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Epictetus 193, 1 94

physical vision of human reality 1 87

Hadot on 284

physics 97

Marcus Aurelius 195-7, 198, 201

serenity 136

and physics 12, 194

on Socrates 1 52

tyranny of 95

Socratic style 1 16 n

Diadochus of Photice


attention to God and oneself 132-3

cosmic conscioumess 266, 267, 268

dreams 135

ethics 208-9

dialectic and persuasion 92-3

exegetical phase 5


features 34, 3 5

learning to 20, 89-93

flight o f the soul 243, 245

philosophical work as 1 05

Hadot's interest iri 280-1

diatribe 63

library find 53-4

Dio Qtssius 1 80

life, conduct of 57, 58

Diogenes Laertius 1 1 8n, 123n

meditation 59

Diogenes the Cynic 98, 1 6 1

present, value of 69, 88, 209-1 0, 2 1 2,

discourse 26-8, 3 1 -2

222�, 259-60, 268

Dodds, E. R. 180

sage 252

Domitian 1 9 1

self-control 59

Dorotheus o f Gaza

spiritual exercises 1 26: happiness

attention to oneself 1 3 1

103; learning to die 95; learning to

conscience, examination of 1 34--5

live 87-9

meditation 1 34


obedience 140

death, philosophy as exercise for 68

peace of mind 1 38

discourse 27

self-mastery 1 35

dogmas, disagreements 61

sin 1 39

flight of the soul 243

spiritual perfection 136

meditation, dogmas for 60


philosopher concept 30, 272

Christianity 135

philosophy as a way of life 266

and flight of the soul 24 1

theory and practice, relationship

tyranny of desire revealed in 95

between 60

Zeno's beliefs l 1 3n

wisdom 57

During, I. 1 05�

Erasmus 33

duties 1 93

Eros 1 60-5

wisdom 265

Eckhardt, Meister 270

erotic irony 1 5 �5

eclecticism 2 1 0

escapism, ancient philosophy as 274

Effenterre, H. van 1 80

ethics 137

Einstein, Albert 283

Epicurean 208-9

Eleusis 28

Foucault 24-5, 206-7

Epaphroditus 19 1

and inclinations 1 2

ephemerality of human life 1 85�

spiritual exercises 23-5, 1 26-7

Epictetus 1 9 1

Stoicism 2�


death, awareness of 1 3 1

Euclid 64, 68

discourse 27, 267

Eusebius of Caesarca 4

exegesis 108

Evagrius Ponticus

and Marcus Aurelius 195-202

dreams 135

objective repre.">entation 1 88

self-mastery 135

philosophical topoi 1 2-13, 193-5

spiritual exercises 1 33



Evagrius Ponticus (e-ont.)

spiritual exercises 1 02

spiritual perfection 136-7, 1 38

Stoicism 227, 228

exegetical philosophy 5-7, 71--6

healing, Epicureanism 87

Augustine 16-17

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 272

scholasticism 63-4

Heidegger, Manin 272

existentialism 277, 278

death, philosophy as training for 96

Henry, Paul 5 1 , 279-80

Ficino, Marsilio 69

Heraclitus 68

Flavius Josephus 1 29

Herod Atticus 1 99

flight of the soul 238-48

hierarchy, Christianity and paganism 5

Foucault, Michel

Hippocrates 1 86

care of the self 206-1 2

historical psychology

enthusiasm for Hadot 1 , 206

Augustine 1 6, 1 7

ethics and spiritual exercises 24-5,

dangers I S


Holderlin, Friedrich

Friedmann, Georges 70, 8 1 , 97, 1 08, 282

erotic pedagogy 1 64

power and wisdom 235

and Socrates 1 67, 168

spiritual exercises 82: learning to live

Holzmann, Wilhelm 10

83, 86


friendship, Epicurean attitudes 88-9

dialogue 1 1 8-19, 195

Fronto 200

flight of the soul 238-9, 240, 247


Galen 1 80-1

carpe Jiem 88, 224-S

Gataker, Thomas 179

dialogue l 1 8n

Gesner, Andreas 1 79

present, value of 69, 224

Gilson, Etienne 277

Husserl, Edmund

Glaucos 1 02-3

Delphic oracle, adaptation of 65

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von l 76n

"know thyself" tradition 66

on demonic 1 64-5

perceptions of the world 272, 273

dialogue 2 1 7-21

world of science and world of

erotic pedagogy 164

perception 253

eternity 233-4

hypomntmala 1 1 , 179, 209-10

existence, joy of 234-5

flight of the soul 23s-9, 244-5

Ignatius of Loyola 82, 126, 1 27, 270

horror l 1 5n, 274

inclinations 1 1

poetry 239, 244-5

Epictetus 193

present, value of 69, 2 1 7, 220-1 , 222,

and ethics 1 2


Marcus Aurelius 195, 1 98, 201

on reading 109

indifference to indifferent things 86, 197

and Socrates 1 64

indirect communication 1 5 1 , 156

gratitude, Epicurean piety 87

infinity 184

Greek literature 50-1

Marcus Aurelius on 1 83, 1 84

Gregory Nazianzen 1 38

investigation, as spiritual exercise 86

Gregory Thaumaturgus 1 63-4

irony, Socratic

Groethuyscn, Bernard 25 1

dialectical 149-58

Guarducd, Margherita s-9

erotic 1 58-65

Guyau, J. M. 224

Jesus Christ I(}- I I

Hadot, Ilsetraut 22--3

John of Salisbury l 2'J

Hamann, J. G. 1 50

j udgment 1 1


l·:pictel UN l lJJ, l 'N



and logic 12, 194

cultivation of the self 207, 2 1 2

Marcus Aurelius 1 95, 198

death, awareness o f 131

Julian 4

divine providence 282, 283

jurists 57

and Epictetus 1 95-202

Justin 74, 1 28

flight of the soul 244, 245

Meditalio,,s: as spiritual exercise

kairos 221

1 79-91; style 133; underlying

Kant, Immanuel

structure 10-1 1 , 1 2-15

aesthetic perception 255

parmsis 107

ancient representation of philosophy 33

peace of mind 229

virtue, practice of 124n

physics as spiritual exercise 98, 99

Kepha/aia 173

political ideas 274

Kierkegaard, Seren

present, attention to 1 32, 226-8

Christianity 1 57

rhetoric 60

existence, seriousness of 1 56

sage 251

pseudonymy 1 50-1

Maritain, Jacques 277, 278-9

on Socrates 1 57, 1 58: erotic irony 1 59

Marius Victorinus 279-80

Klee, Paul 255, 256, 257

Marx, Karl 272

"know thyself" maxim 20

Marxism 278

Husserl 66

Maximus C.Onfessor 1 38

Socrates 20, 90

Maximus of Tyre 1 84

meditation 59-60

landscape-painting 255

Christian spiritual exercises 1 33-4

Leclerq, Jean 129, 1 30, 270

Epicurean spiritual exercises 87, 88

Leonidas of Tarentum 1 82

Socrates's disciples 91

listening, as spiritual exercise 86

Stoic spiritual exercises 85-6

live, learning to 82-9

by writing 195



and judgment 12, 194

monastic spiritual exercises 1 33

spiritual exercises 24-5

Stoic spiritual exercises 85-6

Stoicism 25-6

Merleau-Ponty, M. 253, 254, 256, 257, 273

logoi sokra1ikoi 149

meteoro/ogia 243

love, and Socrates 1 58-64

Metrodorus 208-9, 226, 266

Lucian 57

Meyer, C. F. 1 66

flight of the soul 245-6, 247

mistranslations 3, 66, 75


misunderstandings 6-7