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Two days after the lords had paid homage, Haytham, Malik, Byrd and Noora arrived at the city with an entourage that must have numbered at least three hundred. They also brought Haytham’s gift for Claudia — five hundred camels. The entry of Haytham into the city was a sombre affair. This was the man who had formerly brought death and terror to Dura and its lands, and many of the city’s residents thought little of his arrival. Most stayed indoors as he and his horsemen passed under the Palmyrene Gate and trotted up the main street to the Citadel. Domitus, sensing the unease of the city, had wanted to line Haytham’s route with guards and double those who stood watch in the Citadel itself. I refused his request.

‘You don’t bat an eyelid when Malik comes and goes, and he is Haytham’s son.’

Domitus screwed up his face. ‘That’s different. He’s a friend of ours and everyone knows him. Besides, he has fought beside us so his heart does not contain treachery.’

‘So, by that logic, if Haytham made a trip to Dura a regular occurrence you would accept him just as you accept his son?’

‘All I am saying is that before we arrived he was killing these people, your people.’

‘What is done is done. He is a friend, Domitus, and we shall treat him as such.’

Haytham was accorded all the courtesies his rank as a king demanded. We met him at the foot of the palace steps and Domitus arranged for a full guard of honour to greet him and his escort. Behind Haytham rode Malik, who smiled at Gallia and me. Behind him were the turban-clad Agraci warriors, their faces adorned with black tattoos and their bodies wrapped in black robes. They all rode black horses with black saddles and carried round black shields. Long spears and curved swords hung at their hips in black scabbards. They resembled demons from hell sent to inflict tortures upon mortals, but Haytham had them under tight control. We all bowed our heads to him in acknowledgement of his royalty and he reciprocated, dismounting and bowing his head to me and then Gallia. He gestured for Rasha to join him and all protocol vanished as she was helped down from her horse, raced over to Gallia and wrapped her arms around my wife. At once all edginess that had existed evaporated and we escorted Haytham and his men into the palace. He insisted on seeing Claudia before he took rest or refreshment, and smiled in approval when he saw her lying in her cot in the nursery next to our bedroom. He was also aware of the eagle-eyed Dobbai sitting nearby, watching his every move. He nodded ever so slightly at her but her visage of concentration did not alter. We retired from the nursery and I showed him to his quarters, a room located just off the banqueting hall. The latter was given over to his warriors, whom I assumed would want to be near their lord, and in any case we did not have anywhere else to accommodate such a large party. Like our bedroom Haytham’s quarters had a balcony with a splendid view of the river.

‘That was your sorceress?’ he asked me, unfastening his scabbard and leaning it against the wall.

‘Some say she is so, lord.’

‘And you?’

‘Gallia finds comfort in her presence, and in truth she was a great help during the birth of our daughter.’

Haytham gazed at the blue Euphrates. ‘She regards me with the same contempt as many in this city.’

‘Old hatreds die hard, lord.’

‘It matters not, but I thank you for your invitation. I am pleased to be here. Perhaps we can go hunting together.’

The next day we did and he presented me with a beautiful female saker falcon named Najya, meaning ‘victorious’. Haytham had brought his chief falconer, and I was in awe of his skill as he directed Najya to bring down a brace of partridges and three bustards. She was a magnificent bird, almost two feet tall with large eyes and a short, hooked beak. Her plumage was a light grey, almost white.

‘Your gift is most generous, lord.’

He raised a hand in acknowledgment as we sat down to partake of a midday meal of pancakes and roasted lamb his men were cooking over a fire. Najya sat on a perch nearby with her head covered by a leather hood.

Malik sat beside his father, who stared into the fire then looked directly at me.

‘My people have no great love for the Parthians, Pacorus. This you know. And yet you have shown nobility in your heart and have built a bridge between our two peoples.’ He placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. ‘My son has even fought beside you and my daughter thinks of your wife as a surrogate mother.’

‘You are too generous, lord.’

He waved away my protest.

‘It is thus as a friend, Pacorus, that I have to tell you that I have received ambassadors from the Romans requesting passage through my lands.’

My blood ran cold. ‘They mean to attack Dura?’

‘They did not say so, but why else would they seek a treaty with me?’

I looked at him. His black eyes betrayed no emotion, though Malik was frowning with displeasure.

‘What was your answer, lord?’

‘I told them that the King of Dura was a friend of mine and that I do not betray my friends.’

Relief swept through me, these words were indeed heartening to hear. Haytham continued. ‘They offered much gold to facilitate my support. Their master must be a very wealthy man.’

‘Their master?’

‘Yes,’ said Haytham, trying to remember the name. ‘I think he was called Crassus.’

Haytham went back to his people three days later, assuring me that he would not give the Romans free passage through his land.

‘You have my word on that, Pacorus. What kind of king would permit such a thing in any case?’

He offered his hand and I took it. ‘I thank you, lord.’

He mounted his horse and looked down at me. ‘But they may come anyway. I know they are a greedy people, greedy for land, greedy for slaves. If they invade my lands I will fight them.’

‘And Dura will stand by your side, lord,’ I said.

He nodded and then bowed his head at Gallia standing behind me holding Claudia in her arms. Domitus gave the signal, the colour party’s trumpets blasted out, the guard century snapped to attention and Claudia began wailing. King Haytham wheeled his horse around and trotted from the Citadel followed by his warriors. I had instructed that the route he took out of the city was to be lined with legionaries standing at attention, as a salute to his friendship. Byrd and Malik stayed behind as there was much work to be done, though Rasha and Noora went with Haytham back to Palmyra. I did not want them in the city if it was attacked.

As soon as Haytham had left I convened a war council in the palace, and asked Byrd and Malik to join us. Gallia, Dobbai, Diana and Gafarn also sat with us, and Claudia was placed in her cot next to Gallia, to the discomfort of Rsan and the amusement of Godarz. Domitus said nothing but sat with his eyes down as he toyed with his dagger.

‘It appears that our old adversary, Marcus Licinius Crassus, has decided to come to the East.’

‘He is a fool,’ sneered Nergal.

‘A rich fool,’ added Godarz. ‘One whose wealth and influence has reached these parts it would seem.’

‘If he attacks your father’s lands,’ I said to Malik, ‘then I will take Dura’s army west and together we will destroy the Romans.’

Malik beamed. ‘We will fight together once more.’

I smiled at him. ‘Yes, Malik, we will fight together once more.’

‘Brave words, son of Hatra. But you will not have time for such nonsense,’ Dobbai could always be relied upon to cast a pall of gloom over proceedings.

‘You are wrong,’ I told her. ‘Byrd and Malik can ride west and give us accurate information as to the Romans’ whereabouts. Two scouts can move faster than an army on foot.’

Dobbai walked over to the map of the empire on the wall and ran a claw-like fingernail across its hide surface.

‘Last night a cold wind came from the north and in a dream I saw an eagle flying among flames and dead bodies.’ She turned and pointed at me.