12 [R. Ruyer, Tl1t Gnosis of Princeton, p. 220.]
13 [On the Finl Principles, I, 7, p. 1 5, 22-5 Ruelle.J
Select Bibliography
Von Amim, H., ed., Stoicorum Vettrum Fragmenta, 4 vols, Leipzig 1903 (abbreviated SVF).
Diets, H., and W. Kranz, eds, Die Fragme11te der Vorsokatiker, 3 vols, Dublin/Zurich 1956, 8th edn, repr. 1974.
Long, A.A. and D.N. Sedley, The Hellenistic Philosophers, vol. 1 : Translations of the Principal Sourm, with Philosophical Commentary, vol. 2: Greele and Lati11 Texts TPith Note.f and Bibliography, Cambridge 1987, repr. 1 988.
Nauck, A., ed., Tragicorum Graecorur11 Fragmenta, Leipzig 1 889, 2nd edn, repr. Hildesheim 1964.
Apoplrthegmata Patrum (Tire Sayings of tire Fathm), PG 65.
-- English trans. : Tire Sayings of tire Dmrt Fatlrers, trans. Benedicta Ward, Mowbray 1 975.
Aristophanes, Nubes (Clouds), ed. K.J . Dover, Aristoplranes ' Clouds, Oxford 1 968, repr.
-- English trans.: Aristoplranes: The Achamians, Tire Clouds, Lysistrata, trans. and intro. Alan H. Sommerstcin, Harmondsworth 1973, repr. 1985.
Aristotle, Opera, ed. I. Bekker, Aristotelis opera, 5 vols, Berlin 1 83 1 , repr. 1 960.
-- English trans.: The Complete Works of Aristotle, Revised Oxford Translation, ed . Jonathan Barnes (= Bollingen Series 71 .2), Princeton NJ 1984.
Ariinotlc, Sop/1istici Elenchi (On Sophistical Refutations), trans. W.A. Pickard
AriHtotlc, IJe partil111s 1mimali11m (Part.f of Animals), trans. W. Ogle.
Select Bibliography
Aristotle, Protrepticus, ed. W .D. Ross, Aristotelis Fragmenta Selecta, Oxford 1 955.
-- English trans.: J. Barnes and G. Lawrence in J. Barnes, ed., 1 984, vol. 2.
-- German trans.: Der Protreptikos des Aris1oteles, trans., intro. and commentary Ingemar During, Frankfurt 1 969.
Athanasius, Vila Antonii (Life of Antony), PG 26, 835-976B.
-- English trans.: Athanasius. The Life of Antony and the Lei/er to Marce/linus, trans.
and intro. Robert C. Gregg, preface William A. Clebsch (Classics of Western Spirituality), New York/Ramsey NY /Toronto 1 980.
Augustine, De Trinitate (On tile Trinity), PL 42, 8 1 9-1098.
Basil of Caesarea, In 11/ud Allende tibi ipsi (Homily on the Words, "Give Heed to ThysefF')
-- L 'homilie de Basile de Cesaree sur le mot "observt-loi toi-mime ': ed. S.Y. Rudberg (= Acta Universitatis Stockliolmensis, Studia Graeca Stockholmensia 2), Stockholm 1962.
-- English trans.: Saini Basiclass="underline" Ascttical Works, trans. Sister M. Monica Wagner, CSC (= FC 9), Washington DC 1 950, repr. 1 970.
Basil of Caesarea, Regulae fusius trat·tatae ( The Long Rules; otherwise known as Asi:eticon magnum or Qµaestiones), PG 3 1 , 901-1 052.
-- English trans.: Saint Basiclass="underline" Ascetical Works, trans. Sister M. Monica Wagner, CSC {= FC 9), Washington DC 1 950, repr. 1 970.
Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, eds 0. Stahlin, L. Friichtel and U. Treu, in Clemens Alexandrinus [ = GCS 52 ( 1 5), 17], vol. 2, 3rd cdn, Berlin 1960; vol. 3, 2nd edn, 1 970.
-- English trans.: in ANF Z, trans. W.A. Wilson, Buffalo 1885, repr. Grand Rapids 1 977.
Damascius, Vita Isidori, ed. C. Zinzten, Life of Isidorus: Damascii vitae Isidori reliquiae
{= Bibliollieca graeca et Latina mppletoria I), Hildesheim 1967.
Diadochus of Photice, Kephalaia Gnoslica (G11ostic chaptel"s); Capita ce111um de perfectione spirituali (One Hu11dred Cliaptm on Spirilual Perfection), ed. Edouard des Places, SJ, in Diadoque de Photici, Oeuvres spiritue/les (= SC 5bis), Paris 1 955, repr.
with suppl. 1966.
