Schrijvers, P.-H., Horror ac Divina Voluptas. Eludes sur la poetique et la poesie de Lucrece, Amsterdam 1 970.
Schuh!, P.-M., and P. Hadot, eds, Le Neoplatonisme (= Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Sciences Humaines, Royaumont 1 969), Paris 1 971 .
Schwcingruber, F., "Sokrates und Epiktet,'' Hermes 78 ( 1 943), pp. 52-79.
Select Bibliography
Seebeck, H.-G., Das Sokratesbild vom 19. Jahrhundert, Gottingen 1947.
Spengler, 0., Der Untergang des Abend/andes, Munich 1923.
-- English trans.: The Decline of the West, by OsJPaU Spengler, trans. C.H. Atkinson, 2 vols, New York 1946.
Spiegelberg, H., The Socratic Enigma, New York 1964.
Spies, A., Mi/ital omnis amans. Ein Beitrag zur Bildersprache der antiken Erotik, Ttibingen 1930.
Spinoza, Benedict de, On the Improvement of the Understanding, The Ethics, Correspondence, trans. and intro. R.H.M. Elwes, New York 1 955.
Spoerri, W., "Gnome," in Der kleine Pauly, vol. 2, 1 967, cols 822-9.
Sudhaus, S., "Epikur als Beichtvater," Archiv fiir Re/igionsDJissenschafi 14 ( 1 9 1 1 ), pp.
Taylor, A.E., Varia Socratica, Oxford 191 l .
Thurot, Charles, E.t·traits de . . . manuscrits latins pour servir a l'histoire des doctrines grammatica/es, Paris 1 869.
Vauvenargues, lntroductio11 a la connoissance de /'esprit humain, suivie de Reflexions et Maximes, 1 746.
-- English trans. : F.G. Stevens, 1 940.
Vernant, J.-P., Mythe el pensee chez /es Crees, Paris 197 1 .
Voobus, A., A History of Asceticism in the Syrian Orient (= CSCO vol. 1 84, Subsidia 14; vol. 1 97, Subsidia 1 7), Louvain 1 958-60.
de Waelhens, A., La philosophie de Mar1i11 Heidegger (= Bibliotheque Philosophique de Louvain 2), 4th edn, Louvain 1955.
Wahl, J., Etudes kierkegaardiennes, 3rd edn, Paris 1967.
Weil, E., "La place de la logique dans la pensee aristotelicienne," Revue de Me1apl1ysique et de Morale 56 ( 195 l ), pp. 283-3 1 5.
-- English trans.: As ch. 6 in J. Barnes, M. Schofield and R. Sorabji, eds, Articles on Aristotle, vol. I: Scienet, London 1 975.
Wendland, P., Anaximenes von Lampsakos, Berlin 1 905.
Wild, J., "Kierkegaard and classic philology," Philosophical Review 49 ( 1 940), pp. 536-7.
Wippcrn, J., ed., Dt1s Problem der ungeschriebenen Lehre Platons (= Wege der Forschung 1 86), Darmstadt 1 972.
