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She thought back to the day they had shared. Sarah had been sweet and amusing. The blonde told her stories of her childhood and some of the antics she used to play. Youngest of four surviving children, she was often favored by adoring parents. Parents who had felt the match with Fallon of Aragon would be the most beneficial for their lands, but would also make their daughter the happiest.

Sarah told Fallon how she was pleased with the match herself. She was intrigued by the tall, dark-haired man who walked at her side, and wanted to know more of him. She had seen his efforts on the practice field with his men, and enjoyed watching his prowess with bladed weapons.

They had spent many hours walking, talking, and amazingly, laughing.

Fallon smiled at the memory when she heard soft knocking at her doors. She dismissed Charles as she got to her feet, and opened one side of the double doors. Sarah stood at the stoop of her raised rooms, shyly smiling up at the brunette.

"My lord," she said softly.

"Milady. Are you alright?" Fallon leaned against the frame of the door, studying the young woman.

"Oh yes, for certain," Sarah quickly assured. "I just wanted to thank you for a most wonderful day." She smiled. "It was immensely enjoyable."

Fallon smiled and took a step back, inviting her wife inside. "Please, join me." The blonde stepped inside, looking around. She had never been in her husband’s rooms before, and was curious.

She noted the door that probably led to her manservant’s quarters, and another that opened up to Fallon’s dressing chambers. There was also a short hall that led to the bathing chambers. The sitting room was large, nearly as large as Sarah’s entire chamber, and was furnished with beautiful, lavish furnishings. The large fireplace was ablaze.

"Sit, milady." Fallon indicated one of the two chairs that sat in front of the fireplace. The blonde did, arranging her skirts around her. "Care for some wine?" Fallon tapped the pottery jug that held the warm beverage.

"No thank you, my lord, if it’s all the same."

"Suit yourself." Fallon sat in her abandoned chair, sipping from her goblet. She pondered what her wife had said of their day and smiled. "I’m pleased that you enjoyed your day so, Sarah. I also enjoyed my time with you." She smiled, raising her glass in toast to her young bride. "You made the day special."

Sarah blushed at such words, not sure what to do with them. "Oh. Thank you, Fallon." She near whispered, feeling shy, her face burning with her blush. "I dare say ’twas you." She smiled, her look slightly coy as she studied her husband. Fallon could feel her loins beginning to stir once more. She noted the way the flames’ shadows licked Sarah’s face and body, even if it was buried in the plentiful material of her dress.

"You charm me," the brunette said, a coy smile of her own. She set the wine goblet down, looking back into the flames. She heard the rustle of material as Sarah stood from her seat and came to stand before her lord. Fallon looked up into her face, obscured by shadow as the flames were at her back.

"My lord?" she said, her voice low and soft. She reached down and placed a hand gently on the shoulder of her husband. "I wish to tell you that you are a most welcome husband."

Fallon heard the soft words and wondered just what was meant by them.

"I do not understand," she said, bringing a hand of her own up to gently trace the delicate pattern on Sarah’s dress.

"I mean . . ." The blonde could feel her heart pounding. "I mean that if it pleases you, you may have me." She looked down, feeling foolish. Fallon smiled, bringing her hand up to cup the blonde’s flushed cheek. "I’m sorry, my lord," Sarah whispered. "That was inappropriate."

In answer, the brunette took Sarah’s hand and tugged gently. The smaller woman looked into blue eyes, not understanding. She let out a gasp of surprise when she was pulled down to sit cross-wise on Fallon’s lap.

"My lord!" she exclaimed, her hands resting upon his shoulders to steady herself. The brunette grinned, wrapping an arm around her wife’s back, the other stroking her cheek.

"Yes, milady?" she asked, teasing in her voice.

"I . . ." Sarah’s words were lost as she stared at the handsome face before her.

Fallon leaned in, pressing her lips to Sarah’s. The blonde closed her eyes and pursed her lips. She felt the hand on her back move until it was stroking warm circles over her corset and the material of her dress.

Soft lips slid neatly against their match, eliciting a small sigh from Sarah. Fallon found that she enjoyed this kissing immensely, and began to move her lips. She had been listening even closer to the soldier’s stories of kissing and love making. She tilted her head slightly, using the hand against Sarah’s cheek to gently nudge her to follow suit. She did, and their lips were a perfect fit.

Sarah could feel her body begin to boil. She hoped that Fallon was willing to participate in coupling this night. She knew it wouldn’t take long for her to be ready. She remembered Fallon’s encouragement for her to touch him, so she brought her hands up from his shoulders, resting one against the side of a warm, smooth neck. She had no idea that a man’s skin could be so soft. Her father’s cheeks had always been rough and covered with hair.

The kiss steadily deepened, earning Sarah a soft moan from Fallon. She felt her body slowly being turned until she was urged to bring a leg across the brunette’s lap. Now facing her husband, she looked into his eyes, seeing the desire for her reflected there. She brought both hands up to either side of his face, and brought her lips to his again.

Fallon was lost in a haze of desire as she placed her hands on Sarah’s hips. Feeling their lips move against each other – the softness and sweetness – was driving her crazy. The feel of the blonde’s warm body on her lap didn’t help things, either. She knew with the way things were progressing that she would be hard pressed to get Sarah all the way to her bedroom chamber and on the bed before she devoured her.

Sarah could feel her sex responding to the kisses and close proximity. She shifted slightly on Fallon’s lap, feeling the wetness already begin to gather. It was one time in her life when she wished she didn’t have all the layers under her dress. Normally it kept her warm, but tonight it was smothering the fire.

Fallon was having the same problem. She wanted so badly for all the layers to be gone. Once more kissing Sarah, she reached her hands down the blonde’s sides, spreading her fingers out to feel as much as possible. Her touch meandered down to the full skirts, pulling them up, layer after layer.

"Sarah, take these off," she panted against Sarah’s lips. Her wife nodded, breaking the kiss only to stand. She quickly pulled off the extra layers, leaving only her corset and outer dress on. She stepped out of the pile of billowy material, and returned to Fallon’s lap.

"How’s that, my lord?" she asked into Fallon’s mouth. In response, the warrior reached down until she felt the warm skin of Sarah’s lower thigh.

"Wonderful," she whispered, liking the smile she felt at her answer.

Sarah could feel the hardness of her husband’s excitement, and it flooded her with warmth and fluids. She felt the hardness pressing urgently against her swollen sex, only separated by the leather of Fallon’s breeches. Her hips began to move of their own accord as the kisses deepened. She gasped when she felt the warm wetness of Fallon’s tongue brush against her own. She responded by caressing it, causing the fire to rage near out of control.

Fallon could feel Sarah rubbing herself against the phallus, and this was almost her undoing. She quickly reached down and unlaced her breeches, feeling for the ‘manhood.’ Once it was in hand, she brought it out, guiding it until she found Sarah’s entrance. Using her hips, she thrust up, filling her in one swift motion.

Sarah threw her head back, eyes closed as she moaned, her hips instantly moving against the invasion. She found her head forced down and a hot mouth taking control of hers. She moaned into the kiss, moving her body so the phallus moved quickly in and out of her. She was so close, the kisses driving her wild.