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A girlish giggle escaped as these thought returned to her.

"Milady blushes."

Sarah jumped at the soft voice in her ear. Turning she saw Fallon grinning down at her. He was in his practice armor, and smelly.

"You need a bath, my lord," she teased, receiving a raised brow in response. "Might I bathe you?"

Fallon panicked for just a moment before she realized she didn’t have to take Sarah up on her offer, no matter how much she may want to. She smiled.

"Milady, you are bold."

Sarah saw the twinkle in those blue eyes, and know well enough now that she could be as such with him.

"I just wish to help my husband as is my duty, my lord," she retorted, a twinkle of her own accompanying her words.

"You do help me." Fallon leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Sarah’s lips. "Meet me in the rose garden in a candle mark."

"Yes, my lord."

Fallon entered the bathing chamber, leaving a trail of clothing and armor as she neared the natural hot spring that bubbled and churned. Steam filled the room, the spaced ventilating holes in the ceiling helping to make it not only bearable, but extremely pleasant. The spring floor had been lined with marble, as well as around it. Benches had been placed inside to allow the bather to relax. The circulating water was rushed out to drain the old, the tub filled with the new constantly.

The brunette let out a long, contented sigh as she closed her eyes and laid her head back against a folded cloth behind her head. Pure bliss.

As she felt her aching muscles relax under the heat, her thoughts turned to Sarah. The night before had been their most passionate yet. Kissing was now normal for them, and indeed a must. She loved the taste and feel of the blonde’s lips against hers. She also loved the taste and feel of Sarah’s breasts and nipples in her mouth. Her wife went crazy with that sort of stimulation, and who was she to deny her?

She grinned at that last thought. Hell, the brunette craved the taste of Sarah’s skin. She loved being inside the smaller woman, but wanted something more, though wasn’t sure what. She had seen Sarah naked from the waist up, but the young blonde still insisted she keep her night shift or dresses to cover her lower regions. Fallon didn’t argue. She relished and enjoyed what was offered.

Sarah walked the halls of the castle, a near permanent smile affixed to her beautiful face as thoughts of Fallon paraded through her mind. She saw how beautifully handsome he was, and felt the chill rush through her body that usually accompanied such thoughts.

He was out with his men today, leaving her to find something to keep her busy. She had worked on quilting earlier in the day, but had grown tired of it, her neck aching from sitting in one position for so long. The little blonde missed her husband. He spent at least a little time with her daily, whether it was a ride through the lands or reading poetry to his young wife.

Deciding to do some reading, Sarah headed to the immense library. She loved to read, and had found out that Fallon had it filled with endless titles just for her perusal.

Pushing the large, double doors open, Sarah entered the chilly room, calling for a servant to get a fire going. She read through the titles, searching out a good story to keep her busy until Fallon joined her for dinner.

As her fingertips grazed over the leather spines, she heard the doors softly open and the hair at the nape of her neck stood on end. She closed her eyes, a soft smile brushing her lips as she knew in her heart who it was.

Hearing booted footfalls approach her from behind, Sarah leaned back into the warm body that pressed up against her. Warm breath tickled the short hairs at her exposed neck, followed by soft lips and a wet tongue. She released a sigh as large hands covered her breasts. Her nipples were hardening as demanding fingers brushed across them, the sensation strong even through all the material of her dress and corset.

"Beautiful," was whispered in her ear, making her tremble. Those same fingers began to unfasten the dozens of tiny pearl buttons that ran down the front of Sarah’s green dress. The blonde’s body was already on fire, and Fallon had yet to touch any bare skin with those skilled hands.

"Mmm," she moaned in return, her own hands reaching back to glide against the leather of his pants. She pushed her behind into him, hearing his sharp intake of breath. "Ready for me, are you love?" she whispered, feeling him already hard.

"Always," he breathed, taking her lobe between his lips. She moaned quietly, feeling the ends of her dress being gently pushed aside. Hands cupped her, the corset the only barrier.

Fallon could feel the surge of fire rushing through her body as she touched the blonde. Trying to keep herself from trembling, she concentrated on what she was doing to Sarah, whose breathing had increased. The brunette nearly moaned when the overspill of Sarah’s breasts over the top of the corset touched her hands. The flesh so soft and warm. She wanted this woman, and she wanted her now.

She used her size over Sarah to move her toward a chair, setting the small blonde’s hands on its back.

"What are you doing, Fallon?" Sarah panted, then flushed deeply as she felt her skirts being lifted. She helped as best she could, but felt a strong hand at the center of her back, and she grabbed the chair again. Her sex was already pulsing in anticipation. Hearing Fallon unlace his pants, she moaned deeply as she felt the head of his manhood run against her saturated skin.

Fallon felt the silkiness of Sarah’s engorged sex and groaned. She was ready. Sliding in completely, she laid her hands over Sarah’s exposed hips, then ran a hand across the taut material of Sarah’s dress that stretched over her back. The brunette wasn’t in the mood for gentle, and she hoped Sarah wouldn’t mind. She’d be mindful of the blonde’s movements.

Sarah closed her eyes, her mouth open as she felt her husband pound into her. She met his every thrust, excited by this new position, and almost feeling shameful for it. This added a bit more intensity to the experience. She was panting in time with the thrusts, knowing that her body would not last long, and holding onto the back of the chair for dear life. She could also hear Fallon’s breathing, and knew he was close to release.

Fallon reached one hand around the slender form of her wife, and cupped a breast. She could feel the nipple hard against her palm. Sarah cried out at the extra stimulation as she continued to thrust.

Sarah nearly felt faint as her blood raced to parts south, the warm coil beginning to expand in her lower belly.

"Fallon!" she cried as her nipple was pinched, and her body filled. The pleasure shot throughout her entire being, making her cry out again.

The warrior followed suit, pounding into the smaller woman, harder and harder, increasing the speed until she could take no more, and with bared teeth, crashed into oblivion. She collapsed against Sarah’s back, their bodies still joined. Panting heavily, Sarah came back to reality, grabbing the hand that still cupped her breast, and entwining her fingers with it.

"Sarah?" Fallon whispered into the blonde’s ear.

"Yes, my lord?" she panted back.

"I wish to see you." Her kissed the side of her neck. "All of you."

Sarah felt her heart leap from her chest and begin to beat in a nervous race. "Oh, Fallon. What if you don’t like what you see?" she asked, gently pushing her husband away from herself and turning to face him. The brunette quickly made sure that the ruse was covered, and was grateful for the long shirt she wore.

"Oh, dear, dear Sarah." She smiled, bringing up a hand to stroke the flushed cheek of her wife. "I do not worry about that, and nor should you. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Sarah lightly kissed the hand that cupped her face, eyeing her husband. Seeing nothing but truth in those amazing blue eyes, she walked over to the double doors and placed the bolt in place, securing their privacy. Walking toward the fireplace, she stood before it, and shrugged out of her dress, letting it slide to the floor at her feet.