Возникновение человека
Возникновение человека
Общие вопросы
Butzer К. W., Environment and Archaeology, Methuen, 1972.
Campbell В. G., Conceptual Progress in Physical Anthropology: Fossil Man, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. I, 1972. Annual Reviews, Inc., 1972.
Campbell В. G., Human Evolution, Heinemann Educ., 1967.
Campbell B. G., Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man, 1871 - 1971. Aldine, 1972.
Count E. W. The Biological Basis of Human Sociality, American Anthropologist. Vol. 60, No. 6, 1958.
DeVore I., ed., Primate Behaviour: Field Studies of Monkeys and Apes. Holt. Rinehart and Winston, 1965.
Howells W. W., Homo Erectus, Scientific American, Vol. 215, No. 5, 1966.
Howells W. W., Mankind in the Making. Doubleday. 1967.
Isaac G. LI., The Diet of Early Man: Aspects of Archaeological Evidence from Lower and Middle Pleistocene Sites in Africa, World Archaeology, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1971.
Koenigswald G. H. R., von, Meeting Prehistoric Man, Harper and Brothers, 1956.
Лавик Гудолл Дж., ван, В тени человека, М., "Мир", 1974
Napier J. R., Roots of Mankind. Allen and Unwin, 1971.
Pfeiffer J. E., Emergence of Man, Nelson. 1970.
Pilbeam D., The Ascent of Man, The Macmillan Co., 1972.
Washburn Sh. L., Social Life of Early Man, Aldine, 1961.
Washburn Sh. L., Jay P. C., Perspectives on Human Evolution, Holt. Rinehart and Winston, 1968.
Young J. Z., An Introduction to the Study of Man, Oxford University Press. 1971.
Day M. H. Guide to Fossil Man, Handbook of Human Palaeontology, Cassell. 1965.
Ju-kang W., The Skull of Lantian Man. Current Anthropology, Vol. 7, No. 1., 1966.
Montagna W., The Skin, Scientific American, Vol. 212. No. 2, 1965.
Napier J., The Evolution of the Hand, Scientific American, Vol. 207, No. 6. 1962.
Tobias Ph. V., The Brain in Hominid Evolution, Columbia University Press. 1972.
Campbell B. G., The Roots of Language. Biological and Social Factors in Psycholinguistics. John Morton, ed.. University of Illinois Press. 1970.
Gardner R. A., Gardner Beatrice Т., Teaching Sign Language to a Chimpanzee, Science, Vol. 165, No. 3894, 1969.
Geschwind N., The Neural Basis of Language, Research in Verbal Behavior and Some Neurophysiological Implications, K. and S. Salzinger. eds., Academic Press. 1967.
Hockett Ch. F., The Origin of Speech. Scientific American, Vol. 203, No. 3. 1960.
Jespersen O., Language: Its Nature, Development and Origin, Allen and Unwin, 1922.
Lancaster J. В., Primate Communication Systems and the Emergence of Human Language, Primates: Studies in Adaptation and Variability. Phyllis C. Jay, ed., Holt. Rinehart and Winston. 1968.
Lieberman Ph., Crelin E. S., Klatt D. H., Phonetic Ability and Related Anatomy of the Newborn and Adult Human, Neanderthal Man, and the Chimpanzee, American Anthropologist, Vol. 74. No. 3, 1972.
Struhsaker Th. Т., Auditory Communication among Vervet Monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops). Social Communication among Primates. Stuart A. Altmann, ed., University of Chicago Press, 1967.
Cloudsley-Thompson J. L., Animal Twilight: Man and Game in Eastern Africa, The Whitefriars Press, 1967.
Coon C. S., The Hunting Peoples, Little. Brown and Co., 1971.
Krantz G. S., Brain Size and Hunting Ability in Earliest Man, Current Anthropology. Vol. 9. No. 5, 1966.
Kurten В., Pleistocene Mammals of Europe, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968.
Lee R. В., DeVore I., eds., Man the Hunter. Aldine. 1968.
Service E. R., The Hunters, Prentice-Hall, 1966.
Vayda A. P., ed., Environment and Cultural Behavior. The Natural History Press. 1969.
Butzer К. W., Acheulian Occupation Sites at Torralba and Ambrona, Spain: Their Geology. Science, Vol. 150. No. 3704. 1965.
Chang Kwung-chih, The Archaeology of Ancient China. Yale University Press. 1968.
Chang Kwang-chih, New Evidence on Fossil Man in China. Science, Vol. 136. No. 3518, 1962.
Clark J. D., The Prehistory of Africa. Thames and Hudson. 1970.
Cole S., A. Spanish Camp of Stone Age Elephant Hunters, New Scientist, No. 309. 1962.
Hood D. Davidson Black: a Biography, University of Toronto Press, 1971.
Howell F. С., Observations of the Earlier Phases of the European Lower Paleolithic, American Anthropologist, Vol. 68, No. 2, 1966.
Isaac G. LI., Studies of Early Culture in East Africa. World Archaeology, Vol. 1. No. 1, 1969.
Lumley H., de, A Paleolithic Camp at Nice, Scientific American, Vol. 220, No. 5, 1969.
Shapiro H. L., The Strange Unfinished Saga of Peking Man, Natural History. Vol. LXXX, No. 9, 1971.
Te-K'um Cheng. Archaeology in China. Vol. 1: Prehistoric China.
Cambridge University Press. 1959.
Tê-K'un Cheng, Archaeology in China, Supplement to Volume 1: New Light on Prehistoric China, Cambridge University Press. 1966.
