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“Portia? You’ve given your helicopter a name? You really have gone off the deep end, Mike. Even your Trans Am didn’t have a pet name.”

“Don’t strain your quality of mercy. It’s a perfectly ordinary name.”

“Spare me the Shakespearean allusions.” Ben leaned over Mike’s shoulder and tried to see what he was doing. “I didn’t know you were mechanically inclined. I thought you spent all your spare time reading the classics.”

“If you can’t repair your own bird, you shouldn’t be flying it. That’s my motto. Mechanics aren’t going to give your baby the tender loving care it deserves. You can’t just treat it like so much metal, you know.” He patted the windshield. “You have to caress it like a woman.”

“I had no idea engine repair could be so sensual,” Belinda said.

Mike grinned. “Now you know.” He closed the cowling. “Portia is going to need spare parts, Ben. Is there a place in town?”

“That carries helicopter parts? Not likely. I think I recall seeing an auto-parts store.”

“That might do, if I use some creativity. I’ll check it out later—” Mike stood up and, for the first time, took a close look at Ben. “What in God’s name happened to you?”

Ben touched his swollen eye. “I had a disagreement with some of the townsfolk. Most of them, actually.”

“Want to tell us about it?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. I’m thrilled to see you all here. But I’m afraid the vacation is already over. We’ve got work to do.”

Ben gathered Belinda and his staff in a circle around the dead campfire and summarized all he knew about the case to date. While they talked Christina returned from her fishing expedition.

“Jones! Loving!” She dropped her fishing paraphernalia and ran to greet them. Loving spread open his arms to give her a great big bear hug. Since Loving weighed two hundred and fifty pounds and was built like a brick factory, Christina disappeared within his embrace.

Jones, always the cooler head, offered Christina a handshake. He was wearing khaki shorts, knee-high socks, and a photojournalist jacket with a million pockets. “Nice to see you looking well,” he told her. “By the way, you smell of trout.”

She tweaked his cheek. “Jones, you old charmer, you.” She gave Mike a quick hug, then found herself face-to-face with Ben.

They glared at each other for a protracted moment. Christina glanced at Belinda, then turned away.

Great, Ben thought. He’d been gone all night, and had returned with a woman she’d never seen before. And she didn’t even appear interested.

Ben began planning their pretrial strategy. “Since it doesn’t look as if we can expect much help from our client, I think we should do everything we can privately to learn more about Donald Vick and his activities since he came to Silver Springs.”

“Does that mean checkin’ out ASP?” Loving asked.

“I’m afraid so.”

“They ain’t gonna like being investigated, Skipper,” Loving replied. “ ’Specially since they think you’re their best buddy and all.”

“Granted,” Ben said. “But we have to try.”

“I’ll do it, then. I’m the only one who has half a chance of coming out of a scrape with those goons with his head still attached.”

Ben wasn’t about to argue with him.

“I’ll hang out at the bars and pool halls—see what I can learn. If I get them gabbing, maybe I can pick up some useful info.”

“Sounds good to me,” Ben concurred.

“How’s the forensic evidence look?” Mike asked.

“I don’t know any details,” Ben answered. “But the DA told Belinda he thought it was conclusive, and he was bragging about it to the newspaper. I plan to go by his office as soon as I finish here.”

Mike stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Good plan, but as you well know, prosecutors tend not to tell the defense anything they aren’t legally obligated to reveal. Is the DA’s office near the auto-parts shop?”

“Within walking distance.”

“I might wander over there myself. Since I’m going that way. See what I can scrounge up. I’ll flash my badge around and play the visiting law-enforcement officer. They might be willing to tell me something they wouldn’t tell you.”

“Worth a try,” Ben said eagerly. What a comfort to have his friends and associates helping him again. Except Christina, of course. She wasn’t even looking at him, much less talking to him.

“Anyone in town have a computer?” Jones asked.

Ben thought for a moment. Jones wasn’t the most skilled legal secretary in Tulsa, but he was a whiz with computers. “Haven’t seen one. Wouldn’t hold my breath.”

“We have one in the Hatewatch office,” Belinda offered. “A Gateway 2000 IBM-compatible.”

“Connected to a modem?”

“You bet—9600 baud.”

“Great.” Jones clapped his hands. “That’s where I’ll start. Let me investigate ASP on-line. I might run a search on Mr. Vuong, too, and some of the other members of Coi Than Tien.”

“That sounds great,” Ben said.

“And it’ll give me an opportunity to film downtown Silver Springs—a rural paradise in America’s heartland.”

Ben hoped Jones spent more time punching the computer keyboard than he did shutterbugging. “And what about you, Christina?”

Christina gave him a stony glare.

“What can you contribute to the investigation?”

Christina’s lips pursed, and her face became almost as red as her hair. She pushed herself to her feet and stormed off without saying a word.

Ben frowned. Bad move. “Excuse me,” he said awkwardly. “I think I’d like to talk to Christina in private.” As if he had any choice.

He followed Christina to her tent and invited himself inside.

“What do you want?” she said icily.

“Christina, I know you didn’t want me involved in this case. Maybe you were right—it’s certainly become more of a headache than I ever dreamed. But the fact is, I accepted the responsibility, and now I need my whole staff behind me or I’m going to get creamed.”

Christina’s expression did not change. “I told you I wasn’t going to help you, and I meant it.”

“Christina—” He looked at her with pleading eyes. “I need you.”

“You should have thought of that before you accepted the case.

“What am I supposed to do, ask for your permission before I take on a client?”

“In some instances, yes. You have an admirable sense of ethics, Ben. But sometimes you lack common sense.”

“Someone had to represent Vick.”

“Yeah—but why you?” She stood and looked him square in the eyes. “I’d do almost anything for you, Ben. You know I would. I certainly have in the past. Because I thought I understood you … because I thought you believed in the same principles I believed in. Now I feel like I don’t know you at all.” She inhaled deeply. “I will not help this … racist redneck Rambo. Not in any way.”

“That’s your final word, then?”

“Yes. It is.”

“Fine.” He pushed open the tent flaps. “I thought I could count on you, Christina. I guess I was wrong.” He marched outside.

Ben stood in the glaring sunlight and kicked at the dirt. Why had he done that? Christina didn’t deserve to be treated so harshly, even if she wasn’t cooperating.

He turned back toward her tent, then froze just outside the entrance. He heard a soft trembling inside. Was she crying? Oh, no … He moved in closer.

Christina nearly knocked him onto the ground. “Get out of my way.” She marched past him carrying her rod and reel.

“Christina, wait—”