23. Wall Street Journal, January 22, 2007, A1.
24. Gazprom in Questions and Answers (Moscow: Gazprom, 2006), 6.
25. David Johnson’s Russia List, January 2, 2003, 11.
26. Moscow Times, December 5, 2000; New York Times, November 24, 2002, 4; Moscow News, June 8, 2005, 9.
27. International Herald Tribune, July 24, 2004.
28. New York Times, November 24, 2002, F1; Moscow Times, September 24, 1997; Financial Times, September 1, 1994, 2.
29. Russian Journal, November 29, 1999.
30. Wall Street Journal, September 1, 1994, A6.
31. Annual Arden House Seminar, Liz Williamson, Conoco, March 18, 1995.
32. Moscow Times, December 5, 2000; Houston Chronicle, December 30, 2004.
33. Discussion with senior ConocoPhillips executives, September 10, 2003.
34. Initially, in September 2004 it bid $2 billion to buy the 7.5 percent of LUKoil’s share held by the government. By March 2005 it had acquired 11.3 percent; three months later, 12.6 percent; and by December 3, 2005, it owned 16.1 percent. It purchased the remaining 3.9 percent in 2006 for $3 billion, for combined expenditures of over $7.5 billion. New York Times, June 3, 2005, C4; Prime-TASS, October 3, 2006.
35. Moscow Times, August 30, 2004, 5.
36. New York Times, October 28, 2004, C8.
37. David Johnson’s Russia List, June 5, 2007, no. 127, 135.
38. New York Times, December 1, 2005, C1, 8.
39. Moscow Times, October 4, 2006; Vedomosti, October 24, 2005; David Johnson’s Russia List, October 25, 2005, 9277, item #9.
40. FC Novosti, Ia, October 10, 2007, 12:22; Financial Times, October 11, 2007, 2.
41. Wall Street Journal, January 30, 2007, A3.
42. Asian Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2006, 4.
43. Insight TNK-BP International News Letter, Autumn 2006, 2.
44. Financial Times, July 4, 2006, 3.
45. Financial Times, September 12, 2006, 15; October 12, 2006, 8.
46. Wall Street Journal, January 25, 2007, A12; International Energy Agency Outlook, 2006.
47. Financial Times, October 16, 2006, 13.
48. Bernard A. Gelb, “Russian Oil and Gas Challenges,” CRS Report for Congress, Library of Congress, Washington, January 3, 2006, CRS 2; Taken from BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2005 and 2006, 6; Oil and Gas Journal, December 2004. John Grace estimates the Russians have proven reserves of 68.2 billion barrels. Grace, 179.
49. Wall Street Journal, September 30, 2004, A1; New York Times, October 28, 2004, C8.
50. New York Times, October 28, 2004, C8.
51. The careful geologist John Grace tends to be considerably more skeptical. Grace, 216.
52. Prime-TASS Business Newswire, April 26, 2007; Financial Times, April 25, 2007, 176 Moscow Times, August 13, 2007.
53. Jonathan P. Stern, The Future of Russian Gas and Gazprom (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 144.
Chapter 5
1. For a more thorough discussion as well as a translation of an article Putin wrote on this theme, see Harley Balzer, “Vladimir Putin’s Academic Writings and Russian Natural Resource Policy,” Problems of Post-Communism (January/February 2006), 48–54. See also Robert Price, “Putin’s National Champions: Domestic and International Implications,” Master’s Thesis, Harvard University, August 2007, 6–8.
2. Balzer, 51.
3. Balzer, 52.
4. Balzer, 53.
5. Balzer, 54.
6. Washington Times, March 31, 2006; Pittsburgh Tribune Review, March 28, 2006.
7. Kommersant, April 6, 2006.
8. Financial Times, May 4, 2007, 18.
9. Stern, 170.
10. Stern, 170.
11. Stern, 170.
12. Interview with Boris Berezovsky, October 22, 2003, London.
13. Grace, 171.
14. Grace, 120; Moscow News, March 24, 2004, 9.
15. Financial Times, December 20, 1999, 11. Not by any means unique to Yukos, transfer pricing was a widely used practice among Russian oil companies, including Rosneft, the state-owned company that was to be the main beneficiary of Yukos’s collapse. Kommersant, February 6, 2007, 1.
16. Prime-TASS, March 6, 2006.
17. Moscow Times, April 25, 2006; July 24, 2004; August 7, 2007; BBC, July 26, 1998; Financial Times, July 27, 2004, 1, 9; Times of London, August 9, 2004; Independent, July 27, 2004, 22.
18. Moscow Times, April 25, 2006.
19. Moscow Times, April 25, 2006.
20. Wall Street Journal, August 26, 1999, A1; September 3, 1999, 2; Moskovskaia Pravda, December 17, 1994, 5.
21. Moscow Times, January 21, 2002.
22. Grace, 121.
23. Seminar, John Pappalardo, lawyer for Khodorkovsky, October 25, 2005; Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2004, A1.
24. Moscow Times, October 25, 2006.
25. Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2004, A12.
26. Wall Street Journal, April 27, 2004, A12.
27. Wall Street Journal, April 12, 2004, A12.
28. New York Times, February 11, 2007, A4.
29. Nina Poussenkova, Pro et Contra Journal, 10, no. 2 (June 2006).
30. Bruce Bean, “Russia’s Yukos Affair: The Use and Abuse of Law,” photocopied 2005, 5.
31. Financial Times, November 9, 2005, 16.
32. Financial Times, November 9, 2005, 16; Vedomosti, February 20, 2003.
33. Interview at Davis Center, Harvard University, December 6, 2004.
34. Kompromat.ru, July 4, 2003.
35. Moscow News, March 3, 2004, 3; March 24, 2004, 9.
36. Moscow Times, July 15, 2003.
37. Seminar, Davis Center, October 25, 2005.
38. Moscow Times, February 27, 2007.
39. Kommersant, April 25, 2006.
40. Mikhail Khordorkovsky, “What Is the Morality Tale?” Panel Discussion at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, December 7, 2006.
41. Seminar, Davis Center, Harvard University, October 25, 2005; Panel Discussion, University of Pennsylvania Law School, December 7, 2006.
42. Moscow Times, February 27, 2007.
43. Financial Times, March 26, 2007, 16; Kommersant, February 6, 2007, 1.
44. New York Times, March 17, 2007, A3.
45. Moscow Times, April 5, 2007.
46. Prime-TASS, February 15, 2007.
47. Moscow Times, February 15, 2007; Wall Street Journal, February 22, 2007, A4.