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I knew that the Romans would anchor their flank on the river. The Roman war machine is based around their mighty legions of foot soldiers. They have little use for horsemen save for skirmishing and carrying out reconnaissance. But they know the damage that highly mobile enemy cavalry can do, especially Parthia’s heavily armed and armoured cataphracts. But if an army’s wing is anchored on a river or another impassable feature, then it cannot be outflanked. And so it was today. They would have no need to place horsemen on their right, opposite what would be my left flank. Nor would I place any cavalry there. On this wing I would deploy the foot soldiers of Pontus. They were not yet equipped as the legionaries of Domitus, but it did not matter. Veteran soldiers, they carried spears with long, leaf-shaped blades and large rounds shields faced in bronze after the old Greek fashion. Most had helmets and all wore thick hide armour to protect their torsos. Their officers could be identified by small, overlapping iron plates fastened to their armour. The soldiers also carried a long sword as a secondary weapon, but it was totally unsuitable to fighting as part of a compact body of men. It was a slashing weapon, not one for stabbing. Pontic warriors did not throw their spears at the foe; they were for thrusting into the belly of an enemy soldier while the shield covered the left side of the body. This would all have to change. But not today. Today, the three and a half thousand soldiers from Pontus would advance in their companies against the Roman right flank. They were not unlike the Romans in their organisation, though their largest battlefield formation was a block made up of five hundred-man companies, but if a Roman legion got to grips with them it would cut them to pieces. The Pontic soldiers would form a battle line of five blocks side by side, with two blocks immediately behind as a reserve. Opposite them would stand a Roman legion of ten cohorts arranged in three lines.

The fate of the men of Pontus would hinge on what happened in the centre of the line, to their right. For here Domitus and his legion would assault the Romans. His legion would be drawn up in two lines, six cohorts in the first line, four in the second; there would be no third line. Its job would be to punch through the Roman centre. Normally such a tactic demanded a wedge formation, but in this battle the legion would be working closely with five hundred of Nergal’s horse archers. It is extremely hazardous for horse and foot to work closely together on the battlefield. In the confusion of combat the result can often be a tangle of horses and men followed by a rout. But Nergal and Domitus had worked for months to perfect their proficiency when acting together. The horsemen would ride in the gaps between the cohorts, five hundred horse archers divided into five columns, the riders in each column riding one behind the other in a long file. Each column would gallop towards the Romans opposite, the lead rider loosing arrows as he approached the Romans. At a distance of around one hundred paces from the enemy front rank he would wheel his horse to the right and gallop parallel to the enemy for a distance equivalent to the frontage of a cohort, shooting arrows as he did so. He would then wheel his horse right again to begin the journey back to Dura’s legion, turning in the saddle as he did so to shoot one last arrow at the enemy over the hindquarters of his horse. During his advance he would ride along the left flank of a cohort in the first line; when he returned he would pass by the right flank of the same cohort, then turn right once again to ride behind the cohorts in the second line to receive a fresh quiver, before galloping towards the Romans once more. When he was riding parallel to the Romans and shooting arrows, how did he know when to wheel his horse right to take him back to Dura’s legion, to ride through the gap between cohorts and not crash into one? The answer was countless hours spent on the training field, sweating and cursing under a hot sun perfecting tactics so that they became second nature, almost instinct, so when the day of battle arrived they were performed without thinking, horse archer and foot soldier in perfect harmony.

In this way files of horsemen would maintain a withering arrow fire against the enemy, five hundred men loosing an average of five arrows a minute — two and half thousand arrows flying towards the enemy. The Romans would not fear this arrow storm. In response their centurions would merely give the order to halt and form a testudo, which means ‘tortoise’. The front rank would kneel down to form a shield wall, and then the second and third ranks would lift their shields to create a forward-sliding roof over their companions in the front rank. And behind them their comrades would haul their shields over their heads to create a roof impervious to my archers’ arrows. The Romans knew that each Parthian quiver held thirty arrows, so if they stood and withstood the hail of arrows my men would soon run out of ammunition. But what they did not realise was that my men could get full quivers loaded onto camels that were positioned behind the second line of Domitus’ legion, so they could empty one quiver, then ride back and replace it with another. And all the time the Romans would be stationary, and then Domitus and his men would hit them with the force of a charging bull, and their line would buckle as my men mangled the Roman centuries.

But it would be on the right wing that the outcome of the battle would be decided. Here, I placed my cataphracts — five hundred heavy horsemen whose task would be to smash through the Roman cavalry to allow the lords and their horse archers to sweep behind the Roman army. My father believed that he had the best heavy horsemen in the Parthian Empire, and in terms of numbers he certainly had the edge, but Dura’s cataphracts were bloodied, highly trained and straining at the leash to earn more glory. They were mostly young men in their early twenties and they burned with a desire to prove that they were the finest heavy horsemen in the world, not just the empire. My father and Vistaspa recoiled from such ambition, believing that it led to false pride and arrogance, but I indulged my men’s thirst for fame and glory. And I knew that this day they would have an added incentive to excel, for the enemy stood on their home soil. I also knew that the Roman cavalry would be unable to withstand my cataphracts. The enemy horsemen were armed with spears, swords and wore mail shirts and helmets. On their left side they carried large oval shields that gave protection from the shoulder to below the knee. But a kontus could go straight through such a shield like a knife cutting through parchment. Nevertheless I wanted the Roman cavalry to be weakened before the cataphracts reached them, so I interspersed five hundred of Nergal’s horse archers among them. The cataphracts would charge in two ranks, and in each rank a cataphract would ride beside a horse archer. The latter would begin shooting arrows at the Romans at a range of around three hundred paces, and would continue loosing arrows until the two lines clashed, the horse archers reducing their pace before the impact. At the same time the archers in the second rank, also falling back so as not to collide with the bowmen of the first rank, would shoot their arrows over the first rank into the approaching enemy mass. In this way when the two sides clashed only cataphracts would be hitting the Romans. This drill was most complex but we had spent months perfecting it on the training fields.

Behind the cataphracts would be Dura’s lords and their men, six thousand horse archers and a few cataphracts, whose task would be to pepper the enemy legionaries with arrows. By then Domitus and his men would have cut their way through the centre of the Roman line, the Roman army would be broken in two and the battle would be won. Bozan, my old instructor and the man who had led Hatra’s army, had once told me that as soon as a battle begins even the best-laid plan falls apart. I prayed that it would not be so on this day.