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Tamryn had scrambled out of bed, drawing his secondary weapon, a Smith amp; Wesson 910 semiauto ("How do you know that?" Vadim asked her, and Alena looked at him as if the question was beyond idiotic, and answered, "Because I saw it, Vadim." She was always very precise in matters of equipment and gear, not because she was particularly obsessive about the tools of the trade, but because she felt it was her professional obligation to know and understand what each tool was, and what it could do), and rushed to follow her out. By the time they'd each left the room, Natalie had reached them, and Dan was close at her heels. On her way to the stairs, Natalie had grabbed Illya's discarded shotgun, which she now tossed to Dan.

None of them had managed to take any reasonable, or even effective, defensive position at this point, which was unfortunate, because it was at this point that the people who'd arrived to kill them entered the house.

("They poured out of those Chevys like their dicks were on fire," Vadim told me. "All gung ho, 'Let's go, Marines!' attitude and shit, but professional about it; they were trying to keep it down, at least until the shooting started. I really don't think they thought anyone was going to be shooting back at them, you know?")

They came through the door in good entry formation, Alena said, covering their angles. The lights were still off in the house, and they tried to be quiet about it. From where she, Natalie, Tamryn, and Dan had been trying to take position, they could see the shapes of their attackers in the ambient light. But they had all still been in motion at the breach, and that made them easy to spot, and it was the attacking force that opened fire first.

There was an initial barrage of fire from the MP5s, eerily quiet since the weapons were suppressed, and maybe as a result, their voices had seemed so much louder.

"Target, top of the stairs!" one had shouted. "With the shotgun, take her, take her!"

From the volume of fire that poured in Alena's direction, she had no doubt they were referring to her, and not to Natalie.

Tamryn went down almost immediately, before he could get a single shot off. He'd been on Alena's left at the top of the stairs, and one of the first bursts meant for her had gone wide, and taken him instead. Alena, Natalie, and Dan had all returned fire, but none of them had scored hits. This didn't bother Alena, since it wasn't the object of the exercise, as far as she was concerned.

The object of the exercise, so to speak, was to get herself, Natalie, Dan, and Miata out of the house alive. If they could force the assault team back out the front door, then they would have secured an effective crossfire, and Vadim could pick their attackers off at his relative leisure. Outside, in the tree house, Vadim had been lining up his first shot as the assault team had been taking up their formation. Three of the team had broken right, away from him, looking to go around the back of the house, but the rest of the group-there were eight in all-had taken up positions for the entry.

Now Vadim heard the barrage of fire from inside the house, and he felt that qualified as permission to do some shooting of his own. He fired, and put a.308 round through the head of the man furthest back in the assault team. His rifle wasn't suppressed, and everyone heard the report, and this threw the entry team into chaos. One of them tried to immediately reverse direction and make for the cover provided by the Suburbans. The remaining three continued trying to gain the house.

"They went total bugfuck when I took their first guy down," Vadim said. "They were all shouting to each other, trying to keep some sort of control of the situation. I only wish I'd been quicker, you know?" Back on the stairs, Dan, Natalie, and Alena were continuing to lay down fire. The initial furious exchange of bullets had abated, and Dan had dropped his shotgun and dived past Nat and Alena, to where Tamryn had gone down. One of the assault team tried to capitalize on the move, coming around the door frame again, and Alena and Natalie both opened up on him simultaneously.

The man fell, and Alena said she was certain it was Natalie who had made the kill.

(I found that hard to believe, but did not say so. If Alena thought that crediting Natalie with the kill would somehow make me feel better about what happened to her, she was wrong. It didn't mean I couldn't appreciate the effort, or see it for what it was, but she was wrong.)

Then Dan threw the smoke grenade that Tamryn had been carrying, and it landed in the front hallway just as Yasha entered from the kitchen, firing wildly with his own Remington. The second shooter at the door put a burst straight into his chest, and Yasha fell at almost the same moment the grenade detonated and began filling first the hallway, then the house, with white smoke. Again, Natalie and Alena returned fire, and the man who'd killed Yasha pitched forward and didn't move again.

At which point Natalie dropped the shotgun, switched to the Sig Sauer I'd returned to her, grabbed hold of Alena's left arm, and said, "We are getting you out of here now!"

Dan took hold of Alena's right arm, handing her the little Seecamp.380 he kept in his pocket, and together with Natalie, they hoisted her to her feet, and began working their way down the stairs, planning to exit at the rear of the house. They still didn't know how many people they were dealing with out front, and they didn't know if more would be arriving.

What they did know was that Alena had been verbally identified as the shooters' primary target. To deny the enemy that target meant they had to get out of the house, and that meant going out the back. In the tree house, Vadim was having trouble getting a good shot on the two shooters he still had to deal with. He'd fired off two more rounds, each to no effect, now leaving him with only four in the rifle before he'd have to switch to the revolver his father had given him. He didn't have a reload for the rifle in the tree house with him, because none of them had considered that they might need to repel an attack of this magnitude.

To make matters worse, Vadim was getting very worried about the three he'd seen breaking for the side of the house. From his vantage point, with the beginnings of dawn's light starting to flow out of the forest, he could see the treeline surrounding the backyard, but not much of the yard itself. With the remaining shooters outside, throwing occasional bursts of fire at him, he couldn't risk switching targets, nor picking up the cell phone resting by his knee.

Then smoke had started pouring from the front of the house, and the two shooters that Vadim couldn't get a bead on saw it, and one of them wheeled back to the door, bringing his MP5 to his shoulder.

(Vadim wasn't sure why he did this, and Alena explained the reasoning before I could. Until the smoke began pouring out of the house, the shooter could believe that his back was covered. But once the visibility behind him went, there was no way to determine what might be happening inside. More importantly, it meant that there was no way for the shooter to visualize anything that might come at him. Therefore, not wanting to leave his back exposed, he'd turned around, hoping that the Suburbans would provide an adequate defense against Vadim's sniping.)

Regardless, in turning he showed Vadim the back of his head through the side windows of one of the Suburbans. Vadim fired once, and the man fell forward, the top of his skull turned to mist. The remaining shooter returned fire, trying to suppress Vadim, then broke for the side of the house. Vadim dropped him before he made the corner. In the house, they'd reached the hallway on the ground floor, and Natalie was leading Alena along, towards the back door. She'd let go of her, holding the Sig with both hands, in a high-ready position, being careful to clear each room before they passed through it. Miata had trotted close beside Alena as she'd struggled along. Her damaged leg made the going much slower than she'd have liked, but the brace running from her ankle to her knee kept it from becoming impossible. Dan stayed at the rear, covering their backs, having switched to his main pistol, a Springfield Armories TRP, which he, too, was holding in the high-ready position. Smoke from the grenade was everywhere, and while it didn't actually make it harder to breathe, the visibility in the house was next to zero, and it made for a tense trip through the ground floor.