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Surena and Atrax smiled and Gafarn rolled his eyes but my father did not protest and so an hour later the various contingents were repositioning themselves for the march south to engage the enemy. Byrd and Malik had departed with their scouts towards Susa once more and around mid-morning Vagises returned with a more accurate assessment of the enemy’s dispositions. Beginning on their left flank, which was anchored on the Karkheh, and extending inland from the river were two great bodies of spearmen, next to which, to their right, were formations of horse archers. Vagises estimated that the entire enemy army occupied a frontage of around four miles. They had halted two miles north of the city and showed no signs of advancing any further.

When we recommenced our march south the Duran Legion was on the end of the army’s right flank, moving parallel to the river, with the Exiles beside them and ten thousand Babylonian spearmen on Kronos’ left flank. Vistaspa argued most forcefully that all the horse archers should be grouped together on the left wing of the army, both to extend our line towards the Dez and to respond quickly to any threats that may materialise, and so I sent Vagises and his three thousand horse archers to serve under him. Dura’s contingent was the smallest, being outnumbered by Surena’s eight thousand horsemen, Media’s five thousand and positively dwarfed by Hatra’s ten thousand horse archers. There was a brief command crisis when Vistaspa discovered that Surena was leading his own horse archers and offered the King of Gordyene the leadership of the horsemen, but Surena declined out of respect for Vistaspa’s far greater experience.

Between the foot and the horse archers rode the cataphracts and the kings. It was now midday and very warm, the heat made worse because I was wearing my scale armour. The sky was devoid of any clouds and the sweat was running off my brow into my eyes. My legs and arms were also cooking in their tubular steel armour. Behind me in a long column were Dura’s heavy horsemen with their helmets pushed back on their heads and their lances resting on their shoulders. Gallia rode on my right and on my left was Orodes, behind him his bodyguard of two hundred and fifty men and Babylon’s royal guard. Beside Orodes rode Atrax leading his seven hundred cataphracts, and beyond him was my father in charge of Hatra’s fifteen hundred heavy cavalry. Twenty thousand foot and nearly thirty thousand horsemen were on the move, while seven thousand squires and thousands of civilian camel and wagon drivers brought up the rear.

I looked at Orodes whose face was a mask of steely determination.

‘Not long now, my friend, and soon you will take possession of the capital of your homeland. And then we will have peace in the empire.’

He pursed his lips. ‘Let us hope so, Pacorus, let us hope so.’

After we had travelled five miles the enemy at last came into view — great blocks of black shapes stretching from the river eastwards. As we got nearer to them I could see the sun catching the whetted tips of the spearmen’s main weapon. In front of their army rode parties of horse archers, who halted to observe us before trotting back to make their reports. The atmosphere was relaxed, almost soporific, as we ambled towards the enemy, but any drowsiness was shattered by a mass of trumpet blasts that erupted from the ranks of the legions, followed by shouts as officers barked orders at their men. I nudged Remus forward and then wheeled him right to take me across the front of the Babylonian spearmen to reach the first-line cohorts of the Exiles, Vagharsh following with my banner, the men cheering and banging the shafts of their javelins on the insides of their shields as I passed. I raised my kontus in acknowledgement.

I found Domitus and Kronos with their cohort commanders standing slightly beyond the first line of the Durans, on their extreme left. Domitus was pointing at the massed ranks of the spearmen directly opposite. I also noticed that Marcus was present.

‘You see those trees, Pacorus?’

Domitus was alluding to a large grove of date palms that stood directly behind the enemy spearmen opposite us. The trees can grow up to seventy-feet high and these ones certainly seemed to be around that height at least, all planted in neat rows.

‘The date palms, what of them?’

‘Bit strange that they have so many men in front of them. If they are pushed back into the trees they will be become disorganised. They must be confident that they can stop us. They are Narses’ men, aren’t they?’

I looked at the mass of large wicker shields, helmets and yellow tunics showing between the walls of shields. Then I spotted a phalanx of spearmen with large yellow shields and wearing plumed bronze helmets — Narses’ royal spearmen.


Their frontage was very wide and encompassed the extent of both the Durans and Exiles combined. Beyond them, on their right flank, stood another huge mass of spearmen with white-painted shields — Mithridates’ soldiers — who were grouped opposite the Babylonian foot.

Domitus nodded at Marcus. ‘I thought we would let Marcus and his men practise using their smaller ballista, see if we can thin out the enemy’s numbers a bit.’

‘Wait for the order until you launch an attack,’ I told him. ‘I do not know what Orodes is planning yet.’

‘Of course,’ he replied, ‘but if that lot opposite begins to move I will have no option but to attack.’

At that moment the low rumble of kettledrums echoed across the battlefield and I knew that hostilities were about to commence. I bade them farewell and then rode back to where Orodes waited on his horse with the other kings, their banners fluttering behind them in the stiffening breeze. The headache-inducing din of the kettledrums coming from the enemy ranks was increasing and almost directly opposite us enemy cataphracts had begun to form up.

‘They have obviously seen our banners,’ commented my father, ‘and intend to assault our position.’

‘They intend to kill the kings in revolt against Mithridates,’ remarked Orodes.

I peered across no-man’s land at the heavy horsemen moving into position and thought it most odd. A dragon of cataphracts — a thousand men in three ranks — occupies a frontage of around a third of a mile, but the horsemen opposite filled a space equivalent to two-thirds of a mile, if that. That meant there must be at most around two thousand horsemen. There could have been more, of course, but a heavy cavalry charge was more devastating with a frontage as wide as possible. It made no sense to increase the number of ranks at the expense of narrowing the frontage because the riders in the rear ranks would not be able to use their lances in the initial clash.

I looked at Orodes and then my father and knew they were thinking the same. We had nearly three and half thousand cataphracts — more than enough to defeat the enemy horsemen opposite. Our minds were made up when we saw a rider in scale armour ride to the front of the enemy horsemen followed by another holding a great yellow banner showing a bird-god symbol — Narses. In his arrogance the King of Persis believed that he could destroy us with one charge of his heavy horsemen.

Horns blew frantically as our heavy horsemen walked their horses forward to deploy into line. The sound of the kettledrums increased as Narses raised his kontus and pointed it at our assembling ranks. I held my hand out to my father.

‘Good luck, father.’

He smiled and took it.

‘Shamash keep you safe, Pacorus.’

Then he rode off to take his position in the front rank of his bodyguard. Atrax also came over to me and wished me luck, as did Orodes, before both of them galloped off to be at the head of their own men.

‘Narses is mine,’ I called after them.

Despite my desire to get to grips with my mortal enemy it took at least twenty minutes before we were ready to attack, the enemy also requiring time to arrange their ranks. My thousand men, deployed in three ranks, formed the right wing of our formation of heavy horsemen, with the centre comprising Orodes and his two hundred and fifty men, Atrax and his seven hundred and my father and his five hundred-strong bodyguard. The left wing was made up of Hatra’s other thousand cataphracts. Horses shuffled nervously in the ranks as the two wings closed up on the centre to present an unbroken line of armoured horsemen that extended for over a mile.