52. Moscow Times, February 15, 2007. To broaden the base, both German companies also agreed to transfer 4.5 percent of their holdings to Dutch Gasunie.
53. Russia Profile 4, no. 2 (March 2007), 48.
54. Wall Street Journal, March 31, 2006, A15.
55. Financial Times, April 3, 2006, 2.
56. Moscow Times, April 3, 2006.
57. Financial Times, April 3, 2006, 2.
58. Financial Times, April 15, 2006.
59. Stern, 144.
60. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 160 (August 16, 2007), 2.
61. Moscow Times, March 31, 2006.
62. Financial Times, April 22, 2005, 14.
63. Mosnews.com, February 24, 2005; Financial Times, December 22, 2005, 14.
64. New Europe, February 28, 2007.
65. Business Wire, Prime-TASS, April 10, 2007; Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4 (April 23, 2007); Financial Times, September 21, 2007, 3.
66. Financial Times, December 12, 2007, 6.
67. The Economist, February 22, 2007.
68. Kennan Institute Meeting Report 24, no. 3 (2006).
69. http://HRRP;/SVT.SE/SVT/JSP/CROSSLINK.JSP?D=53332&A=717462.119=SENASTENYTT_613854&1POS=RUBRIK_717462E
70. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 68 (April 6, 2007).
71. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 53 (March 16, 2007); New Europe, January 24, 2007.
72. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 53 (March 16, 2007).
73. A study prepared jointly by the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy and the State University, Higher School of Economics in Moscow argued that the geopolitical-energy situation “in the Caspian region is generally developing in favor of the West.” Meeting with criticism, the authors decided to revise their findings to show a greater likelihood of Russian progress and they dropped the conclusion that “Russia’s influence in the Caspian region will be minimized.” The Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, State University, Higher School of Economics, RIO-Center, The World around Russia: 2017: An Outlook for the Midterm Future, Moscow, 2007, 236; Vremya Novosti, January 11, 2007, 2; Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press, January 31, 2007, 5.
74. Asia Times Online, May 27, 2006.
75. Financial Times, January 23, 2007, 19; August 20, 2007, 6.
76. Stern, 144.
77. This is not unique to Russia. The U.S. government among others has used similar tactics as when it imposed an economic blockade against Cuba and earlier against China.
78. Financial Times, May 30, 2006, 4.
79. Financial Times, November 27, 2006.
80. Rossiyskaia Gazeta, November 29, 2006.
81. Kremlin, Russia, February 1, 2007.
82. Stern, 144.
83. Stern, 103.
84. Vremya Novostei, January 30, 2007, 1.
85. Financial Times, November 15, 2006, 3; December 19, 2006, 3; March 26, 2007, 16; Oreanda RIA, December 20, 2000; Prime-TASS, March 26, 2007 (20:48).
86. Financial Times, November 1, 2007, 3.
87. Gazprom Web site, March 15, 2007. Just to fill in the other pieces of this matrix, E.ON equity’s ownership in Gazprom comes from a direct investment by E.ON when it bought up 3.5 percent of Gazprom stock and from an investment by Gerosgaz, a company that bought another 3 percent of Gazprom. To make it all the more confusing, Gerosgaz is a joint venture that E.ON owns with, believe it or not, Gazprom. In other words, Gazprom owns part of itself. That is why this part of what should be the main text is in a footnote.
88. Goldman, The Piratization of Russia, 163; Marshall I. Goldman, Détente and Dollars (New York: Basic Books, 1975), 134–36, 163.
89. Ria Novosti, March 20, 2007; Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation (February 21, 2007). For a more complete list see Stern, 113.
90. Financial Times, February 4, 2006, 6; Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4 (August 16, 2007).
91. ITAR TASS, June 22, 2006.
92. Financial Times, April 20, 2006, 4.
Chapter 7
1. David Johnson’s Russia List 4, no. 127 (June 5, 2007).
2. Financial Times, May 29, 2007, 2.
3. Argumenty i Fakty, March 12, 2001, 3.
4. Washington Post, October 17, 2006, A1.
5. New York Times, October 18, 2006, A15; Washington Post, October 18, 2006, A8.
6. Kommersant, October 18, 2006.
7. New York Times, January 4, 2007, A1; Kommersant, October 18, 2006; Washington Post, December 31, 2005, A1.
8. Washington Post, October 17, 2006, 4.
9. Since these raids were conducted less than a month before the mid-term November national elections, Congressman Weldon charged it was a political attack designed to support his Democratic opponent. Given that the Republican Party controlled the Justice Department at the time, this seemed far-fetched. Yet it does add another layer of complexity to the charges that the Department of Justice under Attorney General Alberto Gonzales had at the time drawn up a list of local U.S. attorneys who were to be fired for failure to investigate corruption and election fraud by Democrats. The U.S. attorney in the Weldon case did, at least, seem resolute given that the target was a ten-term Republican who, in the wake of all these scandals, went down to defeat.
10. Financial Times, April 9, 2007, 2; New York Times, March 5, 2007, A11.
11. Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2007, A2; BP Statistical Review, 30.
12. Financial Times, April 9, 2007, 2; New York Times, March 5, 2007, A11; BP Statistical Review, June 2007, 24, 27, 30.
13. Financial Times, April 9, 2007, 1.
14. Eurasia Daily Monitor, Jamestown Foundation 4, no. 30 (February 12, 2007), 4.
15. Financial Times, January 5, 2008, 1, 4.
16. Moscow Times, March 5, 2007, International Herald Tribune, December 27, 2007, 3.
17. David Johnson’s Russia List, March 7, 2007, no. 55, item 35; Financial Times, March 12, 2007, 11.
18. Financial Times, November 29, 2007, Special Section, 3.
19. Financial Times, July 6, 2007, 6.
20. Leslie Dienes, “Natural Gas in the Context of Russia’s Energy System,” Demokratizatsiia, 15, no. 4 (Fall 2007), 408.
21. Moscow Times, March 5, 2007.
22. Kommersant, December 25, 2006, 8.
23. Moscow Times, March 5, 2007; Stern, 24.