Medford House: Brothel run by Gwen DeLancy and attached to The Rose and Thorn
Melengar: \mel-in-gar\ Kingdom in Avryn ruled by the Essendon royal family, only Avryn kingdom independent of the New Empire
Melengarians: Residents of Melengar
Melissa: Head servant of Arista, nickname Missy
Mercy: Young girl under the care of Arcadius Latimer and Miranda Gaunt
Mercs: Mercenaries
Merlons: Solid section between two crenels in a crenellated battlement
Merrick Marius: see Marius, Merrick
Merton: Monsignor of Ghent, savior of Fallen Mire, speaks aloud to Novron
Messkid: Container used to transport meals aboard a ship, resembles bucket
Milborough: Melengarian Baron, died in battle
Milford: Sergeant in the Nationalist Army.
Millie: Formerly Hadrian’s horse, died in Dahlgren
Mince: Orphan living on the Streets of Aquesta, best friend to Kine
Mir: Person with both elven and human blood
Miralyith: Tribe of elves, mages
Miranda Gaunt: Sister of Degan Gaunt, helping Arcadias raise Mercy
Mizzenmast: Third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts
Modina: See Empress Modina
Mon, Edith: See Edith Mon
Montemorcey: \mont-eh-more-ah-sea\ Excellent wine imported through the Vandon Spice Company
Motte: a man-made hill
Mouse: Royce’s horse, named by Thrace, gray mare
Mr. Rings: Baby raccoon, pet of Mercy
Murderess: Lady Geneviere’s prize hunting bird
Murieclass="underline" Goddess of nature, daughter of Erebus, mother of Uberlin
Murthas, Sir: Knight of Alburn, son of Earl of Fentin, friend of Gilbert and Elgar
Myron Lanaklin: Sheltered Monk of Maribor, indelible memory, son of Victor, sister of Alenda
Mystic: Name of Arista’s horse when traveling to Ratibor
Nareion: \nare-e-on\ Last emperor of the Novronian Empire, father of Nevrik
Naron: Heir of Novron who died in Ratibor in 2992
Nationalists: Political party led by Degan Gaunt that desires rule by the will of people
Nats: Nickname of the Nationalists
Nest, the: Nickname of the Rat’s Nest
Nevrik: \nehv-rick\ Son of Nareion, the heir who went into hiding, protected by Jerish Grelad, nickname Nary
New Empire: Second empire uniting most of the kingdoms of man, ruled by Empress Modina, administered by co-regents Ethelred and Saldur
Nidwalden River: Marks the eastern border of Avryn and the start of the Erivan realm
Nilyndd: Tribe of elves, crafters
Nimbus: Tutor to the empress, assistant to the imperial secretary, originally from Vernes
Nipper: Young servant assigned primarily to the kitchens of the imperial palace
Novron: Savior of mankind, demigod, son of the Maribor, defeated the elven army in the Great Elven Wars, founder of the Novronian Empire, Builder of Percepliquis, husband of Persephone
Novronian: \nov-ron-e-on\ Pertaining to Novron
Nyphron Church: The worshipers of Novron and Maribor
Nyphrons: \nef-rons\ Devout members of the church
Oberdaza: \oh-ber-daz-ah\Tenkin or Ghazel witchdoctor
Old Empire: Original united kingdoms of man, destroyed one thousand years in the past after the murder of Emperor Nareion
Orrin Flatly: Ratibor city scribe, assistant of Arista
Osgar: Reeve of Hintindar
Ostrium: Tenkin communal hall where meals are served
Oudorro: Friendly Tenkin Village in Calis
Palace of the Four Winds: Home of Erandabon Gile in Dur Guron
Parker: Quartermaster and later commander of Nationalist Army, killed in Battle of Ratibor
Parthaloren Falls: \path-ah-lore-e-on\ The great cataracts on the Nidwalden near Avempartha
Patriarch: Head of the Nyphron Church who lives in the Crown Tower of Ervanon
Pauldron: Piece of armor covering the shoulder
Percepliquis: \per-sep-lah-kwiss\ Ancient city and capital of the Novronian Empire, named for the wife of Novron, destroyed and lost during the collapse of the Old Empire
