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Sarah felt the need to move her hips a bit, wanting more, but what that more was, she had no idea. Just wanted.

Soon the large room was filled with the sound of snapping embers and skin slapping skin. The occasional wet sound of the phallus sliding in and out of Sarah’s depths sent Fallon into a spin. She gripped the sheet beneath her hands with clenched fingers, the muscles in her arms and back tensing as she thrust faster and faster, the phallus moving quickly, slicing through the continual wetness.

Fallon raised her head, eyes closed, mouth open as her orgasm began. Her skin slapped ruthlessly against Sarah’s as her body took over. She could not keep the panting under control, nor the groan that was building in her throat.

Sarah spread her legs wider as the thrusts got faster, needing more contact. She felt as though pleasure were just out of reach, when suddenly it began to gain, increasing her breaths, making her feel lightheaded. Fallon yelled out, his hips jerking a few times, his manhood slamming into her. Sarah bit her bottom lip as she felt an immense wave of pleasure rip through her, though she was determined not to make a sound.

Fallon felt the hot breath of her young bride on her, and she looked down, still trying to recuperate from her intense experience. She was pleased to see the look of flushed pleasure on Sarah’s face, though the woman made not one sound.

The brunette stayed put for a moment, not sure she could do anything else. Any move she made put more pressure on her sex, which was overtaken with pulsing pleasure.

Finally, after a moment to recover, she slowly pulled out, bringing a slight gasp from the blonde.

"Are you alright, milady?" Fallon asked once she’d gotten her voice back. Sarah, still unable to make a sound, merely nodded. Fallon climbed off her and sat on the edge of the bed. She looked down at the phallus, which stood erect from the opening in her pants. It glistened with Sarah’s wetness. "I should go," she said softly, standing and rearranging herself. Lacing up her pants, she heard nothing from the small blonde, so she looked at her over her shoulder.

Sarah had gathered the blankets up around herself, her eyes slightly open. She was looking at her husband.

"Good night, wife," Fallon said.

"Good night, my lord," Sarah whispered. She took a deep breath as she heard the man leave her alone. Her body was still trembling from the sensations that she had just felt, still able to feel her husband inside her. It was almost like a phantom lover still hovered.

She sighed, long and deep, and turned to her side, staring at the burning out embers of the fire. The room was mostly thrust into darkness. She closed her eyes and prayed for a quick sleep.

Though she had felt some discomfort, some pain and pleasure, she could not help but feel invaded. She had not wanted this marriage, yet it was thrust upon her. She had not wished to copulate with Fallon, yet they had no choice.

A single tear made a lazy trail down her cheek, only to disappear into the material of her pillow.

Fallon made her way to her chambers, her heart still thundering in her chest.

"My god," she breathed, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. She was glad she had thought to tell her manservant to retire before she had headed to Sarah’s room. She had no desire to see him right now.

Her body was trembling and tingling, her own wetness making her slightly uncomfortable in her leather pants. Pushing away from the door, she was grateful for the fire Charles had started before leaving to his own rooms. She stood before it, unlacing her pants and peeling them down her legs. She looked at the ‘manhood’ that hung between her legs, still seeing the remnants of Sarah’s juices on it.

Quickly she unbuckled the harness that held it in place and tossed it aside. Her own dark curls were wet and sticky from her passion. She had no idea it would feel good to her. God. No wonder men chased women so much. She understood now.

Stripping completely, careful to hide the phallus and harness away, Fallon climbed into her own bed, twice the size which Sarah used. She was exhausted.

Her last thoughts were of how wonderful it had been to be inside the young blonde.

"Mistress, are you alright?" Mary asked as she entered the young bride’s room. By the smell of things, the blonde had been visited by her new husband. She knew that Sarah had been terrified about the ordeal of her wifely duties.

A blonde head barely poked out from underneath the blankets, as Sarah had buried herself all night, finding comfort and safety in the covers. A green eye peeked out.

"I’m fine, Mary," she said, her voice quiet.

"Are you sure?" The older woman sat on the edge of the bed, and took the hand that had squeezed through the cocoon. "Was he here?""

Sarah nodded.

"And?" Mary’s brows were drawn, worry etching the lines of her face.

"And it’s over. He was gentle." Sarah pulled herself out from the cave of blankets, and sat up. She ran a hand through her hair. As she moved, she felt the slight discomfort of her sex. It wasn’t really painful, she could just still feel the unfamiliar stretch of her muscles. "You may take the bedding down for the nobles to inspect."

"Yes, miss Sarah, and I’m glad. I would have been surprised had he hurt you. He seemed far too gentle for that."

"Yes, well. Perhaps I’ll be with child now and won’t have to do it again."

Mary raised her brows, but said nothing.

"Well, milady. Are you ready for a bath now?"

Recalling the sticky feel between her legs, Sarah quickly nodded.

Fallon bathed and dressed, ready to face her day. Today she would start the routine of Camden Castle. She was feeling fresh, and a bit spry on her feet.

She greeted her staff with a smile and a kind word. Eating a quick breakfast of fruit, she was off to the stables to survey her lands.

Meanwhile, Lady of Aragon bathed, thoroughly, and dressed in shades of green and yellow, then too had breakfast. She explored the immediate grounds of the manor, enjoying the rose garden immensely. She inhaled the scent of the roses that surrounded her, and couldn’t help but wonder if this was where the rose had come from that Fallon had brought her the night before. The night before.

She sighed, and slid her hands down her body, starting at her breasts, and running them down over her flat tummy. She wondered if there was a baby in there now. There was a part of her that felt she’d know when there was, and did not feel it. She did, however, still feel that strange sensation. Her body was different, and she knew it.

She wondered when her husband would want her again.

Fallon pulled her sword, holding steady as she faced her opponent. He looked into her eyes, brows drawn in concentration, upper lip slightly pulled.

The tall brunette could feel beads of sweat on her upper lip. She watched his eyes, trying to read his next move.

"Ahh!" He attacked, raising his blade high, bringing it down to a sharp clink as he struck her blade.

With actions that were quick and precise, his sword was kicked from his hand, and the warrior found himself on the ground, a boot on his chest, and a blade tip at his throat. He looked up into blue eyes and put his hands up.

"I surrender, Fallon." The soldier was panting from the exertion and surprise of such a complete defeat.

The brunette took her blade away and took a step back, a satisfied grin on her face.

"Nice work, Miklo. Keep at it." She reached down and helped her man up, brushing him off. "Go eat. You need the energy."

Fallon turned back to the manor from the practice field, sheathing her own sword. Her gaze was caught by a figure up along the bridge who quickly turned away when seen.

A small smile on her face, she hurried inside.

The days passed with Sarah and Fallon rarely seeing each other. Fallon had no idea if she was supposed to visit her wife as a husband again. The nobles had seen the sheets the morning after their wedding, and were more than satisfied that the marriage had been consummated. So, was her job done?