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John of Salisbury, Po(vcraticus, ed. C.C.J. Webb, Oxford 1 909, repr. 1 965.

-- partial English trans.: John Dickinson, The Statesman 's Book of John of Salisbury, New York 1927.

--Joseph B. Pike, Frivolities of Courtiers and Footsteps of Philosophers, Oxford, 1938.

Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates ludaeorun1 (Antiquities of the Je11Js), ed. B. Niese, Flavii losephi opera, 4 vols, Berlin 1 887-90.

Justin, Dialol(llS mm Tryphone (Dialogue 11Jith Trypho), ed. E.J. Goodspeed, Die iiltesten ApoloRtlttl, G6ttiniccm 191 5.


Select Bibliography

Justin, Apologia (Apology), ed. E.J. Goodspeed, Die iiltesten Apologeten, Gt>ttingen 191 5.

Justin, Apologia secunda (Second Apology), ed. E.J. Goodspeed, Dit iiltesten Apo/ogeten, Gt>ttingen 1 9 1 5 .

Lactantius, Divinae institutiones (Divine Institutes), ed. and French trans. Pierre Monat

[= SC 204 ( 1 973); 205 (1973); 326 ( 1 986); 337 (1987), etc.].

-- English trans.: in Lactantius, The Divine Institutes, Boo/es I-VII, trans. Sister Mary Francis McDonald (= PC 49), Washington DC 1964.

Leonidas of Tarentum, Opera, ed. W.R. Paton, in The Grtele Anthology, with English trans. W.R.P. (LCL), 5 vols, London/Cambridge MA 1 953.

Lucian, Opera, eds A.M. Harmon, K. Kilburn, et al., Lucian 111ith an English Translation (LCL). 8 vols, London/Cambridge MA 191 3ff.

Lucian, lcaromennipus, in Opera, eds Hamon et al., vol. 2, ed. Harmon, 19 1 5, repr. 1 960.

Lucian, Charon sive tontemp/antes (Charon or tht Overseers), in Opera, eds Harmon et al., vol. 2, ed. Harmon, 1 9 1 5, repr. 1 960.

Lucian, Dialogi mortuorum (Dialogues of the Dead), in Opera, eds Harmon et al., vol. 7, ed. MacLeod, 1 96 1 .

Lucian, fluomodo historia conscribenda sit (Ho111 One Should Write History), i n Opera, eds Harmon et al., vol. 6, ed. K. Kilburn, 1959, repr. 1968.

Lucretius, De rerum natura (011 the Nature of Things), ed. W.H.D. Rouse, Lucretius, De rtrom natura, revised with new text, introduction, notes, and index M.F. Smith (LCL), 2nd edn, London/Cambridge MA 1982.

Marcus Aurelius, Opera, ed. A.S.L. Farquharson, The Meditations of tl1t Emperor Marcus Aurelius, ed., trans. and commentary A.S.L.F., vol. 1 : Text and Translation; vol. 2: Greek Commentary, Oxford, 1944, repr. 1968.

Marcus Aurelius, Marti A11rtlii Antonini ad se ipsum libri XII, ed. Joachim Dalfen, Leipzig 1 979.

Maximus Confessor, Various writings, in PG 4; 19; 90-1 .

Maximus Confessor, Maximus Confessor: Selected Writings, trans. and notes George C.

Berthold, intro. Jaroslav Pelikan, preface lrenee-Henri Dalmais, O.P. (CWS), New York/Mahwah NJ/Toronto 1985.

Metrodorus, ed. A. Korte, "Metrodori epicurei fragmenta," Jahrbiithtr fiir Classische Philologit, Suppl. XVII (1 890), pp. 529ff.

Olympiodorus, b1 Altibiadem, ed. L.G. Westerink, Commentary on the First Alcibiades of Plato, critical text and indices L.G.W., Amsterdam 1 956.

Origen, Contra Ce/sum (Against Ce/sus). ed. M. Borret, Origene, Contre Geise, 4 vols (=

SC 1 32; 136; 147; 1 50), Paris 1967-9.

-- English trans.: H.E. Chadwick, Cambridge 1 965.

Origen, In Canticum Can1icor11m (Commemary on the Song of So11gs), ed. W.A.

Baehrens, GCS 33, Berlin 1 925.

-- English trans. : Origen, The So11g of So11gs, Com111e11tal')' and Homilies, trans. and annotated R.P. Lawson (= ACW 26), London/Westminster MD 1 957.

Ovid, Metamorp/1oses, with English trans. Frank Justus Miller (I.CL), 2 vols, London 1 9 1 6.

