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The Prince seemed as though he were going to ignore the intruders and refuse to part with Perdita. But Frederick was pulling at his arm and Perdita was releasing herself.

‘We shall meet soon …’ she whispered.

‘When, when?’ demanded the Prince.

‘It shall be when you wish,’ she told him; and with that fled towards Lord Maiden and the boat.

* * *

Perdita was in transports of delight while Mrs Armistead helped her disrobe.

‘What a day, Armistead! What a day!’

‘What a day indeed, Madam. And the forerunner of many others like it, I daresay.’

‘He is so impatient,’ sighed Perdita fondly.

‘He is an ardent lover, Madam.’

‘Armistead, did you see him?’

‘Not clearly, Madam.’

‘He is very handsome. I never saw a man so handsome.’

‘I rejoice for you, Madam.’

‘Yes, Armistead, what have I done to deserve such devotion?’

Act on a stage, thought Armistead. Possess undoubted beauty. Hold him off for six months talking of virtue while all the time hinting at surrender. Well played, Madam. Yes, you do deserve a small success with His Highness.

‘Madam is so beautiful – and I never saw you more so than tonight.’

‘Do you think he was satisfied with me, Armistead?’

‘There could have been no doubt of it.’

‘Ah … Armistead. The grace of his person, the irresistible sweetness of his smile, the tenderness of his melodious yet manly voice will remain with me till every vision of this changing scene shall be forgotten.’

‘I am sure he would be delighted to hear you say that, Madam.’

‘Perhaps he will. I shall write it down so that I don’t forget it. But I mean it, Armistead. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.’

‘Madame is a poet as well as an actress and great beauty.’

Perdita smiled in a congratulatory manner at her reflection.

And so, said Mrs Armistead, reporting to Mr Fox, did she continue to applaud the good looks and accomplishment of her Prince on that night. It was indeed a step forward. Even Perdita knew now that there could be no holding back and she was prepared to become the mistress of the Prince of Wales.

Mr Fox calls on Mr Sheridan

THAT WAS THE first of many meetings. The Prince declared that never had he been so happy in his life. He lived for the excitement of these encounters; and the knowledge that at any moment during them he could run into disaster only made them the more exciting.

Kew Gardens. Eel Pie Island. Forever more, he declared, these will be paradise to me.

Each encounter was an adventure in itself. Donning a dark coat he would slip out of the Dower Lodge and make his way to the appointed spot; there had been one occasion when it had been necessary to disguise himself – and Frederick – as watchmen. How they had laughed as they had planned climbing the walls and slipping away.

While this provided the romantic adventure it stirred up all the resentment in the Prince’s mind. Why should it be necessary? he constantly demanded of Frederick. That they enjoyed it was beside the point. He was the Prince of Wales and he had to leave the Palace like a thief. And why – because of their father – that spoilsport of a king who thought the height of happiness was to go farming and make buttons and plans for the nursery, drink lemonade and play backgammon and who had never been unfaithful to his wife. Not that the Prince believed in infidelity. He would be faithful to Perdita until death, but at the same time Fred had to agree that their father was a dull dog and it would have been more natural – their mother being as she was – if he had a mistress or two.

Frederick agreed as he always did with his brother; and threw himself into the nocturnal adventures as though they were his own.

And then the meetings with Perdita – herself wrapped in a dark cloak – to walk under the trees, arms entwined, talking of the future, stopping every now and then to embrace while Frederick kept watch on one side and Maiden and the lady’s maid on the other.

This was wonderful at first but it could not satisfy an ardent lover to wander about the leafy glades of Kew, more often than not having to take a hasty farewell because of intruders.

There must be a better arrangement, and between them George, Frederick and Maiden decided that they should make use of Eel Pie Island.

‘It would be so much easier if Your Highness rowed over to the Island and Mrs Robinson was there to meet you.’

Frederick said: ‘The inn people wouldn’t dare. What if it reached my father’s ears?’

There were ways and means, Maiden pointed out. For instance, need the innkeeper and his servants know. They could be told it was a gentleman of high rank who visited them and if the Prince was sombrely clad and kept his face in shadow as much as possible, need they guess? He, Maiden, would make all the arrangements; and it was surprising what a little persuasion could do if it was backed up by the right sort of ‘appreciation’.

The Prince said it was an excellent idea. Maiden must arrange it right away.

So Malden dropped a few bribes here and there and a new trysting place was found for the lovers.

In the finest room the inn could provide they met while Prince Frederick sat outside the inn keeping a lookout and Malden, with him, thought enviously of the Prince’s pleasure; and Mrs Armistead took careful note of every little incident so that she might not fail in her report to Mr Fox.

While the Prince was sporting with his mistress an alarming situation had sprung up. Lord George Gordon who had become President of the Protestant Association of England was stirring the capital to riot. Lord George – brother of Sarah Lennox’s lover, the man by whom she had had an illegitimate child – was an insignificant fellow who determined to draw attention to himself by some means, and as he could not do so by his brilliance chose this way. He led his followers with shouts of ‘No Popery’ and the King was horrified to discover how quickly a crowd of ordinary people defending what they believe to be right can be turned into a mob bent on destruction.

During the hot days of June the trouble increased. The homes of Catholics were burned to the ground; so were their places of worship; those members of Parliament who had supported the Catholic Relief Bill were similarly treated and many of them lost their homes; then the mob began attacking prisons. It was shocking to discover how quickly a great city could be in the grip of terror. The Palace of St James’s itself and Buckingham House were in danger, and the guard had to be doubled.

The King remained in London; he was not going to leave the soldiers to protect his palaces while he remained at Kew. North suggested that the Prince should be in London. He was popular and his presence might have some effect on the people. The implication being, thought the King sadly, that he himself was not popular. What a sad state of affairs when a man who tried to live honourably and virtuously earned the dislike of his subjects while a young rip who thought of nothing but his own pleasure should have their regard!

But he would not have the Prince in London.

‘What, heir to the throne placed in danger? You’d have that, eh, what?’

‘What of Your Majesty?’

‘My responsibility! Let the Prince stay with his tutor at Kew. Only a boy yet.’

Little did he guess that the boy was at that moment stealing out of the Dower Lodge to row over to Eel Pie Island and his mistress.

The King felt ill. A crisis always set his head zooming with hundreds of thoughts and ideas which he could not always comprehend. And such a crisis! Bloodshed. The stupid destruction that a mob of blood-crazy illiterate men and women could bring about, people who scarcely knew what they were fighting against – for it was not the members of the Protestant Association who were causing this trouble; it was the mob that rag-taggle in any big city – beggars, thieves, prostitutes whose mean and sordid lives were brightened by a disaster such as this. He knew this and he had to stop it. But he would not allow the Prince of Wales to risk his life in London.