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A small sigh escaped her as she felt that strong hand caress up her thigh, pushing the material of her gown further up, then gentle fingers slip into the hair and finally into the folds of her sex.

To Fallon’s surprise, Sarah was already a bit wet as she ran her fingers along the unbelievably soft skin. She heard a soft moan from her wife as she ran two fingers along the natural curve of Sarah’s sex. She smiled, liking that sound. She felt it all the way down.

"You like to be touched, don’t you?" she asked, her voice husky and raw. The blonde looked at her.

"I’m sorry, my lord." Sarah immediately stopped any noise or movement.

"No, no, Sarah. Please do not stop. I like your enthusiasm. I wish for you to enjoy this as much as I do." Surprised green eyes took her in.

"Do you mean it, my lord?"

"Yes." Fallon smiled again, leaning in to press her lips lightly to Sarah’s slightly flushed cheek. Sarah closed her eyes, allowing the sensations to course through her body. She felt those fingers begin to dip just inside her opening, causing more of the thick fluid to pour out.

Fallon could feel her fingers becoming quickly covered, and decided that Sarah was ready. It had taken only a few moments this night. She moved over the blonde, and again, bracing herself on one hand, she reached down to further spread Sarah’s legs and guide the head of the phallus inside. This time Sarah was looking into her eyes, and suddenly Fallon felt an incredible connection to this woman. It was a connection of their bodies, but more than that as she gently, slowly slid inside.

Sarah’s lids grew heavy as she fought to close them when her body was being entered by her husband, but she wanted to see Fallon’s eyes as he slid inside.

"Touch me," Fallon whispered as she held herself above the blonde, her hips slowly moving the phallus out then back in again.

Sarah was surprised at the request, but immediately obeyed. She brought her hands up, placing them on Fallon’s broad, strong shoulders. She could feel the muscles under her hands as the body on top of hers worked, his hips slowly moving. Sarah closed her eyes as she felt herself being completely filled, her knees raising to accommodate even more of Fallon’s length.

The brunette groaned. She felt the brief touch of one of Sarah’s heels against her leather-clad butt, which made her realize again that she was between those beautiful thighs, thrusting inside Sarah’s sex, making the young blonde moan quietly beneath her. She looked down at her wife and saw Sarah’s eyes barely open, her lips slightly parted as soft, warm air hit the warrior’s face in puffs as Sarah silently panted.

She lowered her head, placing a gentle kiss on Sarah’s forehead. The blonde started, eyes opening to look up at her husband. What was he doing?

Fallon went back down, this time her lips laying gently atop Sarah’s.

"Wha, what are you doing, my lord?" she asked, her voice breathy and low.

"Kissing you," Fallon husked, her hips trying to hold a slow, steady pace, but they were beginning to move faster of their own accord.


The brunette leaned down again, and this time the blonde did not flinch beneath them. Sarah had never heard of such a thing during coupling, but would not fight it. She figured her husband had experience that she did not, and knew what he was doing.

At first her lips stayed stiff and still, but upon his third pass, she pursed hers, meeting his. This sent a fiery jolt through both of them, causing Fallon’s hips to jerk. Sarah grimaced slightly at the unexpected thrust. The blonde’s still inexperienced sex was not accustomed to such treatment.

"I’m sorry," Fallon whispered against Sarah’s lips. She stopped her thrusts and began to rotate her hips, moving the phallus in a circular motion inside Sarah’s core. The blonde moaned, arching her head back as her fingers grasped the shirt that covered Fallon’s arms, earlier discomfort forgotten. Fallon saw the expanse of Sarah’s throat, and brought her lips to it. She inhaled the smell of the lady; herbs and her own natural scent.

Sighing in pleasure, she began to move her hips again, moving the ‘manhood’ in and out. Both of their breathing picked up as her rhythm did, again, the sounds of skin slapping skin and wetness filled the air. Sarah’s hands clutched rhythmically at Fallon as she thrust, her hips moving the bed as she filled the woman beneath her again and again until she felt that slow burn in her lower belly turn into a roaring fire.

Sarah felt her own impending orgasm begin, and raised her knees even higher, silently begging Fallon to move faster and deeper, needing that final thrust that would throw her over the edge and into the abyss of pleasure that began to fill her.

The blonde’s panting drove Fallon on, raising onto her hands again as she used all the power she had to give her wife the pleasure she could hear in Sarah’s rising moans and breathy pleas.

"Yes, Sarah," Fallon panted, eyes closing tightly as she threw her head back, the pleasure tearing through her at unbelievable speeds and heights.

The blonde tried to bite her lip as she felt the need to cry out, but the cry got out around the block, filling Fallon’s heart and ears with joy. The blonde grasped the taller woman almost painfully as she released.

They remained still, both panting as they tried to get themselves back under control. Fallon fell to her forearms again, her forehead resting on the pillow next to Sarah’s. She felt a soft hand resting on her bicep and another on her shoulder. Sarah’s legs relaxed, her heels coming into contact with the mattress beneath them, then flopped over, opening her legs fully. She was too spent to hold them up any longer.

"My lord," Sarah breathed, trying to get herself back under control. Fallon raised her head to look at the blonde. "Was that alright?" Hopeful green eyes looked up into blue. Fallon could see the sweat that had gathered in the hollow of Sarah’s throat, shimmering each time the blonde took a breath.

"Yes, milady," the brunette husked, leaning down again to place a light kiss on Sarah’s parted lips. "It was wonderful."

The warrior was surprised when she felt the hand that had been on her arm make a tentative journey up to her upper back. The fingers twined themselves in the loose material of Fallon’s shirt.

"Good," Sarah whispered. "I’m pleased, my lord."

"And you? Did you enjoy it?" Fallon asked, slowly lowering her body to lie against that beneath her, though she still held the majority of her weight upon her forearms. She could feel Sarah’s breasts against her own and fought to hold back a soft moan.

Sarah sucked in a breath as she felt the warm, strong body over her relax into her. The hand on Fallon’s back began to roam slightly, her fingers gently kneading the material of the rough shirt.

"Yes, husband. Very much so." Her voice was soft as her body thrummed with the left over feelings of their coupling. Fallon was still inside of her, and every time he moved, a pleasant little sensation washed through her body.

"I should go," Fallon whispered, slowly, carefully removing herself from Sarah and sitting up. She was tired and content.

"Yes, my lord." Sarah felt a small shadow of disappointment, but at the same time she was anxious to be alone and sleep. She was exhausted.

Fallon stood, careful to give her back to Sarah as she relaxed her pants. She was beginning to hate the ruse, and knew not how to be honest with her wife. If Sarah were to go to her family, the alliance would be finished.

She took a deep breath and turned to look at the blonde who lay on her side, looking up at her. Once again, she had the blankets pulled up to her chin.

"Good night, Sarah."

"And you, Fallon. Sleep well."

Fallon made her way out of the large chamber.

Sarah rolled over onto her back, staring up into the darkness that was her ceiling. She sighed, running a hand through her hair, still slightly sticky from sweat. This coupling had been amazing, and she closed her eyes as she could still feel sensations prickling her skin. Inside and out.