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"All right, Wendy, all right-I'm convinced. I'll take it on, provided this 'Fountain of Youth' does everything you say it does. I assume you are taking steps to see that you will be able to take care of the demand once it takes off. I don't want to set things in motion and then find out we can't deliver!"

Happily assuring him that she hadn't overlooked anything, she buzzed for Toni, saying to Ed, "I'm going to tell them the same thing I told you. I'll give each of them a trial case that they are to hand out to their best customers. I need you to speak up for me, to assure them that your company will handle all distributions after we get started."

Smiling as he nodded his agreement, Wendy turned as Toni ushered the four retailers into her office, saying brightly, "Gentlemen…we have a proposition for you!"

Chapter 12

The promotion took off like wildfire. After agreeing to split the costs of advertising, furnishing the selected stores with new racks, posters, brochures that reported the wondrous qualities of Fountain of Youth, both Wendy and Ed Smith sat back nervously to await the results of their efforts. As Wendy had predicted, it was the free trials to the customers that started the landslide of orders.

The owners of the retail stores were totally amazed at the reaction of the women who had tried the new product. They called Wendy, begging for shipments, then promptly exploded when she told them what she was going to charge them for Fountain of Youth, almost doubling the price she had led them to believe she was going to charge. It wasn't until their customers, desperate as they saw their free trial jars running dangerously low, demanded, insisted, that they be furnished a fresh supply at any cost, did they finally realize the value of her product. Smith was ready to handle the deluge of orders and he and Wendy laughed excitedly as they watched case after case being loaded for shipment. On the strength of her orders, she put her small plant immediately on three shifts, running around the clock to turn out enough to meet the ever-growing demands. Wendy was ecstatic and Stevie was frantic!

"Shit, Wendy-there ain't that much come in the world!" he cried when Wendy told him how much she would need to meet her requirements.

"Now, Stevie," she laughed, "I know you can figure out a way to get it for me. After all, you have tripled the amount we first started out with."

"That's just it! I've got the guys in Greenwich Village jacking-off three and four times a day to collect the three dollars a load. The other half comes in at least once a day for a free blowjob! Hell, we've got guys that are making physical wrecks out of themselves! They've been coming in so often they look like nervous ghosts!"

"Then spread your operation out, Stevie," Wendy laughed. "Let more girls know that if they bring in their boy friends' semen, they'll collect for it. Tell the housewives you've got working for you to pass the word among their friends to save their husbands' juice-hell, anybody's!" She giggled.

"Wendy…I've got thirty girls working at the Center now," he cried softly. "All of these girls suck so many cocks a day that when they're ready to go home their jaws are so sore they can't even bite a piece of bread. One girl got so tired jacking guys off, she couldn't even open her hands!"

"Well, at fifty dollars a day, they have to expect a little on-the-job difficulty. How about you, Stevie?" Wendy purred. "Have you been making your contributions at the Center?"

He recognized the gleam in Wendy's eyes immediately his hand automatically dropping to rub suggestively over the long, dormant bulge outlined against his thigh. He smiled back at her, saying. "Shit, boss-lady, I've been so damn busy trying to keep everybody else coming, I haven't had time to get myself properly taken care of." He walked over to where she sat reaching out to trace his finger over her soft lips. "In fact, I don't think I've made a contribution since the last time you and I had a little fun." Groaning as if in pain, he whispered, "I'll bet I've got enough cream backed up to fill a whole rack of vials!"

His calculated words did their work well and he saw Wendy's eyes drawn to his crotch as she licked her lips apprehensively, as if imagining the copious amount of creamy nectar he had stored in his heavy balls, just waiting for her lips and tongue. He saw her shudder slightly as she reached out to trace her fingers lightly over the swelling bulge.

"Ohh, Stevie," she whispered, "I don't want you to neglect yourself. I don't think it's good for a young man to go so long without relieving himself, do you?"

He grinned down at her as her fingers gently lowered his zipper, pulling his fly open as he answered softly, "I don't mind, boss…not as long as I'm saving it for you!"

It was his turn to shudder as he felt her cool fingers slipping into his opened trousers, brushing over his flat belly, then moving down through the tangle of hair until they circled the thick base of his aroused cock. It was so hard she couldn't pull it free of his under-shorts, and he gasped with pleasure as she slid her hand down the stretched length of his penis, squeezing the expanded bulb lovingly as she whispered, "Quick; Stevie…take your clothes off-all of them!"

"Are you sure you want me to strip down, baby?" he asked softly. "Remember, we're in your office and the place is full of people out there."

"I don't care," she cried. "I want to see you. I want you naked-right now!"

Without another word, Stevie stepped back and quickly began removing his clothes, stripping them away as he stood facing his panting boss. When he finally hooked his thumbs in his undershorts, he watched her face carefully as he pulled them down. His penis jumped straight out, jerking with lust as it bobbed invitingly in front of her face, her eyes drawn to the large, clear drop of seminal fluid that balanced precariously at the tip. When she reached out and cupped her hand under his balls, lifting and fondling their heavy weight in her hand, she saw still more fluid seeping from the mottled tip, the oozing flow clinging to the full plum as she leaned forward. Grasping his straining shaft in her other hand, she curled her pink tongue around the smooth, pulsing head, licking the slippery drops away as they formed, making his penis throb dangerously as she lovingly polished the head to a gleaming, rosy hue.

Wendy sat back, licking her lips as she savored the sticky, tangy essence of his balls, the taste exciting her wildly, just as it always did. "Do you like for me to do that to it, Stevie?" she whispered, knowing full well he did not perversely wanting to hear him say it.

"Baby," he answered hoarsely, "there is nothing in the world that feels as good as your tongue and lips moving on my cock! Nobody can lick and suck a dick the way you do!"

Wendy slipped her hand between his slightly spread legs, pleased at his remark, as she cupped under his hairy thighs. His swaying balls rested heavily on her wrist as she slipped her fingers between the lean cheeks of his buttocks, making him gasp as she rubbed her fingertip over his anus. It gave her a heady feeling of power to have him so totally under her command to force him to stand naked before her in her office while she remained dressed, in full charge of his fate.

"Please, Wendy," he begged, "I-I feel like my cock is going to bust."

Wendy laughed softly, leaning forward and licking down the entire quivering length. She nuzzled the hair-shrouded base, nipping at the thick root gently with her teeth before licking back up to the crested head. "Do you really need to come that badly, Stevie?" she teased. "I'll bet you just love to see that stuff shooting into my mouth…gushing out over my tongue as I try to get it all down."