48. Wall Street Journal, February 22, 2007, A4.
49. Financial Times, March 26, 2007, 16; August 20, 2007; Moscow Times, July 23, 2007, A4.
50. Moscow Times, March 28, 2007; New York Times, March 28, 2007, C3.
51. New York Times, March 27, 2007, A3; March 28, 2007, C3; Wall Street Journal, March 28, 2007, A10.
52. Moscow Times, March 28, 2007.
53. Moscow Times, March 28, 2007.
54. Wall Street Journal July 12, 2007, A7; Financial Times, January 29, 2008, 18.
55. Moscow Times, February 27, 2007.
56. Financial Times, March 12, 2004.
57. Financial Times, October, 11, 2005, 5; Washington Post, March 4, 2004.
58. Financial Times, October 11, 2005, 5.
59. Independent, June 18, 2004, 1.
60. Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2007, A2.
61. Moscow Times, August 1, 2007.
62. Moscow Times, March 7, 2006.
63. Financial Times, November 4, 1998, 2; Moscow Times, April 30, 2004; July 21, 2006; Grace, 136.
64. New York Times, July 3, 2004, B1.
65. Phone conversation with Jeff Larson of Sowood Capital, agent for the Harvard Management Company, February 28, 2007.
66. Business Week, October 23, 2006, 52.
67. Grace, 142.
68. Financial Times, March 22, 2007, 18.
69. Wall Street Journal, March 24, 2007, A3; Financial Times, March 24, 2007, 1.
70. Moscow Times, October 16, 2006; February 27, 2007. They have also been accused of pollution and the alleged cutting of trees while building pipelines.
71. Financial Times, February 28, 2007, 21; Moscow Times, March 1, 2007.
72. New York Times, October 6, 2006, C4.
73. Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2006, A6; Financial Times, September 22, 2006, 2.
74. Financial Times, April 20, 2007, 4: Moscow Times, June 9, 2007, 6.
75. Financial Times, September 22, 2006, 2; Fiona Hill and Florence Fee, “Fueling the Future: The Prospects for Russian Oil and Gas,” Demokratizatsiya (Fall 2002), 481.
76. Prime-TASS, March 1, 2007; Moscow Times, June 22, 2007.
77. Moscow Times, March 1, 2007; February 27, 2002.
78. Financial Times, February 28, 2007, 21; March 22, 2007, 18.
79. Forbes.com, August 23, 2007, 11:50 a.m.
80. Grace, 194.
81. Moscow Times, February 27, 2007.
82. Moscow Times, March 23, 2007.
83. Financial Times, September 22, 2004, 21; August 5, 2005, 14.
84. Yergin, 456, 583.
Chapter 6
1. Yergin, 742–43.
2. Yergin, 742–43; Stern, 215.
3. Yergin, 743.
4. Yergin, 743.
5. Balzer, 48.
6. Bernard A. Gelb, “Russian Oil and Gas Challenges,” Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, Library of Congress, January 3, 2006; Sunday Times, July 9, 2006, 24; BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 2006, 22; Gazprom in Questions and Answers, 20.
7. BP Statistical Review.
8. Financial Times, May 16, 1997, 3; May 22, 1997, 18; May 27, 1997, 1; Russia Review, July 2, 1997, 23.
9. See Introduction.
10. Moscow Times, May 29, 2001.
11. Interview, June 21, 2001.
12. Moscow Times, March 13, 2007; New York Times, July 13, 2006, 10; Stern, 106.
13. Moscow Times, March 13, 2007.
14. Moscow Times, May 26, 2006.
15. President Putin’s State of the Nation Speech to Duma, May 10, 2006.
16. Valdai Hills Discussion Group, September 4, 2006.
17. Gazpromistan was coined by Edward Lucas, a writer for The Economist.
18. Prime-TASS, March 1, 2007.
19. Financial Times, July 14, 2006, 9.
20. Financial Times, April 28, 2006, 2.
21. Financial Times, July 14, 2006, 9.
22. Novaia Gazeta, August 21, 2006; Kompromat.ru, “Samikh Bogatikh na Gaze”; Financial Times, April 27, 2006, 2; April 28, 2006, 2.
23. Financial Times, April 28, 2006, 2.
24. Wall Street Journal, April 21, 2006, A6; September 22, 2006, 4.
25. Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2006, A4.
26. Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2006, A4.
27. Moscow Times, April 24, 2007.
28. Moscow Times, October 4, 2006.
29. Moscow Times, October 4, 2006.
30. Wall Street Journal, December 23, 2006, A4; Financial Times, December 23, 2006, 2.
31. Moscow Times, March 1, 2007. Seminar, Davis Center, December 8, 2006, Zurab Noghaideli, Prime Minister of Georgia.
32. Moscow Times, March 20, 2007; Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 97 (May 17, 2007), 2.
33. Financial Times, February 28, 2007, 8.
34. Financial Times, December 14, 2006, 1.
35. BBC Monitoring, January 4, 2007, 13:00–1.
36. New York Times, January 13, 2007, A4.
37. Financial Times, August 3, 2007, 1.
38. Financial Times, December 14, 2006, 1; Rossiiskaia gazeta, May 21, 2007, 1.
39. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 3, no. 57 (March 23, 2006), 4; Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 3, no. 190 (October 16, 2006), 1.
40. Financial Times, May 4, 2006.
41. New Europe, August 2, 2006.
42. New Europe, April 25, 2007.
43. Financial Times, December 14, 2006, 3.
44. Wall Street Journal, December 4, 2006, A6.
45. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 140 (July 19, 2007).
46. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 51 (March 14, 2007).
47. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 3, no. 174 (September 21, 2006); 4, no. 51 (March 14, 2007).
48. Agence France-Presse, March 14, 2007.
49. Moscow Times, March 23, 2007.
50. Vedomosti, June 25, 2007, B3.
51. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 144 (July 25, 2007), 4; Financial Times, August 20, 2007, 14.