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‘I never wanted to part families. But if people will make reckless marriages there’s no help for it.’

‘I hear that Cumberland has met the Prince.’

‘What, eh?’

‘In the Park. They met by chance and there was a touching scene. The people looked on and cheered the avuncular embrace.’

‘The fellow’s a rogue,’ muttered the King, ‘for all that he’s my own brother. And more so because of it. Ingratiating himself with the Prince. I’ll put a stop to that.’

‘It still remains that he has spoken with Cumberland and not with me. Don’t you think that I should have a chance of congratulating my nephew.’

‘There’s nothing to congratulate him about, I do assure you.’

‘On his approaching birthday. A milestone in the life of a young prince. Eighteen. The age when he ceases to be a boy and realizes he’s only three years off his manhood.’

‘He has not only just realized it, I can assure you. He’s been thinking of it for months.’

‘Perfectly natural, George.’

‘You seem determined to defend the puppy. Well, you shall see him. I don’t see why not. Cumberland waylaid him in the Park. If you come to Kew next Friday, you can call on him and stay for half an hour.’

Gloucester was well pleased.

* * *

The Queen sent for Colonel Hotham, one of the members of the Prince’s household. She was disturbed because the Duke of Gloucester was going to spend half an hour with her son. The Prince’s visits to her were growing less and less: he never came until commanded to do so. It was very sad. When he was in her presence she longed for him to show a little affection. He never did; all he showed was his longing to get away.

And his uncle was going to see him. She would not have allowed it; but the King was weak where his brother was concerned. She imagined how Gloucester would put his case to the Prince; his version of the reason why he had been banished from Court would sound very romantic to young ears. She could imagine the Prince’s sympathy; and he would not feel very kindly towards his mother, she knew, if Gloucester should tell him that she had said she would not receive a milliner’s daughter at her Court.

Oh, dear, her darling son’s growing up did create problems. And just now she was feeling the heat very much, for in a very short time now her child would be born.

‘Colonel Hotham,’ she said. ‘His Majesty has given the Duke of Gloucester permission to see the Prince of Wales. I want you to be in the room during the interview. I want you to tell me everything that is said.’

‘Yes, Your Majesty.’

‘I feel sure that your presence will prevent the Prince’s uncle from saying anything that it would not be good for His Highness to hear. But if he should … I wish to know.’

Colonel Hotham assured the Queen that she could trust him to be her very good servant … now as always.

When the Queen dismissed him Colonel Hotham went back to the Dower Lodge, but on his way there he reflected that if he insisted on remaining in the room where the Prince would meet the Duke he would have some explaining to do. The Prince was on the whole good tempered, but he could fly into rages – particularly if he felt his dignity was impaired. And surely by appointing an onlooker at this interview it could be said that the Queen was treating him as a child.

What a quandary! It was, in fact, a choice between pleasing the Queen or the Prince. The Queen had no power whatsoever. Indeed the King himself might be displeased by the presence of a third party at the interview, and as it would be only on the Queen’s orders that he would be there, was he not placing himself in an invidious position?

Family dissensions would make a great deal of trouble – not only for the family but for those who served them. Wise men remained outside them, particularly when a dangerous situation was arising – a powerful king and very soon to be an equally powerful prince.

Yes, he must drop a hint to the Prince before the meeting took place.

* * *

‘What!’ cried the Prince. ‘You will stay in the room when my uncle calls. But on whose orders, pray?’

‘On those of the Queen, sir.’

‘So the Queen sees fit to meddle now. And His Majesty?’

‘I have no orders from him, Your Highness.’

The Prince smiled slowly. ‘I do not think you will be present, Colonel Hotham.’

‘Do you not, sir?’

‘No, because I will write to the King and ask that you may not.’

‘Very well, sir. As you know I shall await orders.’

‘Thank you,’ said the Prince.

He sat down at once and wrote a letter to his father. The Queen had ordered that one of his servants should be present at the interview between himself and his uncle, and as he was certain that this would give displeasure to his uncle, he was humbly entreating His Majesty to rescind the order.

He had correctly calculated the effect this would have on the King, who heartily disliked the Queen to interfere in any matter, and would think it was presumptuous of her to take it upon herself to give this order to Colonel Hotham. Charlotte had still not learned her lesson; then she must be taught it. No interference. Get on with the task of bearing the royal children at which she was extremely efficient. But certainly she was not when she meddled in matters of state and diplomacy.

The King wrote back to the Prince who for once had remembered his manners and written in the respectful way a son should write to his father. Certainly Colonel Hotham should not be present.

Gleefully the Prince acquainted the Colonel with this fact and the Colonel congratulated himself that he had had the good sense to inform the Prince of the matter and so not incur his displeasure.

There was no doubt that the Prince was becoming more important every day. It seemed to the Colonel that today he was only second to the King. And tomorrow? Who could say? But it was as well to be prepared.

* * *

The Duke of Gloucester embraced his nephew warmly. There were tears in his eyes which the Prince was quick to notice, and he himself took a perfumed lace-edged kerchief from his pocket and wiped his eyes.

‘So long …’ sighed Gloucester. ‘And you have become a man.’

‘I am glad you recognize it, Uncle. It is more than some do.’

‘You’ll shortly be eighteen. You’ll notice the difference then.’

‘But still three years from twenty-one. I never knew time could pass so slowly.’

‘Ha, there’ll come a time when you’ll remember those words.’

‘So I am constantly told, but I find the passage of time so slow that it infuriates me. You can guess how I long to be of age … with my own establishment … my independence.’

‘I can understand it well.’

‘I wish my father did.’

‘Oh, there is always this difficulty with fathers and sons.’

‘You think uncles understand nephews better?’

‘I am certain of it.’

They were laughing together. Why isn’t the King more like his brothers? the Prince asked himself in exasperation. When have I ever been able to speak lightly about anything, to have a little joke with him. Never! He has no humour. What a bore the old man is!

‘Well, perhaps now you are permitted to come to Court you will be able to drive a little understanding into my father’s head.’

‘It’ll come. He’ll realize you are grown up all of a sudden.’

‘I intend him to,’ said the Prince. ‘For one thing, I think it quite absurd that I have not been able to meet my uncles before this simply because my father did not like their Duchesses.’