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The silence between them grew.

She glanced away, surveying his bedroom. It didn’t improve on second viewing. The walls had been painted a café mocha color. The woodwork around the window had been painted white. It was neutral, but nice. Levi hadn’t done anything to punch up the color. The nightstand and chest of drawers were secondhand and had been painted a dark brown. Paint was chipped in several places, revealing a flash of white and red beneath. The sheets on the bed were white and the comforter that was crumpled on the floor in a clump was dark brown. Clearly, decorating wasn’t high on his list of priorities.

“I’ll be in the kitchen making breakfast when you’re ready.” She glanced back in time to see his back as he left the room.

Sighing, she set the mug on the nightstand and shifted her legs over the side of the bed. She stood, taking the sheet with her and wrapping it securely around her body. Her clothing sat in a tidy pile on the top of the chest of drawers, her shoes on the floor next to it. Grabbing all of it, she headed for the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, feeling refreshed, she headed for the kitchen, empty coffee mug in hand. She could hear a familiar sizzle from the frying pan. As she entered the room the smell of bacon and eggs hit her, making her stomach growl. She’d worked up an appetite last night.

She could feel her cheeks heating up as she strode toward the counter and poured herself another coffee, spooning two teaspoons of sugar into it before stirring. “You didn’t have to make breakfast.” She set the spoon on the counter and toyed with the handle of the mug.

“I wanted to.” He deftly scrambled the eggs. “Besides, I was hungry.” He moved the pan to the back burner and reached for her, pulling her into his arms. “I woke very hungry this morning.” His golden-brown eyes glittered as he lowered his head.

Linda went up on her toes to meet him halfway. Their lips met, lightly grazing. The slight pressure sent shivers down her spine.

Levi groaned and deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue past her lips. He tasted like fresh coffee and hot male. Yummy. Linda reveled in the feel of his mouth against hers. His hands cupped her butt and pulled her closer. He was obviously aroused. She brushed her stomach against his erection.

The bread in the toaster popped up. His hands tightened briefly before he released her, resting his forehead against hers. “Food. You need to eat before work.”

She took a step back. “Is there anything I can do?” A part of her wanted to escape to her apartment, but another part of her wanted to share the morning meal with Levi.

“Can you pour me some more coffee while I get this?” He motioned to the pan of eggs.

“No problem.” She topped up his mug, grabbed her own and carried both to the table. The placemats were still there, along with clean cutlery and napkins.

By the time she was settled at the table Levi was there with two plates loaded down with bacon, eggs and toast. There was no way she could eat all this. Besides, it wasn’t great for her stomach. Still, he’d made it for her, so she would eat some of it.

He settled her plate in front of her. “It’s turkey bacon so it’s not as greasy and I did the eggs in a nonstick pan without butter.” He sat down and grabbed his fork. “I know women worry about stuff like that.”

Her heart did a tiny flip at his thoughtfulness. He didn’t even know about her ulcer, but he was looking out for her. She frowned. The fact he had turkey bacon and cooking spray meant he’d planned this. Didn’t it?

She took a bite of the eggs; they were light and fluffy. “Do you normally eat turkey bacon?” Why it was important for her to know if he’d planned this or not, she wasn’t sure.

He chewed his food and laid his fork down as he leaned back in his chair. He was so big and handsome he took her breath away. “No, I don’t. I bought it just in case.” He said it matter-of-factly.

She set her fork down on the side of her plate. “You planned for me to stay the night?”

He shook his head. “Let’s just say I was hoping.”

“But why?” She was confused. In all the time they’d worked together, he’d never given her any sign that he was interested in her that way.

He shrugged. “The time seemed right.”

She grabbed a piece of toast and bit off a corner to give herself time to think. He waited, the picture of patience, as she chewed and swallowed. “I don’t know whether to be flattered or scared to death.”

He frowned. “Don’t be scared. All you had to do is say no.”

Linda cocked her head to one side, staring at him. She’d caught a flash of what looked like hurt in his eyes. Even though he hadn’t moved, she could sense the tension in him that hadn’t been there a minute before. “I’m not afraid of you,” she said. “I’m afraid of getting involved in something that might end up hurting me emotionally.” It was important for him to know she wasn’t physically afraid of him. She sensed she’d upset him when she said she was scared.

He leaned back in his chair, his face inscrutable. “Where we go is up to you.”

His words made her stop and think. Could they have an affair for the time he was here? Her feminine hormones all stood at attention and sang the Hallelujah chorus. Of course she could.

Her brain pleaded for caution. Warning that she was getting in over her head. She already had an emotional connection with Levi. Having a prolonged affair would only make it worse.

Still, she pondered the possibility.

They’d proved last night they were more than compatible in bed. She was a grown woman in her early thirties and she’d never indulged in an affair before. If she was ever going to have one, Levi was the man to do it with.

He wasn’t looking for ties or commitments. He wasn’t staying in Jamesville. She liked him as a person. Trusted him. That had to count for something.

One corner of Levi’s mouth turned up. “You don’t need to decide this minute, darlin’.”

The endearment made her feel warm all over. The corners of her lips turned up in a genuine smile of pleasure. “Why don’t we just take it day by day and see what happens?”

The tension drained from Levi, replaced by something else. Anticipation. That’s what it was. He was as excited about the prospect of continuing their relationship as she was.

She couldn’t imagine what her parents would say about her having an affair with an unemployed ex-soldier. Her father would get all tight lipped and tell her she was making a huge mistake and to come to her senses. Her mother would be shocked and appalled while lamenting what her friends would think. She shook her head, wondering how her parents could live with being so snobbish and judgmental.

She finished a few more bites of her breakfast before pushing her plate away. “That’s it for me.”

Levi frowned. “You didn’t eat much.”

“It’s not your cooking. Everything tastes great. I just have to be a little more cautious about what I eat.” If they were going to be spending time together, he had to know about her stomach problems.

His laser stare made her squirm slightly. “Why?”

She shrugged. “I have a small problem with ulcers. Nothing serious,” she hurried to assure him when his frown turned to a scowl. “I just need to be careful. It’s no big deal.” She fiddled with the handle of her mug, not bothering to lift it. She shouldn’t have had the second cup. She usually allowed herself one coffee in the morning before switching to herbal tea.

He leaned forward and took her hand in his. “That’s what was wrong yesterday morning after you read the letter.”