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Cyndi swallowed her bite of éclair and glared at her. “Of course you can.”

Linda shook her head. “I appreciate the offer, but it’s your busy time of year. You can’t afford not to have the inn packed to capacity and I can’t afford to pay full rate for who knows how long.”

“You’re not going to pay anything.” Cyndi’s outrage would have been funny if it hadn’t been so touching. “I have more than enough money to leave one of the rooms not rented.”

Reaching out, Linda took Cyndi’s hand in hers. “I really appreciate the offer, but it’s not going to happen.”

“You’re so stubborn.” Cyndi groused.

“Look who’s talking.”

Amanda watched the byplay as she sampled the éclair, licking sweet filling from the corner of her mouth. “You can stay with us. We’ve got an extra room.”

“Maybe for a day or two if I absolutely have to. I want to look around first. If I can find an apartment, that would work best.” She took a sip of her coffee before setting the fragile cup back on the saucer. “Besides, I figured Levi would be staying with you. After all, when this place is sold, he’ll lose his apartment too.”

Silence greeted her. Amanda glanced at Cyndi, and then they both stared at her. It took every ounce of self-control not to squirm under their intense scrutiny. Cyndi shook her head. “You’ve been holding out on us.”

Amanda pulled her chair closer. “You and Levi. I never would have guessed. How long has it been going on? When did it happen?” She sat back and fanned her face. “This is too much. Details. We need details.”

“Ladies.” Levi stepped out of the shadows, figuring it was long past time to make his presence known. He’d come downstairs a few minutes ago after he’d glanced out the window and seen Cyndi’s car parked out front.

Jonah and Shamus had left for work twenty minutes ago, promising to call later. Levi had worked out his plan of action and that meant he had to leave early tomorrow morning. He’d only be gone for the day, but he wasn’t looking forward to being away from Linda for even that long. Jonah was right. He did have it bad.

All three women jumped in their seats. Amanda’s cheeks grew red, but Cyndi just stared at him with speculation in her pale blue eyes. Linda smiled at him. She was putting on a brave face, but he could see the underlying sadness beneath.

“How did it go?” He already knew, but he wanted her to tell him.

She took a deep breath. “Nothing has changed. The bank sold the promissory note and the clause in it allows the new bank to ask for full payment. If I can’t pay, they’ll foreclose and sell the building. It’s my own fault. I signed the papers knowing that clause was there, but I figured my grandmother’s estate would be settled by now.”

“I could give you a loan.” Cyndi leaned back in her chair and linked her hands over her stomach. “You could pay off the loan and then pay me when you get your grandmother’s money. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before.”

Levi could tell Linda was stunned by her friend’s generosity. And so was he. “You can’t do that!” Linda leaned forward, her face pale. “I appreciate the generous offer, but my family could keep my grandmother’s estate tied up for heaven only knows how long. It could be months, maybe a year or two.”

Cyndi shook her head. “I can afford it. Might as well put all that money my father left me to good use. And besides, if you don’t get your inheritance straightened out right away, you can make monthly payments to me.”

Hope began to glow in Linda’s gaze. “It would have to be drawn up as a legal agreement.”

“I can get my lawyer, Alicia Flint, to do that.”

Linda sat back like someone in a daze. “I can’t believe you’re offering to loan me all that money.” She gave a small laugh. “I can’t believe I’m considering taking you up on your offer.”

“Think about it.” Cyndi glanced at her watch. “I’ve got to get back to the inn. I’ve got a large group of tourists checking in later this afternoon.”

Linda stood and hugged her friend. “Thank you so much.”

“You’ll think about my offer?”

“Yes.” Linda nodded and then reached out to Amanda. “Thank you for everything.”

“My pleasure.” Amanda hugged her back. “See you later, Levi.” Amanda patted his arm as she passed him.

As the door closed behind the women, they were left alone in the store.

“Well,” Linda began. “The meeting with the banker went the way I thought it would.”

Levi cupped her face in his hands and stared down into her face, which had become so incredibly precious to him in the past few weeks. “Don’t make any decisions tonight. Give it a day or two.”



“Okay,” she reluctantly agreed. “But I can’t just bury my head in the sand and hope this situation goes away. I either have to find a new place or I have to take Cyndi up on her offer of a loan. Time is running out.”

“Just give me until the end of tomorrow.” He stroked his thumbs over her cheeks, loving the way they flushed a light rose color. Her glossy lips parted and her breath came out in short puffs.

She licked her lips. Every muscle in his body tightened and his cock flexed, lengthening and growing. She always looked fantastic, but dressed in a power suit she looked good enough to eat. He wanted to strip the layers away and uncover the woman beneath.

He took a deep breath and slowly released it. “I’ll be gone for most of tomorrow.”

“But you’re coming back. Right?” She stepped back and turned away, fiddling with an invoice on her desk. “Not that it’s any of my business.”

He caught her chin between his thumb and forefinger and applied light pressure until she looked at him. “It’s your business and I’ll definitely be back. You can count on it.”

Lowering his head, he watched as her pupils dilated and her lashes fluttered down. His lips grazed hers. She tasted warm and sweet, like chocolate and cream. “Mmm, éclair.”

He felt her smile against his lips as he let his tongue delve into the depths of her mouth. Her hands crept up the front of his shirt. Her short nails scraped over his flesh, through the thin material. He wanted her hand on his bare skin.

The bell over the door chimed as a customer came in. They broke apart quickly. Levi turned away and took a deep breath. He heard Linda do the same. When he turned back, she’d straightened her jacket, plastered a smile on her face and was greeting the middle-aged man who’d entered.

“Good morning. Welcome to Past Promises.”

The man hurried forward. “Do you carry any jewelry? It’s my wife’s birthday and she loves the stuff.”

“I have a few very nice pieces. Right over here.” She led him over to a locked jewelry case.

“I’ll see you later.” Levi left before she could answer. By the time Linda closed the shop for the day, he wanted all his work done, his files complete. He was taking a trip tomorrow. It was a short one, but it would be an effective one.

Linda knew the second Levi left. The air in the place changed, settled, becoming less sexually charged. The man had a way of pushing all her buttons without even trying. She couldn’t believe she’d kissed him right in the middle of the shop where anyone passing by outside could have seen them.

She brought her attention back to her customer, pleased when he purchased an art deco brooch for his wife. Linda chatted to the man as she boxed and wrapped the gift for him. The minute he left, she slumped back into her chair and blew out a breath.

“What a day.” She felt as though she’d been through an emotional hurricane with all the ups and downs. She had so much to think about, so many decisions to make.