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She brought a hand up to her lips, still feeling those of her husband. The kisses, though brief, had brought an intimacy to the act that had been unexpected. Was that why he’d done it?

She did not understand.

Fallon collapsed into her bed, clothing thrown around the floor. She thought of her young wife, and a smile slowly spread over her lips. She could still feel the blonde’s juices on her skin and inhaled. The smell was fresh and potent and sent shivers down her spine, ending between her legs.

Perhaps she’d take Sarah for a ride the following day. She saw very little of the small blonde during the day. This only being the second time she’d visited her during the night, she knew nothing about the woman, only what her family had supplied Fallon’s father to make Sarah seem good marriage material for their alliance.

She wanted to get to know the blonde. She would start tomorrow.

Sarah rose early, a smile on her lips and song in the air. Mary helped her to dress, watching the girl carefully. Her young mistress was happy this morning, and she wondered if her dashing husband had anything to do with it.

"Visited last night, were you?" she asked, a small smile on her lips and twinkle in her blue eyes. Sarah looked at her through the mirror. The older woman stood behind her, braiding her long hair with bits of green ribbon.

"Why do you say this?" Sarah handed her long-time friend and servant the brush that Mary was reaching for.

"You are glowing, young Sarah." Mary smoothed back some of the golden hair. Sarah blushed deeply, staring into her own face. She felt older somehow. The eyes that stared back at her were different than those of the frightened young girl who had married Fallon of Aragon little more than a moon ago.

"Yes. That I am, and that he did," she whispered, seeing her husband’s blue eyes before her face. So handsome. Yet beautiful at the same time. She sighed, content.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come," Sarah called out. The large, wooden door opened and Henry, the house servant, popped his head inside.

"Milady, Lord Fallon wishes for your company at the morning meal," he announced.

"Thank you, Henry. Tell Lord Fallon I’ll be there shortly."

The door closed, and Mary smiled. She was happy to see her mistress happy.

Sarah was accompanied to the dining hall by Henry and seated to her lord’s right. Fallon rose when the blonde entered, and waited until she was properly seated before she sat again.

"Good morning, milady." Fallon smiled, welcoming her bride to her table. Sarah smiled in turn.

"Morning, my lord. Did you sleep well?" The servants placed food in the center of the end of the table the couple used. Goblets of gold were filled with water, and food was placed on the plates before Fallon and Sarah.

"I did. And you?" Fallon grabbed her three-pronged fork, much like a tiny pitch fork, and began to stab a bit of venison.

"Indeed, my lord." Sarah smiled, full and bright.

"I thought perhaps we could take a walk today. Or perhaps a ride. Do you ride, Sarah?" the brunette asked.

"Oh, yes, my lord!" Sarah exclaimed, shining at the idea. "I quite enjoy riding. I would be very pleased to join you, husband." She smiled again, her spirit soaring. She so wanted to get to know her husband. He seemed like a gentle soul. And the fact that he wanted to spend time with her, other than that of trying to get an heir, meant so much to her. Almost as if he were trying to court her. She did not understand this. They were already married, after all.

The couple quickly ate, then changed into proper riding clothes. Fallon, in her tight breeches, and Sarah into a dress that was a bit looser, allowing her to mount.

Fallon assisted the blonde to her mount, a gentle gelding named Athena, then mounted her own beast of a horse, Thor.

Combining the two culture’s gods, and two households, Fallon led Sarah out into the pastures and fields around the manor. She pointed out different aspects of the land that she had discovered through her various adventures and explorations. She knew some of the history of the estate and shared her knowledge.

"You are very familiar with your estates, my lord," Sarah enthused. Her cheeks were rosy from the chill in the air and the excitement of being out with her husband. She had not strayed from the keep or the gardens since she’d arrived at Camden Castle.

"I try to know where I am, Sarah." Fallon smiled. She brought her horse to a stop, dismounting, and grabbing the reins of Athena. She met the questioning green eyes of her bride. "Care to walk, milady?" she asked, indicating the lake off to their left. The blonde nodded and allowed herself to be lifted from her gelding and placed on the green grass below her feet. Fingers grasping Fallon’s arms for balance, she looked up into the blue eyes of the incredibly handsome man before her.

"Thank you, Fallon," she said, her voice quiet, feeling she should speak in a hush. Those eyes quieted the voice and quickened the heart. The brunette smiled and extended her arm in invitation. Sarah wrapped her smaller hand around it, and they walked after tethering the horses to a tree.

They walked along the shores of Lake Camden. Sarah told Fallon of the birds that flew overhead, surprising the brunette. Her wife also held great knowledge, which she found most welcome.

"My lord?" Sarah asked, glancing up into the face of her husband. "May I speak plain?"

"Of course, Lady Sarah. You are my equal." Fallon smiled down at the surprised blonde, bringing the small woman’s hand further onto her arm.

"Equal? Indeed?"

"Yes, milady. I want not a slave. Please. Speak." Fallon directed them over to a large log, fallen many seasons before.

"Why do you wish to spend time with me?" Sarah asked. She straightened her skirts around her as she sat, sure to be proper.

"I wish to know you, milady."

Green eyes looked up in confusion. This sort of declaration was unheard of in her world. Certainly had she been no man’s equal. Most men would have beat her for the mere thought. She tried to sense treachery, but found none.

"What do you wish to know?" Sarah asked softly. She looked out over the lake, watching as birds swooped down to catch fish in their curved, sharp talons.

"What do you wish for, Sarah?" Fallon asked, readjusted the sword that hung at her side.

"In what way?"

"Well, in the way of our marriage. What do you wish from me?" Fallon turned slightly on the log to face the young woman next to her. She studied her face and the way the sun shone through her golden hair. Beautiful.

"I wish to be treated well, my lord," Sarah said simply.

"That is all? Do you not wish for happiness?"

"That would make me happy, Fallon. The rest I can find on my own." The two looked at each other, trying to read what the other was thinking.

"Alright. I will not press the issue. Will you dine with me later this eve?" Fallon asked, changing the subject.

The setting sun brought the couple into the castle, hungry and tired. But happy.

After a full day in the company of her husband, Sarah could only hope to end the day with a nighttime visit from Fallon. She felt so close to him and wished to spend more time with him. This was all to her surprise. Generally she was a person who needed her time alone. She craved it, watching the birds and sewing.

She smiled as she thought that perhaps she’d sew something for him.

Fallon sighed deeply, sated from a wonderful meal of roast duck and fresh vegetables and bread. Sarah had sat to her right, the firelight of the torches around the dining hall accentuating her fine features.

Lady of Aragon had gone to bed nearly an entire candle mark ago, and the brunette sat in her own chambers, drinking wine and staring into the flames in the fireplace. Her manservant, Charles, added wood to the fire as she watched, sending warmth spreading throughout the large room.