Percy Braga: See Braga, Percy
Perin: Grocer from Ratibor
Persephone: Wife of Novron, Percepliquis named after her
Pickering: Noble family of Melengar and rulers of Galilin, Count Pickering is known to be the best swordsman in Avryn and believed to use a magic sword
Pickilerinon: Seadric, who shortened the family name to Pickering
Pith: Small value coin of the Old Empire
Planchette: Footrest for a woman’s sidesaddle
Plesieantic Incantation: \plass-e-an-tic\ A method used in the Art to draw power from nature
Poe: cook’s assistant aboard the Emerald Storm, Merrick’s assistant
Polish: Head of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild in Ratibor
Praleon Guard: \pray-lee-on\Bodyguards to the king in Ratibor
Price: Fist Officer of the Black Diamond thieves’ guild
Princess: Name of Arista’s horse on ride to Percepliquis
Quartz: Member of the Ratibor thieves’ guild
Queen’s Gambit: Series of moves used to open a chess game
Quintain: Used in training for the joust, when hit it will spin and can knock rider off his saddle
Ratibor: Capital of the kingdom of Rhenydd, home of Royce Melborn
Rat’s Nest, the: Hideout of Black Diamond Guild in Ratibor
Red: Old Elkhound, large dog frequently found in kitchen of imperial palace
Reeve: Official who supervises serfs and oversees the lands for a lord
Regal Fox Inn, the: Least expensive tavern in affluent Hill District in Colnora
Regent: Someone who administers a kingdom during the absence or incapacity of the ruler
Regina, Queen: Wife of Vincent, Queen of Maranon
Rendon, Baron: Nobleman of Melengar
Renkin Pooclass="underline" Citizen of Ratibor with fighting experience
Renian: \rhen-e-ahn\ Childhood friend of Myron the monk, died at a young age
Renquist: Commander of the Nationalist army, promoted to the position by Hadrian
Rentinual, Tobis: History Professor at Sheridan University, built catapult to fight Gilarabrywn
Renwick: Imperial page, assigned to act as Sir Hadrian’s squire
Rhelacan: \rell-ah-khan\ Great sword given to Novron by Maribor, forged by Drome, enchanted by Ferrol, used to defeat and subdue the elves
Rhenydd: \ren-yaed\ Kingdom of Avryn, ruled by King Urith, poor kingdom of Avryn, now part of the New Empire
Ryn: half-elf who helped save Alric from Baron Trumbul
Rilan Valley: Fertile land that separates Glouston and Chadwick
Rionillion: \ri-on-ill-lon\ The name of the city that first stood on the site of Aquesta but was destroyed during the civil wars that occurred after the fall of the Novronian Empire
Riyria: \rye-ear-ah\ Elvish for two, a team or a bond, name used to collectively refer to Royce Melborn and Hadrian Blackwater
Rondeclass="underline" Common type of stiff-bladed dagger with a round handgrip
Rose and Thorn, the: Tavern in Medford run by Gwen DeLancy, used as a base by Riyria
Roswort, King: Ruler of Dunmore, husband of Freda
Royalists: Political party that favors rule by independent monarchs
Royce Melborn: Thief, one-half of Riyria, half-elf
Rudolf, Prince: Son of King Armand, Prince of Alburn, brother to Beatrice and Hector
Rufus, Lord: Ruthless northern warlord, intended emperor for the New Empire, killed by a Gilarabrywn in Dahlgren
Rufus’s Bane: Name given to the Gilarabrywn slain by Thrace/Modina
Russell Bothwick: Farmer in Dahlgren, married to Lena, father of Tad
Rupert, King: Unmarried king of Rhenydd
Saldur, Maurice: Former bishop of Medford, former friend and advisor to the Essendon family, co-regent of the New Empire, nickname: Sauly
Salifan: \sal-eh-fan\ Fragrant wild plant used in incense
Salty Mackerel, the: Tavern in the shipping district of Aquesta