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A worried Lady Castlereagh promised to do so immediately, then offered the information that Northwood hadn't been at work for the last two days. A note had been received saying that he had food poisoning and would be back as soon as possible.

Maggie thought hard during her ride home. Northwood's "food poisoning" had coincided with his attack on his wife. Fearful of what Cynthia might say about him, had he decided to run when he discovered that she had escaped her prison? Or was he seeking her himself, intent on forcing her to return to him? Thank heaven Cynthia had come to Maggie; as long as the girl stayed hidden, she would be safe.

The carriage dropped Maggie off in front of her house, then continued around to the mews in back. In less than half an hour, Rafe was due to pick her up for the visit to General Roussaye, and her thoughts were on the upcoming interview as she started up her marble steps.

When a carriage pulled up behind her she turned, thinking Rafe had come early, but the luxurious dark blue berlin was unfamiliar. However, she recognized the man who climbed out. "Good morning, Count de Varenne," she said with her brightest smile. "If you are calling on me, I fear that I must disappoint you-I will be going out again almost immediately."

Varenne's broad figure was garbed with his usual discreet elegance, but the coldness of his eyes caused Maggie to take an involuntary step back. He said, "When I saw you here, on impulse I decided to take you to see my estate at Chanteuil. The gardens will not be at their best much longer."

"I'm sorry, my lord, but…"

The count interrupted her to say jovially, "Really, my dear, I will accept no excuses. It is scarcely an hour's drive from here, and I can guarantee you an interesting visit." He laid a casual hand on her waist, as if to help her to his carriage.

Maggie froze. Varenne had a knife in his hand, and he held it against her with such force that the point penetrated her green muslin dress and stabbed into her flesh.

Softly he said, "I really must insist."

If she tried to call her servants, the knife would be between her ribs before the first sound escaped. Stony-faced, Maggie climbed into the carriage, where a wizened man dressed like a clerk sat with his back to the horses.

Still holding the knife to her side, the count took the seat next to her as the door was closed and the carriage began moving again. The whole episode was over in less than a minute.

Even the woman watching from the window above noticed nothing amiss.

The count withdrew the knife once the carriage was under way. "You're a prudent woman, Countess Janos-it would have done you no good to attempt a scene." He gave her a menacing smile. "Or should I call you Miss Ashton?"

"Call me whatever you like." Maggie said, furious at having been so easily taken. "I see that my instincts were correct. It was obvious from the first that you were despicable, but I was unable to imagine any possible reason for an Ultra-Royalist to plot against the British leadership."

"Lack of imagination is a dangerous failing, as you are about to find out." Varenne nodded to the clerk, who poured a few drops of sickly sweet liquid from a bottle onto a scarf. "Pray forgive my rudeness, Miss Ashton, but I have a great respect for your abilities and don't wish you to be damaged prematurely. You acquitted yourself well in the Place du Carrousel, though your efforts would have done no good if your muscle-bound lover hadn't been on the scene."

The clerk leaned forward and pressed the rag over Maggie's nose and mouth, his other hand clamped behind her head so that she couldn't turn away. When she struggled, Varenne held her down with terrifying force.

As her consciousness faded, she heard the count say, "Candover cost me the services of Lemercier, which I cannot easily forgive. Still, I am a flexible man. Since you survived that little altercation, I have found a good use for you. I will give you to an associate of mine. He admires that lovely flesh, and doesn't care whether it is willing or not."

His last words produced a wave of horror in Maggie, but her muscles were no longer responding to her will. Accompanied by terror, she fell into blackness.

Rafe was on edge when he arrived at the Boulevard des Capucines town house, uncertain whether he was more upset at the thought of confronting General Roussaye, or at having to spend time with Margot. He could no longer think of her as Maggie; that name belonged to the elusive, maddening countess. During their intimacy she had become fully Margot Ashton to him again, and he refused to let go of that.

Already the memory of the night they had spent together seemed incredibly distant, as if it had happened years earlier rather than a scant day ago. He wondered if there was any chance that Margot might come to want him if Anderson was permanently out of her life. It might take a long time, but he was prepared to wait. God knew, he'd waited thirteen years already.

Frowning at the butler's statement that the countess had not yet returned, Rafe waited for fifteen restless minutes before summoning Cynthia Northwood. Though Margot had told him why the girl was staying here, Rafe was still shocked by the extent of her injuries. "How do you feel, Cynthia?"

"Better than I have in a long, long time, Rafe," she said ruefully. "I only wish I had dared leave sooner."

"It must have taken a great deal of courage to leave at all," Rafe said, glad that her state of mind seemed healthy. Though their affair had been over for years, he was still fond of Cynthia and her sometimes reckless spirit. She would need all her courage in the scandal to come; he hoped that Major Brewer would prove equally strong. He continued, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I wondered if the countess said whether she was going anywhere besides the embassy. We have an urgent appointment, and it surprises me that she is not here."

"Maggie returned from the embassy about half an hour ago, but left again without coming into the house," Cynthia replied. "I happened to be looking out the window, and I saw a man pull up in a carriage. They talked a bit, then went off together."

Rafe felt sick to his stomach. "You know Robert Anderson from the delegation. Was he the man?"

"No, it was a dark fellow not much taller than Maggie," she said without hesitation. "A Frenchman, I think."

Rafe forced himself to quell his rising jealousy and think clearly. It was conceivable that Margot might have gone off with Anderson like that, but it seemed unlikely that anyone else could persuade her to break the engagement to visit Roussaye. Therefore, she might not have gone willingly. 'Tell me exactly what you saw, Cynthia-every detail you can remember."

She could add little beyond the color of the coach, for the sheer window curtains had obscured details. Her description of the man would have fit half the men in France.

First Anderson had disappeared, and now Margot.

Rafe felt the beginnings of fear, and the best antidote for that was action. It was more important than ever that he talk to Roussaye. If the general turned out to have kidnapped Margot…

He stood and said crisply, "I must keep our appointment by myself. Send a note to Madame Sorel and ask her to meet me here. I should be back in an hour or so, and it is urgent that we talk."

Then he left, leaving a worried Cynthia Northwood.

On the drive to Roussaye's house, Rafe decided that the best strategy was to shock the general with accusations and hope the man would give something away if he was guilty. In his present mood, it would be very easy for Rafe to sound accusing.

Roussaye received him affably from behind the desk in his study, standing and offering his hand. "Good day, your grace. Kind of you to call, though I am sorry Countess Janos isn't with you. My wife was hoping to visit with her."