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“I’d planned to take a bath.”

The color of his eyes deepened as he leaned closer. “You could take your bath first.”

Linda swallowed hard and closed her eyes in self-defense. Images of the two of them in her large antique tub crowded her brain. Soapy, slick limbs entwined. His hands caressing her breasts, cupping and shaping them. Her breathing quickened. Her head was spinning and this time it had nothing to do with the lack of food. Her body swayed.

Levi steadied her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “You’re tired. Food first.”

She shook herself out of her stupor. She must be more tired and hungry than she thought. That was her only explanation for allowing her daydreams about Levi to take over so completely. Usually she was able to control her unruly thoughts. But not tonight.

“You don’t need to do that, Levi. I was just going to fix a sandwich or something.”

“It’s no trouble. Besides, it’s already cooked. All you have to do is sit and eat. Then you can get your bath.”

It was an offer too good to refuse. “Just let me get the lights.” Going to the bank of switches, she turned off all but three, keeping them on for security purposes. The store took on a ghostly feel as the deepening shadows enveloped it. “Good night,” she whispered to the store before turning back to the doorway where Levi waited.

He stepped back and watched as she locked and secured the inside door. Silently, they headed up the stairs to his apartment.

“Thank you for making dinner.” They’d shared plenty of takeout meals while they were working on the building, but this was the first time she’d ever been in his apartment since it was finished.

“My pleasure.” Levi reached around her and pushed open the door. Curious, she walked inside. The floor plan was open and airy. Several tall, narrow windows looked out onto the street, while another one looked out onto the grassy lot out back. The walls were painted the color of a latté and there were wooden shutters at the windows. She’d bought the shutters to match the ones on her apartment above to give the building a more finished look.

The furnishings were sparse. A ratty couch sat against one wall, a recliner patched with several pieces of duct tape was situated across from it. A low, battered coffee table was positioned between the two. Obviously he’d gotten his furniture from a garage sale or maybe from the Buy and Sell on the other end of town. They sold a bit of everything there from books to furniture and knick-knacks. Either way, it was obvious he hadn’t spent a lot of money on it. Another indication he didn’t plan to stay for long. She tried to ignore the turn in her stomach that thought brought.

Off the kitchen, a wooden table was set for two with mismatched dishes. Paper napkins that matched the inexpensive placemats rested on each side plate. Two unlit candles in squat iron holders were placed next to an open bottle of white wine.

Linda was instantly charmed. Levi had gone to a lot of trouble without even knowing for sure if she’d accept his invitation. “Thank you for this.” On impulse, she went up on her toes and kissed his cheek. It was rough with stubble.

Levi stood unmoving as she stepped back. Then his head slowly lowered as he looked at her. “My pleasure.” His low voice rumbled through the room. “Wine?”

She thought about her stomach, but threw caution to the wind. It was a night of celebration. She’d have a few sips with dinner. “I’d love it.”

He filled one long-stemmed glass and handed it to her before filling one for himself. Lifting it, he saluted her. “To you and to Past Promises.”

Her heart fluttered as she raised her glass so it clinked against his before taking a tiny sip. The wine was crisp and went down easy.

“Thank you.” She placed her glass on the table. “I was surprised how many people actually came to the opening.”

Levi set his glass aside and went into the small kitchen. It was open to the dining area so she could watch him while he worked. “I’m not.” He deftly removed a pan from the oven and dished up two chicken breasts. “It’s a classy store, but it’s accessible too. Something for everyone.”

Pleasure filled her chest to overflowing at his words of praise. She hadn’t gotten much praise in her life and was always surprised when anyone complimented her. “That’s what I was aiming for.”

Adding baby carrots, sweet peas and scalloped potatoes to the plates, he picked them both up and carried them to the table. Before she had time to pull out her chair, he was there behind her, holding it for her.

“Thank you,” she murmured. She could feel the heat from his big body as he hovered behind her. The lightest touch grazed her nape, but then it was gone. Levi said nothing as he sat across from her, leaving her to wonder if he’d touched her at all or if it was just her overactive imagination.

He struck a match and lit the plain white pillar candles. The lights flickered and settled down to a slow burn. Shadows flickered across his face.

“Eat.” He picked up his fork and motioned for her to do the same. The chicken was incredibly tender and delicately spiced, the vegetables done to perfection.

“This is delicious.” She forked up another mouthful and closed her eyes, savoring every bite. A low sound came from the other side of the table and her eyes shot open. Levi sat calmly eating. Must have been her imagination. Linda ate another piece of the chicken, letting the flavors explode on her tongue before chewing. Levi really was the most remarkable man.

Levi was shocked that the fork he was holding didn’t snap in half. His knuckles were white as the muscles in his fingers flexed. With her eyes closed and her head tilted back, Linda was the most sensual creature he’d ever seen. Every mouthful of food she took, she savored, making little noises of pleasure that were driving him mad.

His cock throbbed, keeping time to the heavy thundering of his heart. The damn thing was pressed so hard against the zipper of his jeans he wouldn’t be surprised if he had metal teeth marks on his dick.

Every ounce of his control was tested as he forced himself to take a deep breath and then slowly release it. He focused on her face, taking in every delicate line. Her cheeks were lightly flushed, whether from the wine or some other reason, he didn’t know and didn’t care. The delicate blush made her skin look even more like porcelain.

Linda opened her eyes and caught him staring. She gave a self-conscious laugh and picked up the napkin, patting her lips. “I’m sorry. I’m not very good company.”

“You’re very good company.” Linda had a way about her that soothed him in ways he couldn’t put into words. Just being around her made him feel good.

She laughed again, the light, airy sound skating over every nerve ending in his body. “Now I know you’re being kind.” She rolled her neck on her shoulders before gifting him with a small smile. “I was more hungry than I thought and this is delicious.”

“You’re welcome.” He enjoyed cooking. It helped him relax. “You’re pleased with how today went?”

“Very.” She set her fork aside and picked up her wine glass, taking a tiny sip.

The liquid made her lips glisten. Levi wanted to lick them. To distract himself, he shoveled in another mouthful of dinner, chewing as he listened to her recap her day. The more she talked about the store, the more animated she became. It was obvious how much she loved Past Promises.

Conversation was easy as they finished dinner. Levi had started coffee before they’d sat down so he knew it would be done percolating by now. He stood to clear the table.

“Let me help you with that.” Linda jumped up, but he motioned her back to her seat.

“Sit. You’ve had a long day. It’s only a couple of plates.”

“Thank you, Levi.”

He almost groaned aloud when she said his name. He loved the sound of his name on her lips. Wanted to hear her whisper it in the dark of the night as their bodies melded together. Wanted to hear her scream it as he pounded into her, bringing them both to a mind-blowing orgasm.