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“So anyway, Kelly, I need to ask you something,” Junior said.

Turnbull chewed for a moment and then eyed him.

“What?” he said, picking up his beer and taking a swig.

“Well, Clay asked me to run something by you. Just an idea. Something important. Something only you could do. And this time, it’s going to be easy, a cakewalk. Now, you wouldn’t be going back in alone….”

Junior paused upon seeing his friend’s expression.

Kelly Turnbull swallowed before he spoke.

“Stop talking.”

About The Author

Kurt Schlichter is a senior columnist for Townhall.com. A stand-up comic for several years, Kurt was personally recruited by Andrew Breitbart, and his writings on political and cultural issues have been regularly published IJ Review, The Federalist, the New York Post, the Washington Examiner, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the Washington Times, Army Times, the San Francisco Examiner, and elsewhere.

Kurt is a Twitter activist (@KurtSchlichter) with over 71,000 followers, which led to him writing I Am a Conservative: Uncensored, Undiluted, and Absolutely Un-PC, I Am a Liberaclass="underline" A Conservative’s Guide to Dealing with Nature’s Most Irritating Mistake, and Fetch My Latte: Sharing Feelings with Stupid People. All three e-books reached number one on the Amazon Kindle “Political Humor” bestseller list. In 2014, his book Conservative Insurgency: The Struggle to Take America Back 2013-2041 was published by Post Tree Press.

Kurt has served as a news source, an on-screen commentator, and a guest on nationally syndicated radio programs regarding political, military, and legal issues, including Fox News, Fox Business News, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Dr. Drew Show, The Larry Elder Show, The Dennis Miller Show, Geraldo, The John Phillips Show, The Tony Katz Show, PJTV’s The Conversation, The Tamara Jackson Show, The Delivery with Jimmie Bise, Jr., The Dana Loesch Show, The Point, the WMAL Washington Morning Show with Larry O’Connor, The Derek Hunter Show, and The Snark Factor, among others. Kurt appears weekly on the Cam and Company show, and averages four to five other media appearances a week.

Kurt is a successful trial lawyer and name partner in a Los Angeles law firm representing Fortune 500 companies and individuals in matters ranging from routine business cases to confidential Hollywood disputes. A member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, which recognizes attorneys who have won trial verdicts in excess of $1 million, his litigation strategy and legal analysis articles have been published in legal publications such as the Los Angeles Daily Journal and California Lawyer.

Kurt is a 1994 graduate of Loyola Law School, where he was a law review editor. He majored in communications and political science as an undergraduate at the University of California, San Diego, co-editing the conservative student paper California Review while also writing a regular column in the student humor paper The Koala.

Kurt served as a US Army infantry officer on active duty and in the California Army National Guard, retiring at the rank of full colonel. He wears the silver “jump wings” of a paratrooper and commanded the elite 1st Squadron, 18th Cavalry Regiment. A veteran of both the Persian Gulf War and Operation Enduring Freedom (Kosovo), he is a graduate of the Army’s Combined Arms and Services Staff School, the Command and General Staff College, and the United States Army War College, where he received a master of strategic studies degree.

He lives with his wife Irina, and his favorite caliber is .45.



Kurt Schlichter’s People’s Republic is a surreal, fast-paced journey through a dramatically different America but less than a generation away: a flag with fewer stars, crack-shot Mormons, “militant climate change deniers,” trendy genericism, cat tacos, iPhone 16s, “the border in Kentucky”, rote protests, “Harry Reid International Airport” and eerie new definitions of “red lies”, “Indian country” and “the border wall with Mexico.” Violent, imaginative, full of mordant humor and dark, gritty details, you won’t want to live in this People’s Republic… but you’ll feel a chill as you wonder how different our real future will be.

Jim Geraghty, Author of The Weed Agency and Heavy Lifting and Columnist at National Review

The dystopian, Orwellian picture of an America gone mad in People’s Republic sounds too frightening to ever come true — until you realize that the leftism behind that dystopian picture has destroyed societies the world over. Read this chilling book and learn the true cost of leftist policy.

Ben Shapiro, Radio Host, Author of True Allegiance, and Commentator

My friend Kurt Schlichter — attorney, Army vet, and compelling writer — has written a thought-provoking action thriller set against the backdrop of a shattered America. If you are trying to make the case to your politically disengaged friends about the dangers of the growing attacks on the rule of law, People’s Republic is Exhibit A.

David Limbaugh, Author of The Emmaus Code: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament and Columnist at Townhall.com

People’s Republic is a well-written, action-packed political thriller that cleverly shreds progressive hypocrisy in a multitude of ways. Kurt successfully did what our mutual friend Andrew Breitbart advised that conservatives do: Get out there and compete in the world of popular culture!

Dana Loesch, Author of Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America and Radio/BlazeTV Television Host

They say conservatives are terrible storytellers, but Kurt Schlichter destroys that stereotype in his new novel People’s Republic and issues a dire warning about the future of America. But do not fear, we can still change course and this page turner will embolden the country to take action and do so.

Katie Pavelich, Fox News Contributor, Author of Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women, and editor at Townhall.com

The fast paced action of a Brad Thor thriller blended with a dystopian future worthy of Orwell. Kurt Schlichter’s People’s Republic is a roller coaster ride through a post-election Hellscape that will leave you wanting more.

Cam Edwards, Author of Heavy Lifting and NRANews Television Host

“So, what’s the worst that could happen?” So say the folks who don’t pay much attention to politics, candidates, elections, courts. The real answer is: Lots you don’t want to think about, unimaginable things that come out of nowhere. Schlichter puts a whole flight of Black Swans in the air — each of them plausible — and the result is a riveting, page-turner, and a demand from Schlichter for… more.