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Her eyes fell on the letter her brother had sent her. For some reason, she’d saved it after Levi had plucked it from her trash. Maybe she was a glutton for punishment, but she still wished she had a better relationship with her entire family, or at least her brother. They’d been close when they were small children, but had grown apart over the years.

Picking the letter up, she read it again. Anger began to bubble deep within her. What right did her brother have to criticize her life? What right did her father have to use their family power and financial clout to hurt her? What right did any of them have? It was time for this to come to an end.

Not giving herself time to think, Linda picked up the phone and dialed. It was answered on the third ring. “By the Book. Amanda Sutter speaking.” Her voice was brisk and professional.

“Hey, Amanda. It’s Linda.”

Amanda’s tone changed immediately, becoming concerned. “Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing good.” She picked at a nonexistent piece of dust on her skirt and sighed. “I need another favor.”


The willingness of all her friends to help humbled her. “I need someone to watch the store tomorrow. I know you can’t leave By the Book for a second day, but I wondered if you thought your part-timer could handle my store for one day.”

“It’s easier for me to handle Past Promises and let Gemma handle By the Book. I’ll be there by ten.”

“Thank you. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

“I did have my eye on that oak cabinet in the corner. The one with the games in it.” Amanda laughed. “Maybe I could get a staff discount.”


“I was only kidding, Linda. You don’t need to give me anything. I’m more than happy to help.”

“You’re still getting the discount if you really want the cabinet.”

“I won’t turn it down. I really want that for my living room.” Amanda hesitated slightly. “It may be none of my business—and please feel free to tell me so—but, out of curiosity, why do you need tomorrow off?”

She glanced at the letter sitting in the center of her desk. “I need to take a short trip.”

There was a brief silence on the other end. “Your family.”

Linda’s stomach began to churn, but she ignored it. “Yes.” It was past time to deal with this situation with her family once and for all.

“I’m not sure you should do this alone. Maybe Cyndi could go with you.” She hesitated slightly. “Or maybe Levi.”

There was no way she was dragging Levi any further into the mess with her family than he already was. This was something she had to do on her own, something she should have done a long time ago. “I’ll be fine. I’m going to check on the flights, but I’ll probably have to get up early to drive to the airport. I’ll drop the keys to the store into your mail slot on my way out of town. I’ll be back sometime tomorrow night.”

“No problem. Just let me know if you need longer.”

“You’re a good friend, Amanda.”

“So are you.” There was a noise in the background. “Look, I’ve got to go. But call me as soon as you get back tomorrow night. Okay?”

“I will.” The line went dead and Linda hung up the phone. She grabbed the phone book out of the desk drawer and turned pages until she found the number for a local travel agency. She dialed and the phone was quickly answered. “I need a return ticket to Vermont for tomorrow morning.” The cost of the ticket made her stomach hurt but she charged it to her credit card and finalized her travel plans.

When that was done, she turned to the invoice on her desk. She still couldn’t believe the huge sale Amanda had made for her today. Picking up the phone again, she called the woman who’d purchased the dining table. She identified herself and made arrangements for the table to be delivered later today.

She needed to call in one final favor. She took a deep breath and then dialed. The phone was picked up on the first ring. “Yeah.” Levi’s voice went through her like a hot knife through butter, making her insides melt.

“It’s me.”

His tone changed, becoming softer. “Hey, darlin’.”

A shiver skated down her spine and goose bumps rose on her flesh. She shifted uncomfortably as her body immediately responded to him. “Could you do something for me?”

“Anything.” The seductive way he said the word made her think of satin sheets and naked bodies twined together.

She picked up the invoice and waved it in front of her face. It didn’t help. She was still way too hot. “I need you to help me deliver some furniture as soon as the store closes.”

“No problem. I’ll get Jonah to help me so you can stay home. After the day you’ve had, you could use the break.”

That was so like Levi. Always trying to take the burden onto himself. “I don’t mind helping.”

“I’ll check with Jonah.”

She gave up, recognizing the stubborn tone in his voice. “I’ll pack up the dishes and get it all ready for transport.”

“Don’t work too hard, darlin’.”

“I won’t.” She clicked off the phone and tossed it down on the desk. The first thing she needed was some boxes.

Chapter Eleven

Linda lay in bed later that night, tucked tight against Levi’s body. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but her mind wouldn’t stop working overtime.

As promised, Levi had turned up just before the store closed with Jonah right behind him. The two men had made the furniture delivery, allowing her to close up Past Promises and head upstairs for a quick shower before Levi returned.

They’d had a quiet dinner of soup and sandwiches at her place before Levi had taken her off to bed. Their lovemaking had been slow and measured, drawing out the pleasure for as long as possible.

She hadn’t told him she was going to see her father tomorrow. He’d only protest or insist on going with her and this was something she needed to do herself. She also planned a quick visit to her lawyer to check on the status of her grandmother’s estate. By this time tomorrow night she’d have her plans in place. For better or worse, she’d put her past and her family behind her and move forward with her life.

The only problem was getting Levi out of her apartment before she had to get up to drive to the airport. She’d gotten a seat on an early flight, but that meant she had to leave here between six and half past in order to drop off the keys to the store at Amanda’s and make the drive to the airport.

Levi stirred beside her. “Can’t sleep?” His voice was deep and intimate in the dark. His arms surrounded her, his legs were tucked behind hers and his chin rested on the top of her head.

“Too much to think about,” she replied honestly. She shifted and felt his erection stirring against the small of her back. The man was insatiable. Then again, so was she. Cream slipped from her core and her breasts tingled in anticipation. Her legs moved restlessly against the sheets.

“I can give you something else to think about,” he murmured. Splaying his hand over her belly, he tugged her even closer, grinding his shaft against her.

She tilted her head back and he leaned forward, capturing her mouth with his. The kiss was long and hot and thoroughly erotic. There wasn’t an inch of her mouth that he didn’t explore. She reached behind, gripping his hair with her hand to hold him close. He tasted hot and male and she wanted him again.

Her sex pulsed with growing need, the slick folds more than ready to receive him. She rubbed her back against Levi’s erection, drawing a deep, low groan from him. He tore his mouth from hers. “You’re asking for trouble, darlin’,” he growled.