Loans for Shares and, 62, 64–65, 121–22
at Sakhalin, 72
Sechin and, 191, 195, 228
as state-owned, 3, 15
Vavilov, Northern Oil and, 114, 229
Yukos and, 79, 106, 120–23, 124, 127, 176, 190–91, 217n15, 225, 230
Rosneftegaz (Russian Oil and Gas), 61
Rosoboronexport, 124, 134
Rostekhnology, 193
RosUkrEnergo (RUE), 145–48, 226
Rothschild brothers, 20, 23, 228
Royal Dutch Shell, 28, 44, 71. See also Shell
RUE. See RosUkrEnergo
Ruhrgas (German natural gas company), 83, 167–68, 229, 230
Rusal (aluminum company), 123, 182, 226
Rusia Petroleum, 131
Russia. See also USSR
companies as partners, 202–4
as energy superpower, 3, 7, 10, 14–16, 17–32, 97–98, 170–209
investments abroad, 87–88, 169, 204–6, 224n55
investments in U.S., 87–88, 169, 206
as largest gas producer, 180
as largest petroleum producer, 4t-6t, 11, 15–16, 24, 50, 79, 89, 180
new assertive, 206–9
as oil exporter, 20–21
as oil importer, 39, 49, 53
overcommitment by, 181–84, 187
U.S. investments in, 87–88
U.S. petroleum production v., 4t-6t, 11, 20–22, 29, 32, 35t-37t
as victim of Dutch disease, 12–14
Russian Central Bank, 91, 100, 104–5, 187, 203, 226
Russian Credit Bank, 107
Russian Disease, 12, 190–91
Russian Oil Products (ROP), 28
Russneft, 124, 200, 227
RWE, 156
Rybin, Yevgeny, 108
Saakashvili, Mikhail, 150–51, 228
Sakhalin, 128–33, 162
Gazprom in, 129–33
Japanese in, 26, 72, 128–30, 185
PSAs and, 71–72, 129–33, 174
Sakhalin I, 72, 128, 131
Sakhalin II, 71–72, 129, 130, 135, 163, 185
Sakhalinmorneftegaz, 72
Sale & Company, 28
Samaraneftegaz, 121
Samotlor (oil-producing site), 38, 69, 230
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 173
Saudi Arabia
ARAMCO Consortium and, 21
OPEC and, 46, 88–89
petroleum production and, 11, 13, 35t-37t, 78, 79, 91
reserves of, 139, 180
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and, 50–54
SBS/AGRO bank, 65, 68, 228
Scaroni, Paolo, 89
Schlumberger, 26, 79
Schroeder, Gerhard, 228
gas and, 82, 136, 157–59
Nord Stream and, 157–59, 176–77, 228
on Putin, 172
Schweizer, Peter, 50–51
Sechin, Igor, 191, 192, 193, 195, 200, 228
SEGP (Turkey-Western Europe pipeline), 155–56, 230
Semenov, A. G., 18
Seven Sisters, 44–46, 136
Severstal, 203, 224n55
shabashniki (private work crews), 67
Shafranik, Yury, 114
Shah Deniz field, 154
arrangements with, 31
during Bolshevik Revolution, 25, 26
competition with, 97
General Motors and, 202
Rothschild brothers and, 23
in Sakhalin, 128–32, 135, 163, 174, 185
Shiobara, T., 197
Shleifer, Andrei, 56
shock therapy, 107, 226
Shtokman field, 83, 130–31
Shuvalov, Igor, 49, 163, 193, 228
Shvartsman, Oleg, 228
Sibneft, 230
Abramovich and, 104, 112, 123–24, 225, 230
Berezovsky and, 65, 68, 103, 104, 112, 123, 174, 228, 230
Gazprom and, 123, 184, 186, 230
renationalization of, 15, 104, 123–24, 134
Smolensky, Berezovsky and, 65, 68, 228
Sibneftegaz, 142
Sidanko, 65, 68, 69–70, 86
siloviki, 113. See also specific individuals
in business, 192, 193t, 194
children of, 196t, 197
renationalization and control by, 134t
Stabilization Fund, Storchak and, 200–201, 228
Slavneft, 124
Smolensky, Alexander, 65, 67–68, 228
Sobchak, Anatoly, 97, 139, 192, 228
Sochi Winter Olympics, 182
social problems, 198–202
Societa Minerere Italo Belge di Georgia, 26
Soiuznefteeexport (Soviet Foreign Trade Organization), 45–46, 68
Solomon Brothers, 84
Soublin, Michel, 111
Southeast Asia
recession in, 75, 77
recovery in, 96
South European Gas Pipeline. See SEGP
South Korea, 12, 162, 163
South Stream (natural gas pipeline), 10, 156, 230
sovereign investment funds, 204–5
Soviet Union. See USSR
Spain, 28
Stabilization Fund
monies in, 187
Storchak, siloviki and, 200–201, 228
Stalin, Joseph, 23, 30
Standard Oil
arrangements with, 28, 31
breakup of, 44
of California (today’s Chevron), 44
concessions and, 25–26
of New Jersey, 25, 44
of New York, 26, 28
Nobel brothers and, 25
Rockefeller and, 19–20, 228
The State Within a State (Albats), 195
steel, 40–41, 203, 224n55
Stepashin, Sergei, 94, 228
Stern, Jonathan, 183
Stillwater Mining, 69, 204, 224n55
stocks, 73–77, 81, 94. See also Loans for Shares
Stolichney (Capital) Bank, 67–68
Storchak, Sergei, 200–201, 203, 228
St. Petersburg Fuel Company, 200
“Strategic Planning and Policy” (King/Cleland), 99
“The Strategic Planning of the Reproduction of the Resource Bases” (Putin), 97–99
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, 208
strikes, 23
SUAL (aluminum company), 225, 229, 230
Suez Canal, 82, 157
supply and demand, 88–90, 164–65, 180, 182–83, 187–88
Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKH), 27
Surgutneftegaz, 61, 65, 124–25, 174, 197, 225
Sutton, Anthony, 27, 29, 213n51
Svartsman, Oleg S., 195
SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service), 195
Sweden, 28, 159–60
Switzerland, 12, 168
Taiwan, 12
tankers, for LNG, 47–48, 82, 138
barriers, manufacturing and, 202
on imports of American kerosene, 19
Tatar ASSR (Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), 34
taxes. See also specific companies
flat income, 79, 96, 151
privatization and, 56–57, 61, 64, 84–85
PSAs and, 174
Tbilisi, Georgia, 20, 149, 154, 161
terrorism, 82, 94
Terzian, Pierre, 184
Texas Company (Texaco, Chevron), 44
Thailand, 75
Thatcher, Margaret, 48, 138, 209
Theede, Steven, 110, 117, 229
Timan Pechora fields, 84
timber exports, 29
Timchenko, Gennady, 229
TNK. See Tyumen Oil
TNK-BP (BP/Tyumen Oil joint venture), 230
Dudley and, 91, 226
formation of, 64, 70–71, 86–87
Gazprom, Kovykta and, 131–32, 162, 185, 229
Putin and, 70, 126–27
Renova and, 230
Yukos and, 122
Togliatti, 202
Togobank, 93
Tolf, Robert, 25
Tomskneft, 121
Tosovsky, Josef, 208
Total (French company)
Kharyaga oil field and, 71, 132–33, 135, 229
Shtokman and, 130–31
trade surplus, 80, 91, 92t
Trans-Balkan Oil Pipeline, 161
Trans-Caucasian petroleum pipeline, 161