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Aaron stared at my hand. ‘The high salt levels means nothing lives in the lake, majesty. It is dead.’

As we continued on along the eastern shore of this great expanse of water, which was more blue than the waters of the Euphrates, I could not help but wonder why the gods had made it lifeless. I looked at Aaron and surmised that his people must have committed a great sin to be punished thus. I did not probe him as we veered away from the lake after an hour and headed east into the hills. It was midday now and the day was extremely hot, the air arid and stifling. We rode through a barren valley cut in the sandstone hills and then entered a deep, canyon-like wadi until we came to a stark promontory that rose up before us.

‘This is Machaerus, the Black Fortress,’ announced Aaron, ‘where Alexander awaits us.’

We dismounted and led our horses up the steep, tussock-strewn slope with some difficulty, arriving at the summit to stunning views of the surrounding terrain. The peak contained the remains of a stronghold with most of the perimeter wall still standing. But the gatehouse was just a pile of rubble, the remains of the smashed gates on the ground in front of it. Two guards armed with spears stood on top of the rubble but were scanning the horizon rather than looking at us.

‘This way, majesty,’ said Aaron, disappearing through the gap in the wall with Levi and Ananus.

Inside were more soldiers, or at least men in threadbare clothes armed with a variety of knives, spears, bows and swords. None wore any armour or helmets and some carried only staffs. I estimated their number to be around thirty. The position had some strength, or had done before it had been assailed and great lumps knocked out of the defences. The high, rectangular perimeter wall had towers in each corner and contained a large stone stronghold at the far end with store rooms and barracks extending from it along each wall towards the gatehouse. At the entrance to the stone building stood two more spearmen.

‘Alexander awaits us inside, majesty,’ said Aaron as Levi and Ananus sat down on the ground among men whom I assumed they commanded and began to chat and point at Domitus and me.

Surena was most unhappy when I ordered him to stay with the horses while the rest of us followed Aaron into the building.

The stronghold was a rectangular building fronted by a colonnade and had an arched roof. I followed Aaron past the guards and stepped into a small reception area, with rooms without doors on either side. The roof, what was left of it, comprised timbers overlaid with thatched reeds, though most of it was missing, allowing the sun’s rays to stream through. Damaged pots lay strewn across the dirt floor, along with broken spear shafts, a few twisted swords and a dented Roman helmet.

‘Not much to look at, is it?’

I saw a man of medium height with a beard standing in the doorway of one of the rooms on the left. Dressed in a light brown knee-length tunic with sandals on his feet, he looked most unprepossessing with his unkempt shoulder-length hair. He smiled and approached me, offering his hand in greeting. Aaron told me that he was a prince but he looked more like a goatherd. I saw Domitus scowl and shake his head and hoped that we had not wasted our journey as he had said.

‘I am Alexander Maccebeus and I am pleased to make the acquaintance of King Pacorus of Dura.’

I took his hand and found his grip like iron, much to my surprise. I also noticed that his brown eyes missed nothing, darting between my companions and me and registering slight surprise at Domitus, whom he no doubt recognised instantly as not being Parthian.

‘I am pleased to meet you, lord prince,’ I answered, ‘Aaron has told me much about you. I hope we will be able to do business with each other.’

‘I would offer you wine and hospitality,’ he held out his hands, ‘but alas my circumstances are somewhat reduced at the moment as you can see.’ His Greek was impeccable.

‘May I introduce my companions to you, lord prince?’ I held out a palm towards Malik. ‘This is Prince Malik of the Agraci, a friend and valuable ally to my kingdom.’

Malik bowed his head to Alexander.

Alexander next looked at Byrd.

‘This is Byrd, lord prince, my chief scout and also a valued friend.’

Byrd displayed his usual nonchalance when in the presence of royalty.

I went to stand beside Domitus. ‘And this is Lucius Domitus, the general of my army and the man who more than anyone is responsible for making Dura strong.’

Alexander’s eyes narrowed as he observed Domitus.

‘Lucius Domitus,’ he said, ‘that is a Roman name, is it not?’

‘It is, for he is a Roman,’ I answered.

Alexander nodded and then walked around the shattered room. He pointed at the broken roof, the debris lying on the floor.

‘The Romans did this when they invaded my country and conquered it. They butchered the entire garrison here and then sacked the holy temple in Jerusalem, slaughtering thousands as they did so. They carried away much gold from the temple itself and defiled its holy sanctum by their presence. They also carried off thousands of Jews as slaves, including my father, my brother and myself. This being the case, you can perhaps understand why I am slightly uncomfortable by the presence of one from a race that has inflicted so much misery upon my people.’

‘I understand your anger, Alexander,’ I said. ‘The Romans have also inflicted death and destruction upon Parthia and yet,’ I placed an arm round Domitus’ shoulders, ‘this Roman I trust with my life.’

‘Even though you yourself were enslaved by the Romans, for Aaron has informed me that it was so?’

‘It is true,’ I replied, ‘but I have Romans serving me loyally, Alexander. I have learned to judge men on their individual merits rather than appraise them according to which race they were born into.’

Alexander smiled. ‘Aaron has told me that you are fair in your dealings with others. Let us hope that is thus now.’

‘What do you want of me, Alexander?’

He walked over to face me. ‘Weapons with which to equip an army. I can raise the men but without arms they will be slaughtered.’

Alexander handed Aaron a sheaf of parchments. ‘These are the details of my requirements.’

Aaron quickly scanned the lists and his eyes opened wide as he did so. He briefly spoke his language to Alexander, who nodded.

‘Would you care to share with us what is written on those, Aaron?’ I said.

‘Yes, majesty. It is an order for helmets, swords, spears, daggers, mail shirts, arrows and quivers.’

‘For how many men?’ I queried.

Aaron licked his lips. ‘Ten thousand, majesty.’

Malik looked surprised and even Byrd raised an eyebrow. Domitus guffawed.

‘Ten thousand? How are they going to pay you, in goats? These people don’t have a pot to piss in. I told you we have wasted our time.’

Alexander spoke to Domitus in Latin. ‘Not all that is barren is empty, Roman.’

Domitus looked confused and then bemused. ‘And what does that mean?’

‘It means, Roman,’ continued Alexander, ‘that you see only what you choose to see. Be thankful that your king has more wisdom than you.’

Domitus was a great soldier but a diplomat he was not. He jerked a thumb at Alexander. ‘He’s clearly been in the sun too long. These Jews are thieves and beggars and we are better off without them, Pacorus.’

‘These Jews,’ said Alexander slowly and firmly, ‘outnumber you ten to one, Roman, so I would choose your next words carefully.’

I held up my hands. ‘Let us not argue. Alexander, I must ask for your forgiveness. My general’s words were intemperate. However, before I agree to supply you with the items you need I would like to see some evidence that you will be able to pay for said goods.’

Alexander smiled. ‘I know that your armouries at Dura are capable of furnishing me with the weapons I desire, for Aaron has told me of your great army and its lavish equipment. Therefore I will show you that I have the means to pay for them.’