Выбрать главу

   7:8, 10, 231

   7:8–9, 168

   7:10, 256

   7:10–12, 168

   7:12–16, 168, 245

   7:17, 172

   7:20–22, 172

   7:24, 173

   7:25, 168

   7:26, 169

   7:27, 173

   7:28, 170

   7:29, 169

   7:29–31, 124, 169

   7:31, 202

   7:32, 170

   7:34–35, 171

   7:35, 170

   7:36–37, 168

   8:4–6, 182

   8:6, 119

   9:1, 1, 84

   9:1–2, 200

   9:2, 10, 197, 218, 230

   9:3–5, 200

   9:5, 10, 27, 210, 231

   9:6, 10, 231

   9:8–11, 201

   9:12, 200, 231

   9:14, 201, 256

   9:15, 231

   9:18, 200

   9:20–21, 185, 212

   10:4, 134

   10:6–7, 164

   10:14–21, 164

   10:14–22, 189

   10:16, 15, 153

   10:21, 163

   10:25–26, 189

   10:25–29, 151

   11, 167

   11–14, 152

   11:1, 153, 195

   11:3, 163

   11:5–6, 164

   11:7, 162

   11:7–8, 162

   11:9–10, 163

   11:10, 163

   11:11–12, 164

   11:15, 162

   11:16, 164, 195

   11:23–25, 145

   11:23–26, 15, 256

   11:27–32, 154

   11:30, 155, 169

   11:33, 152

   12:1–3, 152

   12:1–4, 260

   12:4–13, 144

   12:10, 152

   12:13, 139

   13, 20

   14:16, 142

   14:33b-36, 166

   14:34–35, 165

   14:37, 103

   14:37–38, 166, 195

   14:40, 138

   15:3–4, 63

   15:4, 11, 88

   15:5, 78

   15:5–7, 27

   15:8, 84

   15:8–10, 219

   15:9, 10, 230

   15:9–10, 18

   15:13, 61

   15:14, 11

   15:20, 106

   15:21–28, 125

   15:22, 125

   15:25, 158

   15:28, 127

   15:29, 141

   15:35, 61

   15:36–38, 62

   15:42–50, 88

   15:45, 11

   15:45–49, 62

   15:47–49, 121

   15:50, 14, 62, 65, 122

   15:51, 255

   15:51–53, 116

   15:52–54, 88

   16:20, 258

   16:22, 142

   apostle references in, 253

   baptismal disputes in, 138

   ethical instructions in, 188, 189–90, 196, 197

   Eucharist practices in, 152, 153, 155

2 Corinthians, 9, 71, 216, 227, 244, 253

   1:21–22, 117, 143

   3:1–3, 104

   3:4–11, 95

   3:7–8, 96

   3:7–9, 17

   3:10, 96

   3:14–15, 96

   3:17–18, 64, 140

   3:18, 97, 118

   4:4, 112, 159

   4:10–12, 106

   4:16, 60, 118, 140, 169

   4:17, 135

   4:18, 60

   5:1–4, 60

   5:1–5, 11

   5:5, 143

   5:6–9, 106

   5:10, 126

   5:16, 4

   5:16–17, 132, 153

   5:19, 125

   6:2, 104

   6:4–9, 104

   6:11, 197

   7:2–3, 197

   8:9, 120

   10–13, 217–20

   10:2, 198

   10:3–6, 159

   10:5–6, 199

   10:8, 198

   10:10, 236

   11:4–5, 219

   11:5, 19

   11:13, 19

   11:13–15, 220

   11:22, 10, 230

   11:22–23, 218

   11:23–25, 105

   11:23–27, 231

   11:25, 233

   11:32, 235

   11:32–33, 243

   12:1, 94

   12:1–4, 111, 231

   12:1–10, 1

   12:2–3, 2

   12:2–4, 93

   12:4, 107

   12:7–10, 231

   12:8–9, 94

   12:9, 159

   12:10, 160

   12:11–12, 218

   12:12, 231

   13:2–3, 198

   13:10, 198

   13:12, 258

cosmic family, 11, 12–14, 17, 97, 112–118, 121, 128, 130, 132, 182, 183, 202, 255

   birthright of, 117–18

   glorification of, 113, 114, 115–16, 125, 126, 159, 255

   Jews’ exclusion from, 183

   and judgment, 14, 125, 126, 127

   justification of, 114

   selection of, 113–14

   suffering of, 114, 159–60


   Greco-Roman view of, 112, 134

   Hebrew view of, 54, 112

Craig, William Lane, 251

Cullman, Oscar, 250

Damascus, 234–35

Daniel, 46, 57, 58

   12:1–3, 56

   12:2, 106

Darby, John Nelson, 255

David, 102, 109

   Jesus’ lineage from, 12, 46, 148, 202

Dead Sea Scrolls, 14, 58, 65, 99, 136, 150, 209, 243, 255, 260


   Christian view of, 59, 250

   Greek view of, 51, 59, 60, 250

   Hebrew view of, 52–55, 57, 59, 106

   see also resurrection


   5:21, 191

   18:15–18, 95

   21:22–23, 75

   30:11–19, 192

   32:4, 134

   32:18, 134

Didache, 44–46, 154, 222, 224

   1.3, 45

   1.4, 45

   1.5, 45

   1.6, 45

   2.4, 45

   4.5, 45

   4.6, 46

   4.8, 45

   9:2–3, 147–48

   10:6, 142

divorce, Paul’s view on, 168, 245

Domna, Julia, 253

Dorcas, 56

Easter, xv

Eastern Catholics, on Jesus’ brothers, 26

Ebionites, 223–24


   3:19–20, 53

   3:21, 53

   12:7, 54

Elijah, 55, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97–98, 249

Elisha, 55

Elkesaites, 223

Enoch, 58, 249

2 (Slavonic) Enoch, 94

Ephesians, 7, 127–28, 228, 244

   1:9–10, 128

   5:21–6:9, 229

   20, 154

Epicurians, 61

Epiphanius, 26

Essenes, 58, 136, 246


   Christian debate about, 153

   in Christianity before Paul, 15, 45–46, 145, 147–48, 154, 258

   Pauline function of, 25, 129, 153, 155, 169

   Pauline practice of, 142, 151–56

   Paul’s adaptation of, xviii, 14–15, 46, 129, 131, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150–56, 163, 258

   preparation for, 154

   spiritual gifts at, 152

   see also Last Supper

Eusebius, 36, 39, 81, 205, 242, 265

Eutychus, 56

Eve, 165


   3:1–6, 92

   3:2, 257

   13:21, 134

   14:31, 256

   20:17, 191

   24:15–18, 94

   34:27–28, 92

   34:29, 92

Ezekiel, 249

   37:1–14, 249

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., 260

Gabriel revelation, 65–67, 88

Gaius of Rome, 205

Galatians, 9, 71, 210, 216, 217, 227, 244

   1:4, 112, 159

   1:6, 199

   1:6–8, 219

   1:9, 199

   1:11–2:2, 10, 230

   1:11–12, 3, 4, 63, 111, 146

   1:11–15, 111

   1:12, 1, 93, 94, 235

   1:13, 10, 230

   1:14, 10, 134, 181, 230

   1:15, 18

   1:15–16, 100

   1:15–17, 91

   1:16, 1, 18

   1:16–18, 19

   1:17, 235

   1:18, 93

   1:18–19, 29, 210

   1:18–23, 2

   1:19, 26, 245

   1:20, 128

   2:1–9, 2

   2:1–10, 231

   2:2, 1

   2:6, 3, 19

   2:6–9, 213