the land and could afford to lavish its army with the best equipment. The rest comprised the retinues brought to Hatra by those landowners whose estates were nearest the city.

We marched for most of the day at a leisurely pace until we reached the flat expanse of desert which I had previously visited with Byrd and Malik, and where we would fight the army of Narses.

The Battle of Surkh was about to begin.

Chapter 11

That night we camped under a clear, star-lit sky. A myriad of campfires extended as far as the eye could see as I rode to the pavilion of Phraates for a meeting of his war council. In the distance a red glow filled the horizon — the fires of Narses’ army. Palace guards were standing around the royal enclosure every ten paces, while inside a small army of servants attended to the high king’s needs. The retinue of the King of Kings for this campaign was large indeed, in stark contrast to the modest expedition made to Media earlier. I was just thankful that Phraates had left his wife behind. The pavilion itself was oblong in shape, its roof supported by four rows of tent poles, each one at least twenty feet high. Beside each one was posted an armed guard dressed in a blue tunic, baggy yellow trousers with a spear and wicker shield. The soldiers wore felt caps on their heads. I smiled when I saw them, for I was sure that Domitus would have been most unimpressed by their uniforms and armament. The pavilion itself was divided into a number of sections: first, the reception area where I left my sword and dagger; this led into the area where the king’s throne was positioned on a dais. This section was voluminous and accommodated chairs, couches and tables, and it was here that the kings were assembled. I saw my father and nodded. He nodded back, while Gotarzes and Orodes greeted me warmly. Also present were Vardan and Chosroes, the latter looking most agitated at the thought of the approaching slaughter.

Trumpets blasted, servants drew a large yellow curtain back and Phraates emerged from his private quarters located behind the throne area. He was dressed in a blue silk tunic and leggings with his crown upon his head. We bowed our heads as he made his way to the dais and sat on his throne. Enius and Orodes remained either side of him and we took our places in a line before him.

‘Well, gentlemen, here we are at last. Tomorrow we face Narses. I must stress again that it is not my intention to destroy Narses, as he is also a king of the empire. Lord Enius will now give you your battle positions.’

Enius walked over to a table, upon which had been placed carved wooden models of horsemen, each of which carried a flag sporting a different emblem. I saw the banners of Hatra, Dura, Mesene, Babylon, Elymais and Susiana. It was a quaint touch. They had been arranged in a line opposite other models depicting the enemy. We all gathered round the table as Enius pointed to horseman carrying the banner of the white horse’s head.

‘Here, King Varaz and the army of Hatra will secure our left flank. Next to Hatra’s army will deploy King Chosroes and his forces, with King Vardan and the might of Babylon next in line. The army of Susiana will reinforce the centre, led by King Phraates himself.’

Phraates nodded. In truth his was not much of an army as the bulk of it was in the enemy camp under Mithridates. Yet we had the legitimate King if Kings on our side and that was important.

Enius pointed to the right flank. ‘The right wing will comprise the forces of King Pacorus and King Gotarzes, and that concludes our deployment.’

After the council my father met me as Remus was brought into the pavilion.

‘You take care tomorrow, Pacorus.’

I embraced him. ‘You too, father.’

He looked at me with a quizzical expression on his face. ‘Do not provoke a fight tomorrow. Narses must be brought to account, but better to talk him into submission. Phraates does not want this war prolonged.’

‘Of course not, father. I guarantee that is my desire also.’

‘Until the morrow, then.’

‘Until tomorrow.’

It was late when I called together the officers of my army. They crowded into my tent and gathered around me in a semi-circle, Nergal, Domitus, Byrd, Malik and my lords. They all accepted the presence of Malik now without question; indeed, they chatted to him as if he was a friend. Domitus, scarred, muscled and eyes full of fire faced me dressed in his tunic and a pair of sandals, clutching his gladius in its scabbard with his right hand.

‘I will make this brief. Tomorrow we fight Narses on this ground. Byrd tells me that he outnumbers us two to one.’

‘At least,’ growled Byrd.

‘It doesn’t matter,’ I continued. ‘We will deploy on the army’s right flank in the morning, horsemen on the extreme end of the line. Nergal, your horse archers will distract those opposite you while I take the cataphracts around their flank.’

‘What about my legion?’ asked Domitus.

I smiled at him. ‘You, my friend, will deploy your legion in two lines and attack the enemy, straight at their centre.’

‘Who will be on my left flank?’ Domitus’ eyes narrowed.

‘The Babylonians,’ I replied.

‘And they will attack when we do?’

I laughed. ‘Domitus, believe me they will have no choice but to follow you.’ I looked at their faces in the half-light of the oil lamps that flickered on their stands. ‘Remember, we must finish this tomorrow. My father’s cavalry is on the left flank of the army and they will easily defeat what is against them. If we triumph on the flanks it does not matter what happens in the centre.’

They murmured their agreement, some slapping their comrades on the back.

‘Shamash be with you all. Now get some sleep.’

Dawn came all too soon and with it the sounds of an army preparing for battle. Squires rushed around with swords and armour for their masters, ill-tempered mules and camels spat and growled as their drivers tried in vain to get them to obey their commands, and thousands of soldiers checked their weapons and equipment for what could be their last day in this life. I slept perhaps for two hours before I woke when it was still dark. I held Gallia’s lock of hair in my hand and caressed it, praying that I would see her beautiful face again. If not, I hoped for a good death so that she would think of me with pride as I waited for her in heaven. After she had left the army an armourer had fixed her lock of hair onto a chain I kept around my neck. Now I tucked this into the silk vest next to my skin. Over the vest I wore a white shirt and loose, brown leggings, with red leather boots on my feet. My suit of scale armour hung on a stand beside my cot; I would not put it on until I was ready to ride into the battle line.