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“Henri what was that?” Maven asked as soon as he closed his bedroom door.

He tried to hide behind a smile. Coming close and wrapping his arms around her waist.

“I missed you. And I wanted to see you. Not here with my family, just the two of us.” He pushed her bangs from her eyes. “My dad likes to talk. It would have taken forever to have a moment alone.”

Maven scanned his eyes. She wasn’t sure what was happening. But she felt a bit awkward.

“I missed you too.” She moved away, her feet clicking soundly across Henri’s floor. She took a seat. “I wanted to apologize for the way that I’ve been acting.”

Henri waved his hand dismissing the attempt. “No need.”

“I feel like there is, Henri.”

He sat down across from her in the window seat. Drawing up his legs, the only reason he swept Maven away so fast was because he didn’t want his father or anyone hearing about the Hop later on that night. Not to hear any kind of explanation for her feelings towards another guy. Good or bad, he didn’t want to talk about it.

“I could think of better things to talk about than Jake Summit.” He told her. “Like the Hop.”

Maven looked away. “About the Hop. I was thinking since you were never too keen on the idea that we just do something else.”

Henri squeezed the bridge of his nose in frustration. “You’re bailing. Why are you bailing?”

“I feel so bad for the other day. I acted like an idiot. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. You deserve answers and to not feel like I like someone else.” She moved closer, taking Henri’s hand. He thought for certain she was about to break the news, that she and Jake found their way back to each other.

“Maven—” he said, trying to object.

“Henri. I don’t have feelings for Jake Summit. It was never about Jake. I have feelings for someone else.” She smiled artfully. Henri was relieved.

“I knew it.” He dropped his head dramatically. “John at the Barber shop. You have a thing for old men with knee-high socks don’t you?”

Maven laughed. “Absolutely, the older the better, I really dig false teeth.”

They both stopped laughing and grew serious. Henri’s expression remained frozen as he waited for Maven to hand over a real answer.

“He’s charming. And sweet. Thoughtful. Caring. Cute as a button. He makes me laugh, a lot.” She moved closer. “He has brown hair and matching brown eyes. The best smile I have ever seen. And when he kisses me…my heart beats so fast I think it’s going to come right out of my chest.” She looked at Henri. He was smiling.

“Does this guy have a name because I am starting to get the feeling I know him.” His fingers traced the length of her face. Her eyes softened at his touch, as he looked at her.

“Don’t be foolish. It’s you.” She leaned in, placing a kiss on his cheek. “I was afraid to tell you this.”


Maven rested her head on his shoulder so she wouldn’t have to look at him. She touched his chest with her hand. “Because you have to deal with something that I can’t even begin to imagine and I didn’t want to burden you with my feelings.”

“Because I’m going to die.” His words hit her like a ton of bricks, but Henri didn’t allow her to pull away. “I would rather deal with a beautiful girl having feelings for me than just sitting around waiting on death, Maven.”

“I didn’t know that. I didn’t know what was right or wrong. I was starting to feel bad all the time because I like you and the more I like you the worse I feel. And I hate to admit that.”

Henri pursed his lips. Maven sat up, looking into his eyes. He hadn’t said anything back.

“You think I’m awful.” She stood up. “I am so sorry.”

“Maven.” Henri jumped up. “I don’t. Calm down. I think you’re normal. You’re not the first person in my life to freak out about the thought of me dying. Why do you think I keep to myself? My family treats me like a fragile piece of china every day because of it. I can handle it.”

“Ok.” Was all she could push out.

Henri could see the alarm on her face. “You’re the only person who treats me normal.”

She shook her head, tears nipping at her eyes. “But I don’t. I just go around acting like it’s not there.”

“I like that.” He smiled. “I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I’m still Henri, I’m just…dying.” Henri walked across the room, pulling her in for a hug. “It’s okay to admit that, because even after I say it, I realize I’m still me.”

Maven held tight, her fingers squeezing his t-shirt, holding on for dear life. It was a relief to hear him say something about it.

“I don’t want to go to the Hop because it wasn’t something you wanted to do.”

Henri shook his head. “I want to go.”

“No, you’re going because I want to go.” She argued.

“Just forget about everything that has you upset and let’s have a good night.” He pulled away waiting for her to agree. “I have a lot planned for us. So don’t ditch me on my night.”

Maven laughed. “Oh, so now it’s your night.”

“It’s got to be someone’s.” He smirked. He knew tonight was going to be something special. It was going to be the night he told her that there was hope for him. That he was about to have a second chance at life, and that he wanted her in it.

“Okay. So we will go.” She kissed his cheek. “I feel better.”

“I’m glad.” They were both still, finally their mouths met up for a soft kiss. Henri pulled her closer. She could feel the heat from his skin through the light material of her dress. She kissed his neck, not worrying anymore that things were happening too fast. Henri squeezed her arm, enjoying her lips. He pulled away, and took a seat on his bed. Maven followed. They both fell backward. Maven kissed him again, pressing herself against him, running her hands up his arms, down his chest. He slid a hand through her hair, down the back of her legs, his kisses growing stronger. She trailed her fingers down his chest. Henri pressed his forehead against hers ending their connection.

“Don’t you have to be getting ready for tonight?” He smiled as she pressed her lips into his once more, giggling at the realization that if they didn’t pull it together they probably would miss the Hop.

“I.” She kissed him. “Do.” She kissed him again. “But…I’d rather lay here with you.”

“I promise tonight we can do whatever you want.” He kissed her cheek, staring into her eyes.

“Even lay down by the water under the willow?” It was her favorite place to be with Henri.

“Even there.” He sat up. “I’ll bring a blanket.”

“Fine. I will go home and get ready.”

Henri felt a twinge of panic setting into his system. “Didn’t you say your parents go to this thing too?”

Maven fixed her hair, smoothing her dress. “Yeah. But my mother said something came up with work so she won’t be going. She said she has to be up early. She will probably be in bed before this evening if I know her.”

“What about your dad?”

Maven gave Henri a strange look. “He’s working a long shift at the hospital for Mr. Summit. He rarely goes to the Hop. And Maggie refuses ever since my mother told her she couldn’t wear Converse with a dress.”

Henri felt a little relieved. As soon as Maven was safely on her way home, Henri searched for Flynn. He found him outside about to mow the lawn.

“Flynn. Hey can I talk to you for a second?” He looked around for any sign of his parents.

Flynn slung his shirt over his shoulder, beads of sweat already collecting along his brow. “What can I do for ya?”

Henri raised an eyebrow. He was already feeling guilty and he hadn’t even asked Flynn to help him out.