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'That is absurd,' I told him, upon discovering the source of his reluctance. 'Do not the priests take wives like other men? I tell you they do – and children are born to them. Their faith does not make them less potent than other men, God knows. You have swallowed a lie, Fergus.'

'Oh, I am certain these priests are excellent in every way. I hold no enmity for them,' he agreed lightly. 'But why tempt calamity? I am happy – never more so than now that my daughter is wed to the High King of Britain.'

'But Arthur himself is beholden to Christ,' Bedwyr informed him, joining the discussion. 'Faith has not made him impotent. Look at the two of them together – reclining together in their nook, drinking from the same cup. Ask Arthur if his faith has stolen his manhood. Better yet, ask Gwenhwyvar; she will tell you.'

'It is the way of the Britons,' the Irish King allowed, 'to hold strange gods and stranger practices. We all know this. But it is not our way.'

'It is the way of many of your kinsmen, Fergus,' I countered. 'Many now embrace the Lord Christ who formerly held to Crom Cruach. I ask you again, where is the harm?'

'Well,' Fergus said, 'they have grown accustomed to it, I expect, and it does them no harm. But I am not so accustomed. I fear it would go ill with me.'

Nothing anyone could say would convince him. But, several days later, a group of monks arrived and sought audience with the king. As always, Fergus welcomed them and gave them gifts of food and drink – for they would not accept his gold. Curious, I went to the hall to hear their appeal.

The leader of this group of wandering brothers was a priest named Ciaran. Though yet a young man he was already strong in the faith and very wise. Learned in Greek and Latin, articulate and well-spoken, his renown was such that many fellow monks, both British and Irish, had pledged themselves to his service to aid him in his work among the heathen clans of Eire.

'We heard that the great War Leader of the Britons is here,' Ciaran declared. 'We have come to pay homage to him.'

This impressed and pleased Arthur. He did not imagine that his name was known outside Britain.

'You are welcome at my hearth,' Fergus told the priest. 'For Arthur's sake, I give you good greeting.'

'May Heaven's King richly bless you, Fergus,' Ciaran replied. 'And may the High King of Heaven honour his High King on Earth. I give you good greeting, Arthur ap Aurelius.'

Arthur thanked the priest for his blessing, whereupon Ciaran addressed himself to me. 'And you are surely the Wise Emrys of whom so many wonderful tales are told.'

'I am Myrddin,' I answered simply. 'And I stand ready to serve you, brother priest.'

'I do thank you, Wise Emrys,' he replied. 'This day, however, it is for me to serve you.' I sensed movement before me as he stepped closer. 'We heard that you were blind, and now I see for myself that this is so.'

'It is but a minor annoyance,' I answered. 'I am content.’

‘A man of your eminence would bear any hardship lightly, and I expected no less,' observed Ciaran, and those with him murmured approvingly. 'Perhaps it is as our Lord Jesu has said: 'This affliction has been given so that the glory of the Father may be revealed.' If that is the way of it, then perhaps I may be the instrument of that unveiling. Will you allow me?" The hall hushed to hear what I would say. The audacious priest was offering to heal me. Well, what could I say? I had been telling Fergus of the power of the Risen One. If I refused Ciaran's gentle challenge, then I would be shown a liar. If, on the other hand, I accepted his offer and he failed, I would be shown a fool.

Better a fool than a liar, I thought, and answered, 'As for myself, I am content. But if the Ancient of Days desires my healing for his benefit, I stand ready to oblige.’

‘Then so be it.'

Stepping close, Ciaran unwound the bandage and raised his hands before me; I could feel the heat from his palms on my skin, as if I had raised my face to the sun.

'God of Creation,' the priest said, 'I call upon your Divine Spirit to honour your name and demonstrate your power before unbelieving men.'

So saying, Ciaran touched my eyes, and the heat of his hands flowed out from his fingertips. It felt as if my eyes were bathed in burning white light. There was some discomfort – a little pain, but mostly surprise – and I flinched away. But Ciaran held me, his fingers pressing into my eyes. The unnatural heat increased, burning into my flesh.

It felt as if my eyes were on fire; I squeezed them shut and clenched my teeth to keep from crying out. Ciaran took his hands away then and said, 'Open your eyes!'

Blinking away the tears, I saw a throng of people looking at me in blank astonishment, their faces glowing like small, hazy suns. Arthur gazed at me in wonder. 'Myrddin? Are you well?' he asked. 'Can you see me?'

I raised my hands before my face. They shimmered and shone like firebrands, each finger a tongue of flame. 'I see you, Arthur,' I answered, looking at him. 'I am healed.'

This happy event caused a tremendous sensation in Fergus' house; they talked of nothing else for days. Even Bedwyr and Cai, who had seen wonders enough in their time with me, confessed amazement. Blindness is a wearisome nuisance, and I was greatly relieved to be quit of it. I felt suddenly lighter, as if I had shed a weighty and unwieldy burden. The hazy glow gradually faded and my sight became keen once more. My heart soared.

'But what if you had not been healed?' Bedwyr asked me later. 'What if this priest had failed?'

'My only worry,' I told him, 'was what doubters like Fergus would think if I refused. Since I could do nothing about the healing in any event, I agreed.'

'But did you doubt?' he persisted. He meant no disrespect; he genuinely wanted to know.

Did I doubt? No, I did not. 'Hear me, Bedwyr,' I told him. 'I believed the One who made men's eyes could restore my sight. After all, is that any more difficult than filling Ector's ale vats? A miracle is a miracle. Even so, I have lived long enough in the Great King's care to know that whether I am blind as a bump or own the eyes of an eagle is a matter of such small regard it does not bear thinking about, much less worrying over.'

In truth, I was powerfully grateful to have my sight returned to me. Yet, lest men think that I cared only for the Gifting God in what I could get from him, I kept my joy to myself. Fergus, however, was much excited by this show of power. He took it as a sign of great import and significance that this wonder should have taken place beneath his roof.

He leaped from his chair and seized Ciaran by the arms. 'Earth and sky bear witness, you are a holy man, and the god you serve is a remarkable god. From this day you shall have all that you ask of me – even to the half of my kingdom.'

'Fergus mac Guillomar mac Eire,' replied Ciaran, 'I will not take one thing from you unless you give your heart into the bargain.'

'Tell me what I must do,' Fergus answered, 'and be assured the sun will not set before it is accomplished.'

'Only this,' the priest answered. 'Swear fealty to the High King of Heaven, and take him for your lord.'

That very day Fergus pledged life and faith to the True God, and all the members of his clan with him. They embraced their new faith with much devotion and even more zeal. Fergus granted the good brothers leave to sojourn in his realm. He charged them also with the teaching of his household.

The king's bards were far from pleased with this development. They grumbled against the king's new allegiance. But when I related what Taliesin had told Hafgan about the faith of Christ, they allowed themselves to be persuaded. 'It need not mean the end for you,' I assured them. 'If you, who seek the truth of all things, would embrace a higher truth, you will find your rank is not diminished, but increased. A new day is dawning in the west; the old ways are passing, as you must know. The man who will not bend the knee to Christ will find his place given to another.'

Gwenhwyvar, who had learned the faith from Charis during her sojourn in Ynys Avallach, praised her father's courage. Fergus embraced his daughter. 'It is not courage, my soul,' he said. 'It is simple prudence. For if I did not acknowledge what I have seen this day, then I would be more blind than Myrddin ever was.'