Finally I could see the entrance of the mine, a darker blot in the pervading grayness. “There it is, Glory!” I cried.
“We’re almost there. Just a little-” And the pain seized me. Gasping, I felt myself begin to fall. All my power was draining out thinly-my mind had only room for the all-enveloping anguish. I felt the soggy end of the mattress under one arm, and then two strong hands grabbed me and began to tug me onto the bed.
“Try-” Glory’s voice was almost too far away. “Help yourself! Onto the bed! Help yourself!”
Deliberately I pushed all thought of pain aside. As though in slow. motion I felt myself lift slightly and slide onto the end of the bed. I lay half on half off and tried to catch my breath.
“Debbie,” Glory’s voice came calmly and deliberately.
“We’re almost in the water. Can you lift us up a little?”
Oh no, I thought. It’s too much to ask! Let me rest.
Then for no reason at all I heard Jemmy’s voice again.
“Where’s Glory and Seth?” as though in some way I were responsible. 1 am! I cried to myself. I am responsible for them. 1 took their lives in my hands when we left the bedroom. Even before that! 1 made myself responsible for them when they took me in—
With infinite effort I pushed myself into the background and reached out again to lay hold on The Power and, slowly, the bed rose from the lapping of the waters and, slowly, it started again toward the mine entrance and I held Glory’s hand in such a bruising grasp you would have thought I was birthing something or someone out there in the pelting rain.
The events of the next few minutes ran hurriedly and clear, but as far removed from me as though I were watching everything through the wrong end of binoculars. I settled the mattress near the glowing wheel. Glory was off in unflurried haste. She spread my bedclothes and got me undressed by the light of the nickel she had propped up on a ledge on the wall. I cried out when I felt the warmth of my tekla nightgown gliding over my head. I’d forgotten the clothes for Child Within! The muddy waters were tumbling all their softness and smallness now.
Another pain came and when it subsided, Glory had brought a coffee pot from somewhere—one of those huge enameled camp pots-and had filled it from somewhere and put it on the wheel-stove to heat. The cases were gone from our pillows and they lay beside my bed torn into neat squares in a little heap, topped by a battered old jackknife with one sharp blade open. One of the thin blankets had been ripped in four.
Glory’s face appeared over me, rugged, comforting.
“We’re doin’ fine,” she said. “Me and Seth had a few things stashed here in the mine. Seth’s breathing better. You got nothing to worry about now ‘ceptin’ Child Within. Nothing to worry about there neither ‘ceptin’ what you’ll name him now that he won’t be within any more.”
“Oh, Glory!” I whispered and turned my cheek to press against her hand.
From there on, I was three people-one who cried out and gasped and struggled with the pain and against the pain and was bound up in the blindness of complete concentration on the task at hand, and an accusing one-one sitting in judgment. And the third me was standing before the bar of that judgment, defenseless and guilty.
The indictment was read from the big Book.
“I was hungry,” came the accusation, “‘and they fed me.”
“I ate their food,” I admitted. “Unearned-“
“I was naked and they clothed me-“
“‘Now we can have decent clothes,’” I heard myself saying again.
“I was a stranger and they took me in-“
“I condescended to let them care for me,” I admitted.
“I was in the prison of my grief and they visited me.”
“And I accepted their concern and care of me as an unquestioned right. I took and took and took and gave nothing-” Remorse was sharper than the pain that made the other cry out and struggle on the thin bedclothes.
Think no more highly of yourself than you should. The voice had stopped. Now the words ran in ribbons of flames, wavering before my closed eyes, searing the tears dry.
To whom much is given, much is expected. Who would be first must be last. Who would be greatest must be the servant of all.
Whatsoever you do unto the least of these—
Then suddenly the separation was over and the three of me coalesced in a quick blind rush and I listened blissfully to the lusty, outraged cry of My Child.
“Oh, Thann!” I whispered as I slid into a cloud of comfort and relaxation. “Oh, Thann, he’s here. Our child-our Thann-too.”
“You’re mighty sure, aren’t you?” Glory’s voice was amused. “But you’re right. He’s a boy.”
I pushed sleep away from me a little to fret, “Let .me see my poor naked baby. All his little clothes-“
“Not so naked,” said Glory. “Here, hold him while I get things squared around.” She laid the blanket-wrapped bundle beside me and I lifted up on one elbow to look down into the miracle of the face of my child. I brushed my forefinger across the dark featherdown of his damp hair and lost myself in the realization that here was Child Within. This was what had been Becoming, serenely untouched, within me during all the tumultuous things that had happened. I protested from my half sleep when Glory came back for my child.
“Just going to dress him,” said Glory. “You can have him back.” .
“Dress him?” I asked fuzzily.
“Yes,” said Glory, unwrapping the blanket. “I had that sugar-sack gown in my shoe box and them old pillowcases make pretty soft diapers. Not very wetproof though, I’m afraid.”
“A boy?” It was Seth’s voice, shaken but clear-his first words since the cabin.
“A boy!” Glory’s voice was a hymn of thankfulness. “Want to see him?”
“Sure. Us men gotta stick together!”
I lay and smiled to keep from crying as I heard their murmuring over my child.
“Dark like Davy,” Glory finally said softly. “Well, better give him back, I guess.” She laid him beside me.
“Glory,” I said, “the gown could have been for Davy’s child. So you and Seth must be grandparents for my Thann-too.”
“I-” Glory bit her lips and smoothed his blanket with a trembling hand. “We-” She swallowed hard. “Sure. It’s a pleasure.”
“Hey, Grandma,” called Seth, hardly above a whisper. “I could do with some coffee!”
“Okay, Grampa, keep your shirt on,” said Glory. “One coffee coming up!”
That night after Glory had got us all settled and the nickel light was tucked under a rusty tin can and sleep was flowing warmly around us all, I roused a little and leaned up on one elbow, instinctively curving myself around the precious bundle of my child. The wheel-stove glowed on, taking a little of the raw chill off the rocky room. Glory and Seth were sleeping on the other side of the wheel, their bedding augmented by one of the blankets Jemmy had left. When I told Glory where they were, but not where they came from, she got them and, looking at me over the folded bulk of them, opened her mouth, closed it again, and silently spread one blanket for me and one fur them. Now they were both asleep and I was awake listening to the “voice of many waters, praising-” and added my praise to theirs. Outside, the sky was clearing, but the murmuring lap of the waters reminded that the numberless creeks in the hills had not yet emptied themselves and the tide was rising higher.
I turned over in my mind the odd duality of events of the night. I heard and saw again all the accusations, all the admonitions. They must have all been waiting for just such a chance when the Distorted Me wasn’t watching, to break through and confront me with myself. I had known all the words before. Their pertinent wisdom had been familiar to The People before they ever arrived on Earth and it was one of the endearing things of Earth that we had there found such beautifully rhythmic paraphrases of them.
As I had laid down the burden of Child Within only to assume the greater burden of Thann-too, so also must I lay down the burden of my spoiled-brat self and take up the greater burden of my responsibility as one of The People toward Glory and Seth and whatever the Power sent into my life. Jemmy had been right. I wasn’t of The People. I had made myself more of an Outsider than an Outsider, even. Well, remorse is useless except insofar as it changes your way of doing things. And change I would-the Power being my helper.