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A carriage driven by four massive horses awaited the couple. Fallon helped his bride into the back, then climbed in after. The coachmen secured the door, and then climbed up into the driver’s seat. The carriage was in motion and Fallon fought her nausea. She had no idea what to do with a wife. She knew how to protect her. Her sword had been her best friend forever. Now, she had to actually interact with this poor, unsuspecting woman.

Turning, she saw that Sarah was looking straight ahead, hands carefully clasped in her lap. The girl looked terrified. Fallon felt her heart drop. She didn’t want this girl to be frightened of her.

"You look beautiful, milady," she said softly. Green eyes met her own, and Fallon saw all of her own fears reflected back at her. The brunette tried to give the blonde the most reassuring smile she could. Sarah matched it.

"Thank you, sir. And you look handsome."

"Thank you." Fallon smiled wider. "So, what do you like to do, milady? I’d like to make your stay at Camden Castle as enjoyable as possible. If I can even send ahead for your pleasure . . ."

"No need, sir." Sarah placed a hand on her husband’s arm. "I am at your disposal, sir. What you wish for me, my lord, is what I enjoy."

Fallon looking at this beautiful creature who sat next to her, her eyes wide with surprise. Would she give herself up so freely? Give up her own pursuits? The brunette would not hear of it. Sarah was her own person, and Fallon wished for her to remain so.

"No, milady." She shook her head. "I wish for you to be happy doing what it is that makes you happy. I’ll make myself happy."

Sarah looked at the man sitting next to her in absolute shock. This is not what she had been taught by her mother to be a good wife. She did not know how to deal with this, or what to do. Or say. Was it a trap? Did her husband intend to be so cruel as to get her hopes up for a joyous union, and then take the rug out from under her feet? She would play it safe.

"For now my lord, if you wouldn’t mind, may I just look around the manor?" Hopeful green eyes met blue. Fallon could hear the mistrust in Sarah’s soft voice, and could understand it. She knew that she would definitely be an unusual husband to say the least.

She nodded her approval. When Sarah felt she could trust her, she hoped the blonde would take it upon herself to pursue her own interests.

The carriage continued on toward their new home.

Sarah was shown to her rooms by Fallon’s manservant. The rooms were beautiful, and she hoped to be happy in them. Her handmaiden made herself comfortable in the smaller adjoining room, then returned to help her mistress unpack.

"What do you think, milady?" Mary asked, hanging up her mistress’ dresses in the wardrobe, where she found some beautiful gowns already hanging. She noted their fine quality and measurements, and had to wonder of her mistress’ new husband’s taste in clothing. It seemed as fine as that of his home. It was carefully landscaped, lush greens and colors all around. A virtual feast for the optical senses.

"I don’t know," Sarah said, running her fingers over the beautiful tapestry that was hanging upon the stone wall. The scene showed a lady of some means and her lover dancing. Their outfits were colorful and elegant. She smiled at the picture. "He seems to be gracious and kind. But I’m afraid to think this then find ’tis not true. I think I shall withhold judgment for now."

"Wise, milady. I hope he is as kind as he is handsome." Mary sat upon the window seat, hands clasped to her chest. She looked out the window with a most wistful smile upon her face.

"Aye, that. He is handsome, isn’t he?" Sarah said, joining her old friend.

"Should make fine looking children between the two of you," Mary commented, looking slyly up at her mistress, who had flushed a deep red.

"Mary! You shouldn’t talk of our marriage bed that way." Though she was scolding, she could not keep the small smile from her lips. That part she was not looking forward to. She remembered what her mother had told her:

"Just lie still, my child. If you do, it will be over sooner. I will not lie to you; ’tis not a pleasurable venture for a woman. But you are strong, and can clear your mind to fill it with thoughts of a more pleasant nature. Most men do not need much time to complete their duty. Do not fight him, but allow him to complete his task, and then leave you alone once more."

She remembered asking if she should have to be naked during these couplings, and had been overwhelmed by her relief. Her mother told her that the man would only lift her gown as far as was needed, and not another glimpse of her would be needed for him.

"I dread this," she breathed.

Fallon had a wonderful dinner prepared for her new wife. She wanted to make Sarah happy, and feel comfortable in her new home and new role as the Lady of Aragon.

The warrior changed into softer, broken in leather pants, and a soft, flowing white shirt. Her boots tucked up over her calves, and a dagger belt was in place. She tied her hair back, tired of it hanging in her face. It was unusual for her to have it down for the morning’s festivities, and she was ever grateful to get it out of her eyes. She had learned that the hard way. Having the stinging in the eyes during a fight – not smart.

Lady Sarah arrived after the invitation had been extended. She had also changed from her wedding finery to a beautiful velvet and silk gown of green. It played to her body well, her mother having it made for her just for such an occasion. Sarah knew she had to interest her husband, and though uncomfortable in revealing her curves, knew it was what she was to do.

She saw her husband speaking with some staff, and took the unobserved opportunity to take in his long, lean body. He was tall and trim. She knew him to be a warrior, and saw his dagger at his side. Two swords hung with a coat of arms over the massive fireplace in the great dining hall. A fire roared its warmth throughout the stone-enshrouded room, bouncing shadows off every object that did not move, including the dark hair of her husband. She noted that it was pulled away from his face.

"Milady," Fallon said softly, feeling her presence even as she talked with the serving party. She smiled at the start her words gave, and took in the beauty that stood not ten feet away. "You look lovely," she said, walking over to Sarah, and taking small, cool hands in her own.

"Thank you, my lord. And you handsome as ever." Sarah smiled, knowing it would earn her one in return.

"Thank you. Come. Let’s dine."

Dinner was carried out mainly in silence, both husband and wife glancing at the other under the pretense of asking for salt or butter. Both were equally nervous and unsure. This made Sarah feel better. She would have hated for her husband to be experienced, or throw his expectations at her. Fallon did none of this. He seemed as unsure as she.

Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.

Sarah paced around her bedchambers, wondering when her husband would come to claim his right of their wedding night. Her body was buzzing with nerves. She tried to relax, following some of the exercises Mary had given her to try and be calm. They worked for but a moment before her mind would begin to conjure up all sorts of pictures.

Her sleeping gown flowed behind her as it swept across the hard, cold floor that was covered by large, beautiful rugs. She had a fire blazing in her fireplace, trying to stay warm. The sweat that crept up her back and ran between her breasts was cold, giving her a chill.

Finally when she was about to douse the flames and climb into the massive bed, she heard a soft knock on her chamber door. Swallowing hard, she called out.


The large, heavy door slowly opened and Fallon stood, bathed in the golden hue of the fire. He wore the same outfit as earlier, though now the laces of the shirt were partially open. He held a single rose in a hand.

"Milady." His voice was so soft as he entered the chamber, closing the door behind him.