Sergei Stepashin The former head of the FSB who served as prime minister from May 1999 to August 1999 and subsequently became head of the Duma Audit Chamber.
Sergei Storchak The deputy minister of public finance in charge of administering and investing the country’s stabilization fund. He was arrested on charges of embezzlement in late 2007 as part of what was thought to be an effort by some of the siloviki to gain control of the billions of dollars held in that fund.
Steven Theede An American who worked for ConocoPhillips and was later appointed as chief operating officer of Yukos.
Gennady Timchenko A long-time friend of Putin who with Putin is rumored to share the ownership of Gunvor, a company selling petroleum.
Andrei Vavilov A former deputy finance minister who became the predominant owner of Northern Oil, a company he eventually sold to Rosneft for a very expensive price.
Viktor Vekselberg An early oligarch who became a major partner in Renova, which has major holdings in Tyumen Oil. He also became one of the owners of SUAL, one of the country’s aluminum manufacturers. He also financed the purchase of the Fabergé eggs so they could be returned to Russia and paid for the return of the bells of the Danilov Monastery from Harvard University.
Rem Vyakhirev The president of Gazprom until he was not reappointed in 2001. Formerly he was the Deputy Minister of the Gas Industry.
Matthias Warnig A former Stasi Secret Police agent who befriended Putin when they were both stationed in East Germany. Waring later ran the Dresdner Bank office in St. Petersburg and was selected to head the Nord Stream pipeline project in the Baltic Sea.
Kurt Weldon A ten-term congressman from Pennsylvania whose daughter became the public relations principal for ITERA.
Grigory Yavlinsky An economist who worked for both Yeltsin and Gorbachev and who later became the head of the Yabloko political party.
Viktor Yushchenko The president of Ukraine.
Gennady Zyuganov The head of the Communist Party in Russia.
Arcelor A Benelux steel company that for a time considered forming a partnership with a Russian company.
Blue Stream A natural gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey under the Black Sea.
Eni / Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi An Italian energy company that became a major purchaser of Soviet oil and gas.
E.ON A German natural gas company that bought up Ruhrgas and has partnered with Gazprom in several projects.
Gasunie A Dutch pipeline company that is partnering in the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea.
GECF The Organization for Gas Exporting Countries which is a forum for gas producers. It as yet lacks the powers of an OPEC-type organization.
ITERA For a time, Russia’s second-largest producer of natural gas. It is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida.
Kharyaga An oil field located in Timan-Pechora, a northern province. The French company Total has the operating concession.
Kovykta A gas field located in northern Siberia. BP has the operating concession, but it failed to fulfill the terms of the production agreement with the state. As a penalty it was forced to provide an ownership share to Gazprom.
LUKoil A private oil company put together by Vagit Alekperov. ConocoPhillips now owns 20 percent of its stock. LUKoil purchased the Getty Oil filling station network.
Menatep The bank created by Khodorkovsky.
MOL A Hungarian natural gas utility.
NABUCCO A pipeline that the European Union is seeking to build as a way of bypassing Russian-controlled gas pipelines to Europe.
Nefteyugansk One of the main producing sites for Yuganstneftegas which was the main producing unit for Yukos until it was taken over by Rosneft.
NEGP The North European Gas Pipeline, now called Nord Stream.
Nord Stream The pipeline Gazprom is building in the Baltic Sea connecting Russia to Germany designed to bypass Poland and Ukraine.
Norex A Canadian oil development company that was pushed out of its development work in Russia by Tyumen Oil.
Norilsk Nickel A major producer of nonferrous metals controlled by Vladimir Potanin.
OGEC The Organization of Gas Exporting Countries, a possible OPEC.
OMV An Austrian utility company which is seeking control of MOL.
OneksimBank The bank formed by Vladimir Potanin.
Renova A U.S. company controlled by Blavatnik and Vekselberg which has major holding in TNK and SUAL, among others.
Romaskino For a time one of the world’s largest oil wells.
Rosneft The state-owned oil company that took over most of Yukos’s assets.
Ruhrgas A German natural gas distribution company that early on cooperated with Gazprom and owns shares in Gazprom. It was bought up by E.ON.
Samotlor A major oil-producing site in Russia.
SEGP A natural gas pipeline Gazprom is seeking to build from Turkey to Western Europe.
Sibneft The Russian oil company privatized by Berezovsky, who in turn brought in Abramovich, who in turn sold it to Gazprom.
South Stream Yet another natural gas pipeline which if built would transport gas in Southern Europe and compete with NABUCCO.
TNK-BP A 50/50 joint venture formed by BP and Tyumen Oil.
Tyumen Oil (TNK) One of the privatized oil companies; controlled by Fridman, Blavatnik, and Vekselberg, which formed a joint venture with BP.
Volga-Urals One of the oil fields developed along the Volga.
Wingas A natural gas joint venture formed between Wintershall, the German company, and Gazprom.
Wintershall A German natural gas distribution which has entered into several joint ventures with Gazprom.
Yukos For a time, the largest privatized oil company in Russia until it was taken over from Khodorkovsky; much of it was taken over by Rosneft.
Abkhazia, 149
Abramoff, Jack, 177, 225
Abramovich, Roman, 225
Sibneft and, 104, 112, 123–24, 225, 230
sports team purchase by, 204
Access Industries, 66, 225
Aeroflot, 103, 134, 174, 203
Afghanistan, 50–54
Africa, 181
Agroprombank, 67–68
Albats, Yevgenia, 195
Albright, Madeleine, 70
Alekperov, Vagit, 61, 65, 85, 125, 197, 225, 230
Alfa Bank, 64, 66, 107, 226
gas from, 4, 7, 47, 166, 178, 179
GECF and, 179
OGEC and, 164, 165
Alitalia, 203
Alkion Securities, 65
Allison, Graham, 52
aluminum industry, 110
Amoco, BP and, 70, 86
Ananenkov, Alexander, 183
Anderson, Richard J., 165
Anglo-Persian Oil Company (today’s BP), 25, 44
Anglo-Suisse, 84
APG. See associated petroleum gas
ARAMCO Consortium, 21
Arcelor (Benelux steel company), 203, 229
Arctic locations, 71–72. See also Sakhalin
Arkos, 28
Armenia, 150, 152
Arosgas Holding, 147