Abelard 33
Boethius' translation 5 1
abstraction, and oral tradition of
dialogue 2 1 , 22, 105-6
philosophy 20
discourse 28
Academicians 60
exegesis 7 1 , 72, 75
philosophy as a way of life 266, 269
Aristotle 1 90
on Socrates 1 53
Marcus Aurelius 1 89-90, 251
theory 29
perception 254-6
Arrian of Nicomedia 1 9 1 , 195, 1 99, 200
Africa, Thomas W. 180, 1 8 1-2
artists 254, 255, 256
Agathon 1 66, 1 69
ascetidsm 1 28
Alexander Severus 4
Asianism 67
assent see judgment
Philo's text, use of 65
Athanasius 1 3 1 , 135
translation of Plotinus 3, 5 1
attention to oneself
Andronicus o f Rhodes 72
Christianity 130-6
Antisthencs 9 1
displacement of 254
Antoninus Pious 57
Marcus Aurelius 1 98
Antony, St
Stoic spiritual exercises 84-5, 1 30
attention to oneself 1 3 1 , 1 33, 1 39
conscience, examination of 135
confessions in Conjessiom 186
conversion 1 3 1
Confessions, inspiration of 68
writing, therapeutic value 1 35, 209,
conversion 5 1 -2
2 1 1
exegesis 16-1 7
Apelles 266
Husserl's adaptation 65
Apologists 1 28
mistranslations 3, 66, 75
Apophthegmata 133
physics, logic, and ethics 26
Aristophanes 90-1 , 1 66, 1 69
rules of discourse 13
self, mystery of 1 5-17: original sin
absorption into Platonism 56
1 6, 52
exegetical phase 5
structure of work for spiritual
life, conduct of 58
progress 64
physics 97
Trinity 107
scholasticism 63
Aulus Gellius 190, 19 1 , 199
theory and practice, relationship
authentic texts 73-4
between 60
Barth, Casper 10
aesthetics 1 90
Barthes, Roland 56
Basil of Caesarea
Oearchus of Soloi 24 1
attention to oneself 1 30-1 , 134, 139
Clement of Alexandria 74, 1 28
watch of the heart 132
attention to oneself 1 30
Baudelaire, Charles 248
integration 269
Baumgarten 254
spiritual perfection 138
Oeonymus of Athens 74, 128, 241
as infinitive 5-6, 75
attention to oneself 1 30
negative theology of 6
integration 269
as participle �. 75
spiritual perfection 138
Bergson, Henri 253--4, 257, 258, 272, 278
conscience, examination of 131, 1 34-5,
Bernard, Paul 54
1 39
Bernard of Clairvaux 129
consolations 22-3
biographies of philosophers 30
contamination of paganism and
Blake, William 260
Christianity 4-5
Copernican revolution 253
es� and id quod est, distinction
cosmic consciousness 266, 273
between 6, 76
Courcelle, Jeanne 52
translation of Aristotelian
Courcelle, Pierre 50-2
commentator 5 1
Crantor 72
brevity o f existence 1 85-6
creative misunderstandings 6-7
cryptography, mystical 1 0-1 1
Caillois, Roger 256
Cambiano, Giuseppe 30
flight of the soul 245-7
Carus, G. G. 255
life, conduct of 58, 103--4
Casaubon, Meric 179
philo.11ophy as a way of life 266, 269
Cato of Utico 272
Celsus 74
Dailly, R. 180
CC-anne, Paul 255-6, 257
Damascius 104, 284
Chastel, Andre 243
Dead Poets ' Society 1 87
Chenu, M.-D. 73
awareness of: Antony 1 3 1 ; Epictetus
Hadot, influence on 277-a
1 3 1 ; Marcus Aureliu.11 1 3 1
historical evolution of philosophy 32,
Christianity 138, 1 39
107, 269-70
Epicureanism 222, 225-6
Kierkegaard's views 1 57
and flight of the soul 240-1
and paganism 4-5, 74-5
Lucretius' views 1 87
as a philosophy 1 28-30
Marcus Aurelius' views 1 87
spiritual exercises 1 27--40
philosophy as a training for 242
Chrysippus 1 23--4n
preparation for 68-9: consolations
happiness and wisdom 228
22-3; Epicurus 68, 95; Heidegger
lost works 53
96; Maximus Confessor 138;
and Marcus Aurelius 188, 190
meditation 59; Plato 22, 28, 68,
philosopher, concept of 30, 272
95, 96-7, 241 , 269; Socrates 94;
Stoic dogmas 61
spiritual exercises 93-1 0 1 ;
wine in the sea 229
Stoicism 68, 96, 229
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Delphic oracle 65
flight of the soul 240
Democritus 1 86, 24 1
infinity 1 84
demonic 1 64-5
philosophers 272
Dest.-artcs, Rene
self-mastery 1 35
philosophy RR w11y of lil'C 272
on Socrates I 52
NtJiritual exrrciNCN 3.l, 27 1
desire 1 1
philosophy as a way of life 267