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My Little Pony suddenly doesn’t seem so bad now.

“Who ordered this shit?!” I yell, staring down at my plate of pasta and refusing to talk about Tyler’s fetishes.

“Be a good girl and eat your food,” Charlotte tells me calmly.

I can’t find my silverware and it suddenly occurs to me that I haven’t eaten all day and I’m starving. I’m in love with hungry and I’m Tyler drunk.

Fuck it.

Rocco and Charlotte pause with their forks by their mouths to stare at me. I stare right back as I smack my hand down on the plate and scoop up and handful of rigatoni, splattering noodles and sauce all over the white tablecloth.

“I’m in love with drunk,” I announce as I shovel noodles into my mouth.

“Is she seriously eating with her hands right now?” Rocco whispers in shock.

I ignore him, smacking my hand back down on the plate while I stare the two of them down. “I love hungry drunk!”

I notice a few patrons looking over at our table and I realize I’m probably being a little loud.

“This shit is delicious and I’m love drunk! Go fuck your face!” I shout at one woman in particular who is looking at me in disgust.

“Okay there, drunky, calm down,” Charlotte says quietly, reaching over and placing her hand on my arm. “It’s okay to admit it, you don’t have to be afraid.”

Rocco nods his head in agreement and all of a sudden, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. Everything is going to be okay. I can be honest with my sister and my friend; they won’t judge me.

I grab a few more noodles with my fingers and push them past my lips before taking a huge breath and letting it all out.

“I like to masturbate on the interstate!” I announce loudly.

Rocco’s fork crashes to his plate and Charlotte starts choking on her glass of wine.

At this point, I can feel all eyes in the restaurant on me and I don’t care. Fuck all of them!

“When I’m driving down the interstate, I just can’t help it. All that open road and freedom makes me horny and I just have to do it. Every. Single. Time. Sometimes, I drive on the rumble strips at the edge of the road for miles because it makes me feel tingly.”

I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to be talking about something else right now, but I don’t remember what it is.

Fuck, this pasta is DELICIOUS.

“Oh, dear God,” Charlotte whispers.

I smile at both of them and start licking sauce off of my fingers, lifting my feet up and resting them on Rocco’s thigh.

“WHERE THE FUCK DID THESE SHOES COME FROM?” I yell, staring at my feet.

“I think it’s time to get Interstate home to bed,” Rocco announces, sliding my feet off of his lap as he stands.

Charlotte gets up from her chair, walks over to my side of the table and starts wiping my face with my napkin. “I know you’re really drunk right now, but tomorrow when you’re sober, you’re going to be so happy that you finally realized you’re in love with Tyler.”

She helps me up from my seat and holds my arm as we walk out of the restaurant while Rocco pays the bill. I rest my head on her shoulder, letting her lead me out the front door. I can feel my throat getting tight and I squeeze my eyes closed to stop the tears from falling down my cheeks.


“Yes, Interstate?” she replies with a laugh.

“I don’t want these ugly fucking shoes on my feet!” I wail.

Chapter 20 – Fisting – For the Win

 - Tyler -

“You can’t propose to Charlotte by just handing her a puppy, it’s boring. Big mistake. Big. HUGE!” I yell, taking a sip of my beer.

“I’m really concerned that you just quoted Pretty Woman,” Gavin states with a shake of his head.

“Dude, that’s every guy’s dream. Get a hooker for the night and then keep her forever without having to pay by the hour.”

Gavin sets his bottle down and stares at me. “That is NO man’s dream.”

“You’re out of touch with reality, my friend. It’s every man’s dream, they just don’t like to talk about it,” I explain. “I’m breaking the silence! HOOKERS ARE PEOPLE TOO!”

While Ava and Charlotte went out with Rocco tonight for some girl time, Gavin and I decided to stay in so he could drum up some proposal ideas. So far, all of them suck ass, so I called in reinforcement to help him out. I mean really, this is going to be one of the biggest days of his life. He needs help.

“Alright, I’ve got jumper cables, ten quarts of BBQ sauce and a really nice rhinestone tiara that we could take apart and shape into a ring,” Drew announces as he walks through Gavin’s front door, his arms full of bags.

He kicks the door closed behind him and dumps everything in the middle of the living room.

“I already bought Charlotte a ring, we don’t need to make one,” Gavin says, getting up from the couch to look through the bags.

“Fine, be a snobby little bitch. I’ll have you know I make beautiful decoupage rings out of Polymer Clay, rubber cement and Mod Podge,” he announces proudly.

Gavin ignores him, reaching into a bag and pulling out the largest flesh-colored rubber fist I’ve ever seen. He holds it up in the air staring at it while the thing flops back and forth.

“What the ever living fuck is this?” Gavin asks. “Please tell me this is not an actual FISTING fist.”

Drew smiles and walks over to Gavin, grabbing the fist out of his hand. “This is Duke. He’s a member of the family and he wants to help with the proposal.”

Drew shakes the fist in front of Gavin’s face. “Say hi to Duke.”

Gavin scrunches up his face and moves away from the rubber fist. “I swear to God if that thing is one of yours and Aunt Jenny’s sex toys I am going to puke all over this floor.”

Drew pulls Duke close to his chest and looks at Gavin in shock. “I would NEVER defile Duke like that.”

He holds the fist up to his face and speaks in a baby voice. “Don’t you listen to big, bad Gavin, Duke. Daddy loves you.”

“Where in the hell did you even get that thing?” I ask, staring in awe at Duke. If it wasn’t so creepy looking, it really would be a thing of beauty. When I say it’s a fist, I mean it’s a fucking fist from elbow to fingers. That thing has got to be at least twelve inches long and six inches in diameter.

“Jenny and I rescued him from a sex toy mill,” Drew tells us.

“I’m sorry, a what?” Gavin asks.

“A sex toy mill. It’s like a puppy mill but worse. All of these sex toys crammed into boxes with no light or air, just waiting to die. It was so hard to just save one when there were so many who could use our help, but we saw Duke and we knew he had to come home with us,” Drew explains, hugging Duke a little tighter to himself.

“Oh, sweet Jesus, that thing was a USED sex toy?” Gavin yells, scrambling up from the floor and moving as far away from Drew as possible.

Drew quickly sets Duke on the coffee table so he’s standing straight up in the air and covers his hands over Duke’s closed fist. “SHHHHHH! Not so loud, asshole! We don’t like to talk about Duke’s horrific past.”

Drew goes over to the couch and flops down on the cushions. “So, I was thinking Duke could help you out with the proposal. He just had a manicure and he has an appointment for a facial tomorrow.”