Tê-K'um Cheng. Archaeology in China. Heffer. 1964.
Bordaz J., Tools of the Old and New Stone Age. David and Charles. 1971.
Oaklev K. P., Man the Tool-Maker, British Museum (Nat. Hist.). 1963.
Семенов С. А., Развитие техники в каменном веке, Л., "Наука", 1968.
Washburn Sh. L., Tools and Human Evolution. Scientific American, Vol. 203. No. 3. I960.
Дополнительный список литературы к русскому изданию
Ископаемые гоминиды и происхождение человека. Сб. статей под ред. В. В. Бунака, М., "Наука", 1966.
Нестурх М. Ф., Происхождение человека, М., "Наука", 1970.
Поршнев Б. Ф., О древнейшем способе получения огня, Советская этнография, № 1, М., "Наука", 1955.
Происхождение человека и древнее расселение человечества, Труды Ин-та этнографии им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая, М., Изд-во АН СССР, т. 16, 1951.
Решетов Ю. Г., Природа Земли и происхождение человека, М., "Мысль", 1966.
Рогинский Я. Я., Левин М. Г., Антропология, М., "Высшая школа", 1963.
Семенов Ю. И., Как возникло человечество, М., "Наука", 1966. У истоков человечества (основные проблемы антропологии), под ред. В. П. Якимова, М., Изд-во МГУ, 1964.
Источники иллюстраций
Cover-Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph from ENTHEOS. 8 - Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph by Richard Jeffery. 10 to 17 - Paintings by Roger Hane. 23 to 31 - Paintings by David Leffel, background photographs are listed separately; 23-Pete Turner. 24, 25 - Dick Swanson for LIFE. 26, 27 - Department of Watershed Management, The University of Arizona, Tucson. 28, 29 - Robert Walch. 30, 31 - George Warmoth Jr. from FPG. 32 to 47 - Courtesy Annette E. Carmean and Jean M. F. Dubois, except top page 41, courtesy LIFE Picture Collection, and top page 42, drawing adapted by Nicholas Fasciano from original map courtesy Annette E. Carmean and Jean M. F. Dubois. 50 to 53 - Courtesy of The American Museum of Natural History. 59 to 61 - Henry de Lumley. 62 - Henry de Lumley-drawing courtesy Henry de Lumley. 63 - Henry de Lumley. 64, 65 - Courtesy Henry de Lumley, drawn by Henri Puech. 66 to 85 - Drawings by Harvey Dinnerstein, except pages 74, 75, drawings by Burt Silverman. 87 - Diagram by Nicholas Fasciano. 88 to 95 - Models by Nicholas Fasciano, photographs by Richard Steinberg. 96 - George Haling courtesy Professors Ray Dougherty and Michael Helke. 100, 101 - Drawings adapted by Nicholas Fasciano. Top row courtesy Spaarnestad Publishing Firm, Haarlem, Holland, Bottom rows courtesy Dr. Irven DeVore, Harvard University. 103 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano based on research by Philip Lieberman and Edmind S. Crelin. 105 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano courtesy Saran Jonas. 106 - Haskins Laboratories-Voiceprint Laboratories Corporation. 111 to 123 - Maps by Nicholas Fasciano, photographs are listed separately: 112 - Gordon DeLisle from Alpha Photo Associates. 113 - C. L. Gittens from FPG. 114, 115 - Andreas Feininger for LIFE. 116 - W. King from FPG. 117 - Dr. Georg Gerster from Rapho Guillumette. 118, 119 - J. Ciganovic from Alpha Photo Associates. 120, 121 - Ed Cooper. 122, 123 - Victor Englebert from De Wys. Inc. 124 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano. 132, 133 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano. 137 - John Nance from Magnum. 138 to 145 - John Launois from Black Star. 146, 147 - Dolf Herras from Nancy Palmer Photo Agency.
Во второй главе использованы материалы, взятые из неопубликованной книги "Тринил. Биография профессора Эжена Дюбуа, открывшего питекантропа прямоходящего", написанной сыном Дюбуа, Жаном М. Ф. Дюбуа, и любезно предоставленной издательству "Time-Life Books" Аннет Е. Кармин и Жаном М. Ф. Дюбуа, потомками знаменитого ученого, нашедшего истинных людей.
Редакторы выражают благодарность за помощь в приготовлении этой книги: К. С. Chang, Chairman, Department of Anthropology, Yale University; Edmund S. Crelin, Professor of Anatomy and Human Development, Yale University School of Medicine; Garniss H. Curtis. Professor of Geology, University of California at Berkeley; Henry de Lumley. Director of Research at the National Center of Scientific Research, Marseille; Irven DeVore, Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University; Rhodes W. Fairbridge, Professor of Geology, Columbia University; Leslie G. Freeman Jr., Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago; Norman Geschwind, James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology at Harvard University Medical School; F. Clark Howell, Professor of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley; Glynn LI. Isaac, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley; Clifford H. Jolly, Associate Professor of Anthropology, New York University; Saran Jonas, New York University Medical Center; Richard B. Lee, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Universfty of Toronto; Philip Lieberman, Professor of Linguistics, University of Connecticut; Alan Mann. Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania; William Montagna, Professor of Dermatology at the University of Oregon Medical School; Ian Tattersall, Assistant Curator of Physical Anthropology, Department of Anthropology. American Museum of Natural History; Robert L. Trivers, Harvard University.