Diogenes Laertius, Vitae pl1ilosopliorum (Lives of the Plti/o.(ophers), ed. R.D. Hicks, Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Emi11et1I Philosophers, with English trans. R.D.H. (LCL), 2 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1 925, repr. 1950.
Dorotheus of Ga1.a, Didaskaliai (Instructions), ed. with French trans., in Oeuvres spirituelles, eds L. Regnault and J. de Prcville (= SC 92), Paris 1 963.
-- English trans.: Dorotheus of Gaza: Discourses and Sayittgs, trans. E.P. Wheeler (= Cistercia11 Studies 33), Kalama1.oo 1977.
Epictetus, Opera, ed. W.A. Oldfather, Epictetus, The Discourses as reported by Arrian, the Manual, and the Fragments, with English trans. W.A.0. (LCL), 2 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1928, repr. 1 959.
Epicurus, Opera, ed. H. Usener, Epicurea {Sammlung Wissenschaftlicher Commentaren), Stuttgart 1 887, repr. 1 966.
-- ed. with English trans.: Epicurus, The E.\"lattt Remaitts, short critical apparatus, trans. and notes Cyril Bailey, Oxford 1926, rcpr. Hildesheim/New York, 1970.
-- ed. with Italian trans.: Epic11ro, Opere, t r11n11. Gr11zi1mo Arrighett i (= Biblio1/1er11
di rnl111r11 filMt!/ica 41 ), Turin I %0; 2nd c:dn, 197.1.
Select Bibliography
Eusebius, Historia etclesiastica (Ecclesiastical History), ed. with French trans. G. Bardy, Eusibe de Cesaree. Histoire mlesiastique, 3 vols (= SC 3 1 , 4S, SS), Paris 1 9S2-8.
Evagrius of Pontus, Praktikos, ed. with French trans. A. and C. Guillaumont, Evagre le Pontique: Traite pralitJUe ou le moine, vol. 2 (= SC 1 7 1 ), Paris 1 97 1 .
-- English trans.: Evagrius Ponti&us. The Praktikos. Chapters on Prayer, trans ., intro.
and notes John Eudes Bamberger (= Cisterdan Studies 4), Kalamazoo 1978.
Galen, De cognoscendis rurandisque animi morltis (On Diagnosing and Curing the Illnesses of the Soul ), ed. Joann. Marquardt (= C/audii Galeni Pergameni scripta minora, vol. I), Leipzig 1 884.
-- English trans: Galen On the Passions and Errors of the Soul, trans. P.W. Harkins, Columbus OH 1 963.
Gregory Nazianzen, Apologeticus de fuga (In Defense for his Flight to Pontus), PG 3S, 408-S l 3 .
Gregory Nazianzen, Epistula 31, trans. P . Gallay, in Gregoire de Nar.iarrr.e, Lettres t/rtologiques (= SC 208), Paris 1 974. @BIB PLUS = Gregory Thaumaturgus, In Origenem oratio panegyrica (Speech in Praise of Origen), ed. H. Crouzel, Gregoire le Thaumaturge. Remerciement ti Origine suivi de la lettre d Origine ti Gregoire
(= SC
148), Paris 1 969.
-- English rrans.: in ANF 6, trans. S.D.F. Salmond.
Homer, Iliad, English trans. : Tire Iliad of Homer, trans. and intro. Richmond Lattimore, London 19S l , repr. 1961 .
Homer, Odyssey, English trans.: The OtJ.vsse.J' of Homer, trans. Richmond Lattimore, New York 196S, repr. 1 97S.
Horace, Horace, Satires, Epistks and Ars Poetica, with English trans. H. Rushton Fairclough (I.CL), London/Cambridge MA 1926, repr. 1 947.
Horace, Horace, the Odes and Epodes, with English trans. C.E. Bennett (LCL), London/C..amhridgc MA 1 9 1 4; 2nd edn, 1947.
Horace, Odes, English tnins.: Horace: T/1e Complete Odes and Epotles with the Centennial H.vmn, trans. with notes W.G. Shepherd, Harmondsworth 1983.
John Cassian, Collationes Sanctorum Patrum (Conferences of the Ho(v Fathers).
--Jean Cassien, Conftrences, ed. and French trans. E. Pichery, Paris, vol. 1 (= SC
42) 1 966, vol. 2 (= SC 54) 1958, vol. 3 (= SC 64) 1 959.
-- English trans. : John Cassian, Conferences, trans. and preface Colin Luibheid, intro. Owen Chadwick (CWS), New York/Mahwah NJ/Toronto 1 985.
John Chrysostom, Ar/versus oppugnatores vitae monasticae .(Against the Opporrents of the Monastic Life), PG 47, 3 1 9-86.
John Chrysostom, Non esse ad gratiam con&ionandurn ( That One s/1ould not make Speeches intended to Please the Public), PG SO, 653-62.