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Aaron was bundled off the road and onto the hillock beside it. Then he was shoved roughly by a legionary towards one of the poles. These were not high, no more than seven feet I estimated, just high enough to allow the crossbeam to be planted on top by means of a square peg of wood that had been carved from the top of the pole. There was a hole of the same shape in the middle of the crossbeam, which could easily be slotted onto the top of the pole. Simple and effective. The victim would be left to dangle and would die in agony as the weight of his body prevented him from filling his lungs with air. He would try to pull himself up but the pain in his wrists would be excruciating, and so his strength would fail and he would die of asphyxiation. Eventually.

The crucifixion party had halted now and were grouped around the waiting pole. There was a ladder propped up behind it. Once the victim had been lifted into position by two legionaries holding each end of the crossbeam, another on the ladder in a final act of cruelty would adjust the leather straps to allow the victim to sag slightly, at the same time giving him the means to breathe, if he could pull himself up with his arms.

The small crowd had gathered around the legionaries as Aaron stood with his eyes closed, his lips moving as he recited a prayer I assumed. We all seek the comfort of our gods when death is close. I looked at the young woman who was barely able to stand due to her grief, her friend supporting her as she wailed. The centurion stood and faced the crowd, a look of boredom on his face, while two of his men stood either side of Aaron and turned him so that he also faced the onlookers.

‘Let it be known that Aaron, son of Jacob,’ the centurion’s voice was emotionless, ‘has been found guilty of being an enemy of Rome and the Judean authorities and has been sentenced to death.’

A legionary threw a bag of nails on the ground at Aaron’s feet. Another put his spear and shield on the ground and pulled a hammer from his belt. I looked over to Surena and nodded. I glanced at Domitus and Malik who had dismounted and moved among the crowd. I reached behind and pulled my bow from its case, then extracted an arrow from my quiver. The centurion continued.

‘The people of Rome condemn you. The gods of Rome condemn you.’

He turned and nodded to the two legionaries standing beside Aaron and I released my bowstring. The arrow hissed through the air and struck the centurion in the middle of his back, causing him to first arch his body and then pitch forward onto the ground. Surena’s first arrow hit the legionary holding the hammer in his chest, the bronze arrowhead going through his mail shirt and into his heart. He was dead before he hit the ground. My second arrow hit the legionary who had been carrying the bag of nails in the belly, knocking him to the ground.

I strung another arrow and saw Domitus draw his gladius and thrust it through the neck of a legionary who had heard the dull thud of the arrows hitting his comrades and had turned to see where the noise was coming from. He never saw the face of his killer as blood sheeted from his neck and he collapsed on the ground. Malik had run his sword through the legionary who had been standing next to the one that Domitus had killed and was running towards Aaron.

Chaos erupted as people scattered in all directions to avoid being killed. They had come to witness another man die but now faced danger themselves. A legionary grasped his spear to throw at Malik, who was desperately cutting at the leather straps that pinioned Aaron’s arms to the crossbeam. My arrow felled him before he could throw it.

Half the Romans had been killed by now as Malik freed Aaron and Byrd galloped down the road leading his horse. Malik bundled a stunned Aaron towards his waiting horse as Domitus, who had grabbed an abandoned scutum, fought the rest of the Romans single-handedly. A legionary ran at him with his spear levelled but Domitus jumped aside and went down on his right knee as his opponent passed him, then cut deep into the man’s hamstring with a wicked back slash of his gladius. The man yelped and halted, and was knocked off his feet by an arrow shot by Surena. I killed another Roman who attempted to flee back to the town, who in his blind panic did not see the man on a white horse in front of him who calmly pointed his arrow straight at his chest and then released his bowstring. It was all over in less than two minutes.

Surena whooped with joy as he surveyed the dead Romans on the ground and held his bow aloft. He then spotted the Jewish holy man who stood like a rock in the middle of the road and who was berating me like a man possessed, his eyes wide and his voice booming as he aimed a stream of invective in my direction. What he was saying I did not know but by his tone and demeanour I assumed he was calling on his god to strike me down.


The holy man fell silent when Surena’s arrow went through his ribcage.

I trotted over to where he sat in his saddle with a smug expression on his face.

‘It is considered bad luck to kill holy men,’ I told him, ‘lest you offend their gods.’

‘I don’t believe in the gods, lord,’ he grinned, holding up his bow, ‘only in this and the man who shoots it.’

I rode over to where Malik was shoving Aaron into his saddle.

‘How is he?’

‘He will live,’ said Malik, ‘but his back needs tending to.’

‘That will have to wait. Byrd, get him out of here.’

‘Thank you, majesty,’ said Aaron weakly.

Domitus ran over with his and Malik’s horse.

‘That was easy enough. We had better get out of here.’

Suddenly the young woman who had been weeping was by Aaron’s side, kissing his hand, tears running down her face. Then the other woman appeared beside her friend.

‘We must take them too, majesty,’ said Aaron. ‘They will be in danger if they remain.’

Domitus hauled himself into his saddle. ‘We must go, Pacorus. We can’t take any women with us.’

‘Please, majesty,’ implored Aaron, the young woman still clutching his hand. The older woman looked up at me with sad brown eyes.

‘Very well,’ I said. ‘Malik, the young woman will ride with you and Domitus can take the elder one.’

Domitus was not amused. ‘What?’

‘Just do as I ask,’ I ordered as Malik pulled the young woman up behind him.

Domitus shook his head and did likewise, just as Byrd pointed towards the town.

‘Romani horsemen come.’

I turned and saw a column of riders gallop through the town gates, about ten in number and armed with spears and carrying round shields on their left sides.

‘The rest of you go now,’ I shouted. ‘Surena and I will form the rear guard. Move!’

They rode back towards the ford as I pulled an arrow from my quiver and followed them with Surena beside me.

‘Aim for the horses,’ I shouted to him.

They were closing on us fast as I tensed my thigh muscles to keep me locked in the saddle and twisted to the left to look behind me. They were riding two abreast about fifty paces behind us. I released my bowstring and the arrow hit the right front horse, pitching its rider over its head as it collapsed on the ground. Surena’s arrow was shot too high and missed the flanking horse but struck its rider. The result was that our pursuers were thrown into disorder as they swerved left and right to avoid colliding with the head of the column.

I halted and turned Remus around as the others galloped towards the ford. Surena pulled up his mount when he realised I was no longer beside him and rode back to me.

‘Is Remus lame, lord?’

‘No,’ I replied. ‘We have slowed them but we need to drop a few more to deter them from pursuing us.’

I strung an arrow and hit another of their horses, then hit a rider who was charging towards me. I kept pulling arrows from my quiver and shot them in quick succession until it was empty. Surena did the same and my gamble paid off, for the enemy riders, those who still lived, retreated back towards the town. We waited there for a few minutes to ensure they did not rally to continue their pursuit, before continuing our journey to the ford.