Phil0 Jmlac:u111 Optr11, ed11 l .. Cohn ond P. Wemll1md, (1 voh1, llcrlin 1 8116 I CJ I S .

Select Bibliography

29 1

Philo Judaeus, De Specialibus /egibus (On the Special Laws), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 5, ed. Cohn, 1 906, repr. 1 962.

-- Text and English trans.: F.H. Colson (LCL), vol. 7-, London/Cambridge MA 1937, repr. 1 958.

Philo Judaeus, Vita Mosis (Life of Moses), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 4, Cohn, 1902, repr. 1 962.

Philo Judaeus, Ltgatio ad Gaium ( The Legation to Gaius), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 6, eds Cohn and S. Reiter, 1 9 1 5, repr. 1 962.

Philo Judaeus, De vita contemplativa (On the Contemplative life), in Opera, eds Cohn and Wendland, vol. 6, eds Cohn and S. Reiter, 1 9 1 5, repr. 1 962.Plato, Opera, ed.

J. Burnett, Oxford 1 900-7.

-- English trans.: The Collected Dialogues of Plato, including the Letters, eds Edith Hamilton and Huntington Cairns (= Bollingen Series 7 1 ), Princeton, NJ 1 96 1 ; 2nd edn 1 %3.

Plato, Apologia Socratis (Apology), trans. H. Tredennick, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plato, lathes, trans. B. Jowett, in ColleGted Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plato, Pl1aedo, trans. H. Tredennick, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plato, Phaedrus, trans. R. Hackforth, in Col/ecud Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plato, Republic, trans. P. Shorey, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plato, Seventh Leiter, trans. A.L. Post, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plato, Politicus ( The Statesman), trans. J.B. Skemp, in Collected Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plato, Symposium, trans. M. Joyce, in Co/lectetl Dialogues, eds Hamilton and Cairns.

Plotinus, Enneades, eds P. Henry and H.-R. Schwyzer, Plorini opera, 3 vols, Leiden 1951-73.

--·English trans. : Plotinus, trans. Arthur Hilary Armstrong (LCL), 7 vols, Cambridge MA 1 966-88.

Plutarch, Moralia, ed. and trans. F.C. Babbitt, Plutarch s Moralia, with English trans.

(LCL), London/Cambridge MA.

Plutarch, De com111u11ibus notitiis contra Stoicos (On Common Conceptions), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 1 3, pt. 2, ed. H. Cherniss, 1 976.

Plutarch, De deftctu oraculorum (On the Obsolescet1&e of Oracles), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 5, ed. F.C. Babbitt, 1957.

Plutarch, De tranquillilate animi (On Peace of Mind), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 6, ed. W .C. Helmbold.

Plutarch, Quaestiones conviviales (Table-talk), in Moralia, ed. Babbitt, vol. 4, ed.

C. Hubert, 1938, repr. 1971 .

Plutarch, Quomodn qw's suos in virtute sen1ia1 proftctus (How Ot1e may K11ow One is Maki11g Progress in Virtue), in Moralia, ed. Babbin, vol. 1 , ed. F.C. Babbitt, 1927, repr. 1969.

Porphyry, Ad Marcel/am, ed. W. Potscher, Porphyrios. trpoa MapKEllaµ, Leiden 1 969.

-- English trans.: Porphyry the Philosopher, To Marcella, text, trans. intro. and notes by K. O'Brien Wicker (= Society of Biblical Literature, Texts and Translations 28, Groeco-Roman Religion Series I O), Atlanta 1 987.


Select Bibliography

Porphyry, De abstinentia (On Abstinence), text and French trans., Porphyre: De L 'abstinence, Livre I, vol. I , text and trans. Jean Bouffartigue, Paris 1977.

-- Livres 2 et 3, vol. 2, text jean Bouffartigue, trans. Jean Bouffartigue and Michel Patillon, Paris 1 979.

-- English trans.: Select Works of Porphyry . . . Translated from the Greek, trans.

Thomas Taylor, London 1 823, repr. Ann Arbor 1965.

Porphyry, Sententiae (Sentences), ed. E. Lamberz: Porphyrius, Sententiae ad lntelligibilia Ducentes, Leipzig 1975.

-- English trans.: Select Works of Porphyry . . . Translated from the Greek, trans.

Thomas Taylor, London 1 823, repr. Ann Arbor 1965.

Proclus, Jn Alcibiadem (Commentary on Plato s First Alcibiades), text and French trans., Proclus: Sur le Premier Alcibiade de Plato11, text and trans. A. Ph. Segonds, 2 vols, Paris 1 985--6.

Quintillian, lnstitiutio Oratorica (Oratorical Institutions), text and English trans.