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Fallon watched, eyes dark with desire not sated.

"Help me, my lord?" Sarah asked, running a finger over the bust of her corset. Without a heartbeat, Fallon’s fingers were on the laces of the fine garment and tugging gently. The laces came free, as did the corset. The brunette gasped as it slid down Sarah’s body, so firm and beautiful.

As each inch of skin became exposed, Fallon’s eyes grew wider. When she saw the patch of dark blonde hair between Sarah’s thighs, she fell to her knees.

"Beautiful lady," she whispered. Sarah watched, holding her breath. She was so afraid that Fallon would not find her desirable. She felt soft fingers tracing patterns on her thighs, and her breath hitched. "So beautiful."

Fallon brought her lips to the softness that was Sarah’s naked hip, and placed a kiss there. She looked up to see green eyes looking down at her, and she smiled, wanting the blonde to know just how amazing she thought she was. She placed soft kisses up the smooth, firm stomach, nudging the bottom of Sarah’s breasts with her nose, then gently suckling a nipple into the warm cavern of her mouth.

"Oh," Sarah breathed, her fingers running through the dark locks of her husband. Finally Fallon’s mouth met the blonde’s and they kissed, deep and passionate. Sarah could feel her tongue being sucked into the warrior’s mouth and moaned into the kiss. Her hands traveled down Fallon’s chest, headed toward the hem of the untucked shirt before being caught up in larger hands.

"Tsk, tsk, milady," Fallon whispered, narrowly avoiding disaster. ‘I wish to explore you right now." She gently tugged on Sarah’s hand, leading her to the rug in front of the fire. The blonde laid on her back, her eyes always on Fallon, still worried despite her husband’s words of beauty.

Fallon scanned over the smaller woman’s body, nearly feeling herself drool in anticipation of that exploration she promised. She also felt something different, though not entirely unwelcome. Her emotions were rising to the surface, heart beating rapidly at the gift that was literally laid out before her. She cared for this woman deeply, more so every day. Could Sarah ever care for her? Especially if she knew the truth?

Shaking those morose thoughts from her mind, Fallon concentrated fully on Sarah’s beautiful body. She ran her hand over the expanse of skin, the golden hair still glistening from their earlier activity.

"So lovely, dear Sarah," she said, brushing her lips once again over the blonde’s stomach, which quivered slightly under the brunette’s touch. "So lovely." The warrior brought her mouth to Sarah’s breasts, the nipples erect and taut, ready for her mouth. She flicked her tongue over one of them, feeling fingers immediately in her hair.

Sarah closed her eyes, her nervousness being swiftly upstaged by the desire she saw in Fallon’s blue eyes, turned nearly silver in the firelight.

"How is it that such a brave man as yourself can look . . . beautiful, at times?" Sarah asked, bringing a hand to rest against Fallon’s heated skin. The warrior looked at the blonde, nearly panicking for a moment, but managed to calm herself.

"None are as beautiful as you, milady," she whispered, bringing her lips to Sarah’s. As the kiss deepened, the large hand made a slow trek down the blonde’s warm skin, finding the wiry hair between her opening legs and slipping inside. It was unbelievably wet, the heat nearly burning Fallon’s fingers. "So ready," she breathed against Sarah’s lips. Moving slowly down to a breast, she sucked a nipple in, tonguing it lightly, Sarah’s body beginning to move beneath her. Fallon marveled at the texture of Sarah’s skin. The taste was salty yet sweet at the same time. Addictive.

Fallon wanted more. She gave both breasts equal treatment, then moved on. She licked a scorching path down Sarah’s stomach, and could smell the musky aroma of the blonde’s arousal as she neared where her fingers played.

Sarah arched her head back, hands running over the warrior’s clad shoulders as she felt hot breath moving to tickle the tiny hairs across her upper thighs, followed by soft lips and kisses. A soft moan escaped her lips as she felt long fingers sliding into her. So wet. So ready.

The brunette kissed up to Sarah’s hip, tonguing the sharp bones, and moving toward just below her belly button. Blue eyes studied her fingers movements, and suddenly she felt compelled to join them with her tongue.

Locks of dark hair tickled the inside of Sarah’s thighs, making the blonde shiver a bit. Fallon brought her lips to the amazingly soft skin just past the bend of the leg, the muskiness of Sarah’s excitement nearly driving the warrior crazy.

The moisture was increasing with each withdrawal of her fingers, more and more pouring out with each stroke. She kissed her way to the wiry patch, inhaling the heated smell, then watching the play of her fingers. She was amazed as they disappeared inside the beautiful woman’s body, only to reappear, and go in again.

Fallon felt her body thrumming at the unbelievably erotic dance, and bowed her head.

Sarah cried out, part in surprise, part in pleasure, as she felt a tongue plow through her wetness. She looked down her body to see Fallon settled between her legs, dark head bent to her sex.

"My lord," she panted, "Fallon, what are you doing?" Blue eyes met her own half-hooded green, a mischievous gleam making the blue that much more electric.

"I seem to be tasting you, milady," Fallon said quietly, Sarah’s taste still on her tongue. With that she leaned down and swiped again. She smiled with satisfaction as she heard the thud of Sarah’s head back on the rug beneath them. She brought her fingers out of Sarah’s core and opened the silky folds of the blonde’s sex. She studied her, seeing all the differing parts and colors and textures. She saw the engorged bundle of nerves peeking out from under the hood, and closed her eyes as she ran her tongue over it.

"Fallon!" Sarah called out, bringing her hands down to painfully grasp Fallon’s hair. She spread her legs wider to accommodate the warrior’s bulk, opening herself up to that probing tongue and making an offering.

"Yes, sweet Sarah," the brunette whispered, almost in awe as she continued to swirl her tongue through the thick juices of her wife’s desire. She could tell by the blonde’s breathing that she was getting very close, and so pushed on, flicking her tongue again and again over Sarah’s clit, her fingers beginning to work their way back inside, pumping with each lick of her tongue.

Sarah bared her teeth, feeling the most intense waves of passion flow through her, nearly making her light headed with the impact. The wave of ecstasy felt as though it would wash her into darkness.

Fallon held on as the blonde’s body arched off the floor, her pubic bone nearly hitting the warrior in the face. She held on to Sarah’s thighs, trying to calm her once the blonde had fully climaxed.

Trembling, Sarah felt tears stinging her eyes. Fallon quickly climbed up her body, and held her close, murmuring soft words into her ear and petting her hair.

Sarah clung to her husband, small aftershocks still pulsing through her.

"I’m sorry, Fallon," she said quietly, swiping at a tear. "I was just so overwhelmed."

"No need apologize, dear Sarah." Fallon murmured, moving to lie beside the still trembling woman, pulling her naked body to her, and rubbing gentle circles over her back. "It means I did well, yes?"

"Oh, yes, my lord." Sarah took a deep, shuddering breath, burying her face into the warrior’s warm neck. "Very good. I have never experienced anything quite like it before. ’Twas, ’twas truly amazing."

Fallon smiled, kissing the top of the blonde head. "Good," she whispered.

"I should like to return the favor, husband." Sarah pulled lightly away from Fallon and reached for the hem of her shirt again. A large hand stopped it.

"No need, Sarah. I am fine." Fallon tried to play it off as she was tired, but could see the raw determination and desire in those green eyes.