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“It’s okay.” She smiled and this time it felt more natural. “I didn’t mind being pounded against the bloody door.”

His head jerked back up. Every ounce of his attention was on her.

“In fact, I enjoyed every minute of it.”

Chapter Four

Levi would have kicked his own ass if he could’ve reached it. Not that it would have helped matters any. What was done was done.

He was just grateful Linda wasn’t running screaming from him. Yes, she’d come. He’d made sure of that before taking his own pleasure. But he’d been rough and hard. And he’d taken her for the first time against the damn door.

So much for his plans of taking it slow and coaxing her into his bed. He’d been all over her like some damn marauder, pounding into her until they’d both cried out.

His body hummed with pleasure and his cock was getting hard again. Linda made him feel like he was sixteen again, not a man staring forty in the eye.

She stood there looking more beautiful than ever. Her hair was sticking up on end, her lips were moist and her skin was damp with sweat. And he could smell her. The scent of roses mixed with the raw smell of sex. It might be barbaric, but it turned him on.

What he didn’t like was the look of uncertainty on her face and the fact that she felt she had to hide her body from him after what had just happened between them. He’d messed up again when he’d sworn and said it shouldn’t have happened. Linda had taken it the wrong way and he’d tried, in his own inept way, to correct that assumption.

When she spoke, his attention was riveted to her. Tension melted away when she smiled and said she’d enjoyed it. He felt the corners of his mouth turning upward. “I enjoyed every minute of it too.” Reaching out, he cupped her chin in his hand. “But I still should have been more gentle with you.”

He stroked his thumb over her bottom lip. Her eyes lost focus and her lips parted. Small puffs of breath caressed his thumb. She was still aroused.

She swallowed, the slender column of her neck rippling. “It was…” she broke off and gave a shaky laugh. “It was good. Real good.”

“I can do better.”

Linda seemed to hold her breath, her eyes growing even wider.

“I barely got started.” He let his hand slide down her neck. The pulse there beat frantically. “You mentioned a bath earlier. How about you get a bath and we’ll go from there?”

She licked her lips. “Okay. A bath would be…good.” She shook her head and sighed. “I’d like a bath.”

Levi reached down and scooped her into his arms. The wool pants she’d been clutching tight in her hands fell to the floor, forgotten, as she grabbed onto him. For such a tall woman, Linda hardly weighed anything. He frowned as he carried her toward the bathroom. He’d have to feed her more often.

Linda slid one of her hands around to the back of his neck and rested the other one against his chest. Her head was nestled into the curve of his shoulder. Levi didn’t want to put her down. Only the thought that he’d get to hold her throughout the long night ahead allowed him to release her.

He let her legs down slowly, holding her until she was steady. The small window and the street light just beyond gave him more than enough light to work by. He had excellent night vision, which had come in handy in his former profession.

Leaving her leaning against the vanity, he flicked on the taps in the tub, fixing the water until it was the right temperature. It was a large, claw-foot tub that he’d refinished, bringing it back to its former beauty. He was glad that Linda had found two of the old-fashioned tubs at the salvage yard when she’d been searching for one for her apartment. While he’d worked on it, he’d imagined what she’d look like lounging in it, naked and wet. His dick stirred again, reminding him he was still wearing a condom.

Linda stood beside the sink looking uncertain, her hands tugging at the tails of her blouse.

“I’ll be back.” Striding out to the dining table, he plucked up the two candles and carried them to the bathroom, placing them on the counter. She’d been busy while he’d been gone. Her bra and blouse were on the floor and she was sitting in the tub, her legs pulled up to her chest.

Levi pulled out a clean washcloth and towel, placing them on the counter across from the tub. “You relax.” Whether she did or not remained to be seen.

Leaving her, he went back to the kitchen and removed the condom, dumping it in the garbage. Grabbing a piece of paper towel, he wet it and cleaned himself up. When that was done, he finished clearing up from the meal, putting everything where it belonged.

Finally, he went to the front door and picked up Linda’s shoes, placing them on the small welcome mat. He shook out her slacks and panties and socks, draping them across one of the kitchen chairs. He smoothed his hand over the silky underwear. The garment was ridiculously small and fragile.

Removing his hand, he stepped away from her clothes. He’d only touched her underwear and he was as hard as steel and hurting. Muttering under his breath, he grabbed his T-shirt and tossed it over his shoulder.

A splash caught his attention. Sometime in the past few minutes the water had stopped running. Unable to wait any longer, he went to the bathroom as if drawn by an invisible thread. Linda lounged against the end of the tub, the washcloth draped over her breasts and her right leg curved inward, hiding her soft thatch of pubic hair. Her eyes were closed, but popped open when he entered.

“Hi.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe. She looked so pretty lolling in the water. He could stand there all night and just watch her. His erection flexed in protest.

“Hi.” She smiled at him and held out her hand.

Levi pushed away from the doorframe and went toward the tub, tossing his shirt aside before taking her hand in his. Such a strong hand, yet so fine boned and delicate at the same time. He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze and then released them.

Bending down, he unlaced his boots, shucking them one at a time. His socks followed. He straightened and placed his hands over his zipper, giving her time to object. When she said nothing, he undid his jeans and pulled them off, taking his underwear with them.

Naked, and fully aroused, he stood by the side of the tub. “Shift forward.”

Linda scooted ahead and Levi climbed in behind her, settling himself against the end of the porcelain tub. His legs surrounded hers as he gripped her shoulders and eased her back. “Relax and let me take care of you.”

Linda felt almost drunk with pleasure, arousal still pulsing deep within her. She’d never felt like this in her entire life. There was something about Levi, something about this night that was unique. A time out of time.

She knew she was acting out of character, but she didn’t care. Levi was special. Plus, she trusted him. He wasn’t offering her forever, but he wouldn’t hurt her either. Not intentionally. As long as she went into tonight with her eyes open, there was no reason she shouldn’t enjoy herself.

Every woman deserved one night of unfettered passion. One night with an incredible lover who made her feel like the most special woman in the world.

And that’s how Levi made her feel.

He wasn’t interested in what she could do for him or using her family’s connections for his own personal gain. He didn’t care that she owned and operated an antique store. He wanted her—Linda, the woman. There was no greater turn-on than that.

His big body surrounded her as he slipped in behind her and pulled her back to rest against him. His erection pressed against the center of her back, a tangible reminder that he wanted her again.

“This is nice.” What an understatement. Linda had never bathed with a man before, never would have imagined even doing so.